Anime carbon monoxide comedies. The funniest anime so straight yelling

Anime carbon monoxide comedies. The funniest anime so straight yelling
Anime carbon monoxide comedies. The funniest anime so straight yelling

Delicate business. Everyone lives in its atmosphere, and all the muscles of laughter traveled in different ways. But the Japanese are professional jackets, and therefore know where to put pressure to be good.

The strength given to us by the gods of humor, dementia and courage, urge you to remove the thoughts about the fraternity of being and plunge into Valgall Japanese humor.

7. "Under the bridge over Arakawa"

By 22 years, he is rich, it is good and lives on the principle " never be anyone should". But oh: The universe makes him abandon his belief when adorable Nino saves it after falling from the bridge to the Arakawa River. Now KO must pay a savior something. She does not have a home, but she does not want a guy with diamonds, no fur coats, nor buckwheat. Nino asks just to love her and live with her all life. A non-standard plot with a pile of cupping-fucked heroes and in good upside down - and pouf, you have already been tightened.


6. "Dunni, tests, avatars"

At the Academy of Fumifezuki, the principle of "everyone by the mind" was led to Absolut: Hardworking geniuses enjoy all the benefits of progress and go with 13 iPhones, and lobotryasi sit in classes with broken windows and equipment from the 19th century. One day, Madnitsa, beauty and Komsomol Midzuki for pure chance Fackpite test and hits the school "bottom". And here the class of isoev suits the meaningless and merciless riot for their well-beingUsing avatars - urgent creatures type Pokemon, but not Pokemon.


5. "Sketa Dance"

The series about school naive predryakov, who organized "Ske Dance" - circle ready to come to the aid to everyone and everyone. Single club of good services. If you have lost a shift package, you have threw a girl or your cactus did not scatter for 5 years - Welcome, the doors "Ske Dance" are open. There is only one nuance: members of this club - not the most adequate creatures. But in this, in fact, the whole charm.


4. "little things of life"

The most common anime about the life of the most ordinary schoolchildren In a quiet town. With a robot. And speaking cat. And goats instead of Uber "a. And the school director who works as a wrestler. A torture, as we said. According to the laws of the genre, everything here can easily gain wholepon scale. Even if we are talking about eating Morning Manka without lumps.


3. "Cool Teacher on Anzuca"

Onidzuca Akiti - fallen alpha maleWhose aiku is not far from Aiku Toothpicks. Suddenly it is autumn in the brilliant idea that no better way to cling chick than being a school teacher. Cryposato? Yes. Successfully? Not really. Bombing? Absolutely. Yes, Eykiti is bad and absolute pofigist. "" came out for 17 years ago, he passed a severe test of time and became a classicAnd we still do not solve, we love this guy or adore.


2. "Devil on the part-time job"

Real Satan, King Darkness, Darth Vader Japanese Animation or just Sadao was one step from the capture of the world. But he broke his girl, and the guy was forced ensure to move to some other world. The Great Universal Randa threw Sadao in Tokyo 21th century. And since the King of Darkness does not own any skills, except for conquering peace, he has to FRISNESS in the fast food stall to somehow survive.

In the world of art, it is believed that the most difficult genre. It is much easier to bring the viewer to tears than to laugh. Stupidity, sarcasm, uncomplicated humor, comic characters, curious and ridiculous situations - the basis of comedy in the anime 2017. Naive stupid main characters fall in situations that can be characterized by the same words. Their short-sightedness and naivety draws them into the whirlpool of betrayal and deception, and the impeccable confidence in the world and people helps them from this whirlpool to get out.

Animation Japanese comedy cartoons, as a rule, include other genres - romantic, adventures And others - but sometimes there are, as an independent product of computer cinema. main feature comedy 2018. - This is an incredible ease of storytelling the plot, the atmosphere that blows by the guys and the unrestrained laughter of the viewer. Depending on the task of the scenario, the morality of the cartoon and the presence or absence of other genres in one animation work, it depends not only by the character of the characters, but also the riceman itself as a whole. As a rule, Japanese artists talk about the heroes and the morality of the cartoon with the help of a combination of paints and the subtleties of applying final strokes.

Anime fans at first sight can determine a positive hero, or negative, as well as what atmosphere hovers around these characters. On our portal you can find many colorful animated cartoons of Japanese production of the comedy genre, both self-canopod, and in aggregate with other, not less interesting genres, for example, Maho-Sydzo is also like a comedie genre. Comedy seriesCertainly the best satellite of a great pastime for the viewer of any age. Choose best Anime. And go to the world of unrestrained laughter and colorful positive.

In the world of art, it is believed that the most difficult genre. It is much easier to bring the viewer to tears than to laugh. Stupidity, sarcasm, uncomplicated humor, comic characters, curious and ridiculous situations - the basis of comedy in the anime 2017. Naive stupid main characters fall in situations that can be characterized by the same words. Their short-sightedness and naivety draws them into the whirlpool of betrayal and deception, and the impeccable confidence in the world and people helps them from this whirlpool to get out.

Animation Japanese comedy cartoons, as a rule, include other genres - romantic, adventures And others - but sometimes there are, as an independent product of computer cinema. main feature comedy 2018. - This is an incredible ease of storytelling the plot, the atmosphere that blows by the guys and the unrestrained laughter of the viewer. Depending on the task of the scenario, the morality of the cartoon and the presence or absence of other genres in one animation work, it depends not only by the character of the characters, but also the riceman itself as a whole. As a rule, Japanese artists talk about the heroes and the morality of the cartoon with the help of a combination of paints and the subtleties of applying final strokes.

Anime fans at first sight can determine a positive hero, or negative, as well as what atmosphere hovers around these characters. On our portal you can find many colorful animated cartoons of Japanese production of the comedy genre, both self-canopod, and in aggregate with other, not less interesting genres, for example, Maho-Sydzo is also like a comedie genre. Comedy seriesCertainly the best satellite of a great pastime for the viewer of any age. Choose best Anime. And go to the world of unrestrained laughter and colorful positive.

Japanese humor is not similar to us. But those who are a lot and persistently watch Anime will be proved to you that it is the Japanese jokes of the funniest and fearful. Do not listen to them - it is better to look at yourself! The list of best comedy anime will delay you in the world of Japanese animation. After all, it is in this genre for decades a real masterpieces are born. It is impossible to list them here: Open the list of the best anime comedies and you can easily find them all. Japanese animators are not constrained in the incarnation of their ideas: their comedy animation films can belong to any genre - from everyday life to fiction and even horrors. If you want to relax and have fun, then you are definitely here!

I do not understand what my husband says (Series 2014 - ...) (2014)
Why does the Kaoru, a normal young woman - a modern, working, sensible - marry the otaku? .. Well, what you say! Any wedding is still a wedding dress, and for the girl more and no need. And that with the fact that the husband is a blogger, a reviewer, sociopath and the nidzontrik, and that his younger brother constantly draws a manga with his participation, diverting Hadzim's role to Uce? In the end, everyone has its drawbacks.

I do not understand what my husband says (Series 2014 - ...) / Danna Ga Nani Wo Itteiru Ka Wakaranai Ken (2014)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): October 4, 2014.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sayak Horino, Rie Kugimia, Toshiyuki Sakai, Cori Simiji, Röko Shintani, Kenyiti Shizumura, Yukari Tamura, Daisuke Tonosaki

I quietly bother (serial) (2009)
Sumyik Murasame - High, Sport and Confident Challenge Class, in addition Master Karate. Austy Kadzama is a low, quiet and romantic librarian assistant. From the side they are exemplary best girlfriends from elementary school, but there is one problem. The fanzer hog falls in love with every prominent "cute" girl and then having a broken heart, calmly begins to look for the next object of worship, along the way complaining that it wanted to achieve reciprocity.

I quietly bother (serial) / Sasamekikoto (2009)

Premiere (peace): October 7, 2009.
Country: Japan

Starring: Ayahi Takagaki, Megumi Takamoto, EMiri Kato, Ayak Simizu, Chirome Harada, Saito Tiva, Mayuki Makiguchi, Riza Hayamiz, Ai Maeda, Sayuri Hara

Toriko (serial 2011 - 2013) (2011)
Imagine a huge planet, where all the thoughts of reasonable inhabitants are subordinated to how it is right, with taste, really and arrange to eat! The food was erected into the cult, even the strengths of this world thinking not about the enslavement of new peoples, but about compiling the menu of their own lunch. Only a third of the territory is the cured world of people, where the MGO is the International Gourmet Organization, although there are enough of the renewal countries, and shadow syndicates. Everything else is the endless world of gourmets.

Toriko (Series 2011 - 2013) / Toriko (2011)

Genre: Anime, cartoon
Country: Japan

Starring: Okiau Rotaro, Pak Romi, Brian Massa, Nana Mizuki, Hirata Hiroaki, Kadzuya Nakai, Akămi Okamura, Mumi Tanaka, Kappei Yamaguti, Yuriko Yamaguchi

Wonders of the Summer Color (TV series) (2012)
In a small coastal town of Simoda live and together study in the eighth grade four long-standing girlfriends. Direct and stubborn natsumi, serious and mannered Saki, a hyperactive Yuka and silent Rinko waiting for summer holidays - as it turned out, with different feelings. If Yuka and Rinko want to just relax and have fun, then Natsui plans reinforced tennis workouts with an eye on the country's championship. That's just a partner ignores the club, and the search for truth discovered that Saki moves and leaves school.

Summer Color Wonders (TV series) / Natsuiro Kiseki (2012)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): April 5, 2012.
Country: Japan

Starring: Minako Kotobuki, Ayahi Takagaki, Haruka Tomato, Aki Toryasaki

Tenti - extra! 2 (1998)
A charming girl Maiuki suddenly appeared in one hot summer day before Tenti and called him dad! Jealousy and envy forced Ryuka and Ayuka to fight with a new rival for the attention of Tinti. But who is her mother? Her mother is Yuzuh, the demon of darkness, which tweems Yusho, melting on him anger for more than 700 years! Mayuk is a clone, a Tinti and Yuzuhi hybrid, sent to steal it into the dimension of darkness. Therefore, Tenti must fight again to save their friends and Maiuku, her daughter she is it or not ...

Tenti - extra! 2 / Tenchi Muyô! Manatsu No Eve (1998)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, fantasy, comedy
Country: Japan

Starring: Masami Kikuti, Ai Orikasa, Yumi Takada, Chisa Yukoyama, Yuko Mizutani, Yuki Amano, Yuko Kobayashi, Etsuko Kodzakura, Dr. Aono, Dzunko IVAO

Desert rat (serial 2004 - 2005) (2004)
The Great Desert Kanto. The cemetery of the current civilization, the cemetery of the current civilization, a century later, who had fallen in a complete decline and left in memory of himself a gloomy essay of abandoned buildings. People scattered in the desert moisture a pitiful existence in a primitive struggle for survival, guided by the law of the jungle - who is stronger, that's right. Sunabodhom, nicknamed desert demon, feels like a fish in water. In the absence of a justice system, he restores justice.

Desert rat (serial 2004 - 2005) / Sunabôzu (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fighter, comedy
Premiere (peace): October 4, 2004.
Country: Japan

Starring: Tikhiro Suzuki, Tamio Oka, Tomoko Kotani, Hiroshi Kamia, Atsui Imarokuok, Najo Suzuki, Nosomy Masu, Dai Matsumoto, Tar Masuoka, Canta Miyakha

Yugio! (2004)
New film and with him a new game Shugo! He is very long carried away by the game in magic cards, and not so long ago, lucky him smiled like never before! Shugo received a legendary magic map called Red Eye of the Black Dragon. This famous and very strong card should help in the game, but there is little shigo, because he is afraid of losing. But the fate again interferes with the other Kaiba player knows about the wonderful map of Schigo. He really wants to get a card and suits the tournament ...

Yugio! / YU-GI-OH! The Movie (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, fighter, thriller, adventure, family
Premiere (peace): August 5, 2004.
Country: Japan, USA

Starring: Gregory Abbey, Sebastian Arselus, Ben Baron, Amy Bernbaum, Madelena Bulushtein, Darren Danstan, Dan Green, Kozi Issi, Shunsuka Kadzama, Hydichiro Kikuti

Raisin (1988)
The housewife from New Jersey Lila Kratocik has a dream - to become a pop actress of the spoken genre, to force the listeners to laugh until you fall. It is set to work an animator in the New York Club "Gaszokolontka" and finds out how difficult it is to be funny! For twelve weeks, in the evening, Lila goes on a small scene, takes a microphone in his hands and trying to merge people sitting in front of her. But an inexperienced comedian cannot be squeezed out of a skeptical public, nor a sword.

Raisin / Punchline (1988)

Genre: drama, melodrama, comedy
Budget: $15 000 000
Premiere (peace): October 7, 1988.
Country: USA

Starring: Sally Field, Tom Hanks, John Gudman, Mark Rydelle, Kim Grast, Paul Mazuric, Pam Mattezon, George McGrath, Taylor Negron, Barry Neikrag

Wizard Kaito 1412 (Series 2014 - ...) (2014)
The father of the high school student of Kaito Kaito was a brilliant magician, the second leak of which is Kaito Kid, the world famous famous thief. However, during the magic show, as a result of an unforeseen accident, the father of Kaito's kaito died. After 8 years, she accidentally learning about the second lichni of his father, Kaito began to suspect that his death was not just an accident, but perhaps he was killed. In order to shed the light of truth on these suspicions, putting a silk hat and wrapped in a white mantle ...

Wizard Kaito 1412 (Series 2014 - ...) / Majikku Kaito 1412 (2014)

Genre: anime, cartoon, detective, adventure
Premiere (peace): October 4, 2014.
Country: Japan

Starring: Kappei Yamaguchi, Mao Ithimi, Kitamura Erie, Mamor Miyano

How to create heroine from the usual girl (Series 2015 - ...) (2015)
Tomoy Aki - Otaku, who is enjoys the creation of games and works in several works if only to buy anime and games. Once it helps to catch a non-strange girl with the wind and under the impression of this scene decides to make a date simulator. A month later, he meets with the same stranger again. It turns out that the stranger is Kato Magumi, an inconspicuous girl student in the same school as Aki.

How to create from the usual Girl Heroine (Series 2015 - ...) / Saenai Heroine No Sodatekata (2015)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): January 16, 2015.
Country: Japan

Starring: Yositsugu Matsuoka, Kiyono Yasuno, Ai Cayano, Sori Onii, Sayuri Yakhaga

Graffiti of happy cuisine (serial 2015 - ...) (2015)
Ryu is a pretty oct girl who has long lived alone: \u200b\u200bthe grandmother died a year ago, and the parents work abroad, and even aunt in the New Year was littered with work. Before the grandmother left his life, she taught Ryo to cook. But during the years of loneliness, the girl began to seem that all the food she was preparing, inedible. So far, her second crestive came to her, which wished to learn in the same art school as Ry.

Graffiti Happy Kitchens (Series 2015 - ...) / Koufuku Graffiti (2015)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): January 1, 2015.
Country: Japan

Starring: Mikako Komatsu, Asuka Ohme, Sato Rina

Sound! Euphonium (serial 2015 - ...) (2015)
The plot tells about the music club of the Kitaudi school, who has always participated in a national Japanese music competition, but since the club has changed the mentor, his members did not take on the local qualifying competition of the Kansai region. But now, thanks to the strict leadership of the next mentor, they began to return to the form. The daily life of the musicians is full of takeoffs and falls and includes, for example, the struggle for the right to fulfill solo.

Sound! Eufonium (serial 2015 - ...) / Hibike! Euphonium (2015)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, music
Premiere (peace): April 8, 2015.
Country: Japan

Starring: Chica Anza, Tomoye Kurosava, Ayaka Asai, MEU Toto


Bakuman (Series 2010 - 2013) (2010)
Moritak Masiro does not know what I would like to do when he graduates from school. Once he draws a portrait of a girl from a class, which is secretly loved, and accidentally forgets notepad at school. Moritaka returns to class where his classmate Akito Takagi is waiting for him. He tries to convince the Moritaka to draw manga. First, the Moritak refuses this proposal. But once in the evening, Akito calls him and says that he has important information about the beloved Girl of Moritaki - Mauh's Adzuki.

Bakuman (TV series 2010 - 2013) / Bakuman (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, drama
Premiere (peace): October 2, 2010.
Country: Japan

Starring: Atsui ABE, Ayumi Fujimur, Kanji Hamada, Saori Hayami, Satosa Kryno, Kanya Horiuti, Shinji Kavada, Ayako Kavasumi, Hirofumi Nobyima, Nobukhiko Okamoto

Gintama (serial 2006 - ...) (2006)
Having captured the land, the aliens of Amato banned the wearing swords, the only one in whom still alive is truly the Japanese spirit - a self-confident sacrament of Gintoki Sakata. The clumsy glasses sympathy hire him in the disciples. The third in their team was the adorable kagura from the strongest in the Universe of Yatudzok family, and with her her pet Sadaharu - a pussy with a hippopotamus, who has a fun habit of gnawing his head to everyone who will be touched by the face. They call themselves "masters on all hands" and perform any orders

Gintama (Series 2006 - ...) / Gintama (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, comedy, adventure
Premiere (peace): April 4, 2006.
Country: Japan

Starring: Tomokaju Sugita, Rie Cugmia, Daisuke Sakaguchi, Satsuki Yukino, Kadzuya Nakai, Yu Kobayashi, Kenyiti Shizumura, Susumu Chiba, Akira Isis, Kudzira

Banto (serial) (2011)
The 16-year-old Yo Sato enjoy the spring life prevents the lack of money - in the school hostel they are fed only with breakfast, the rest of the total of a thousand yen per day, and more manga must be bought! So I drove a guy on the local department store, and then I woke up, I remember anything. Overlooking the chain of events, Sato realized that she accidentally wandered into holy place, where every night before closing the seller Cleet on the finished dinner-bento cherished labels of half price. After that, fighters grow out of the ground, and the royal battle begins.

Bento (TV series) / Ben-Tou (2011)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): October 9, 2011.
Country: Japan

Starring: EMiri Kato, Hiro Simono, Maria Isue, Ai Kayano, AOI Yuki, Ayana Taktatsu, Yu Chorie, Yuchi Iguchi, Yukary Tamura, Akira Isida

Warrior Wizard Louis (Series 2000 - ...) (2000)
The main character of Louis is the son of the Academy Rector at the Mages Guild and, part-time her student. As well as charming, the fucking to women and drinking a breakwater and a magnificent fist fighter. Troy-seekers of adventures: Zhrice Melissa, the warrior of Gini and Thief Miriel, the magician needed a magician to the team and they accidentally meet Louis. But it turns out that Louis, although he studies on the magician, he is much better to fight with bare hands and remedies.

Warrior Wizard Louis (Series 2000 - ...) / Rune Soldier (2000)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, fighter, comedy, adventure
Premiere (peace): April 3, 2001.
Country: Japan

Starring: Katzoyki Concycling, Kikuko Inaoe, Minds of Tomakhoma, Tomoko Kavakas, Akiko Jadzima, Sayuri, Codisi Yusa, Ryok Yuzuki, Miu Matsuki, Riiko Nagata

Candy fighting (serial) (2008)
Summary of the Candidi Fight Cartoon Movie. Unlike Kanadhe's twins and Yukino Sakuray arrived from the North Hokkaido in Tokyo to study together in high school. Dark-haired Canada, though younger for a few minutes, looks more mature and serious, and the charming blonde Yukino often behaves childishly openly and directly. But everything has the opposite direction - inseparality often lies insecurity, in naivety - true female wisdom.

Candy Boy (Serial) / Candy Boy (2008)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): May 2, 2008.
Country: Japan

DI GREY-MEN (Series 2006 - 2008) (2006)
The summary of the multiplication anime series "DI GREY-MEN". The action unfolds in Europe of the 19th century and talks about the thousand-year column building plans for the destruction of the world, with the help of the Akum created by him (daune demonstration) - human-like creatures, representing the live tools of evil and connecting the soul of the deceased person and a mechanical body. And fighting exorcistors who are part of the dark religious organization (black Order).

DI GREY-MEN (Series 2006 - 2008) / D.Gray-Man (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horrors
Premiere (peace): October 3, 2006.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sanaa Kobayashi, Shizuka ITO, Kenyti Shizumuur, Katsoyki Konsisi, Sakuray Takahiro, Aono, Iwat Mitsuo, Morikawa Tosiyuki, Janpey Takiguti, Okiau Rotaro

My story!! (Series 2015 - ...) (2015)
Tako year is a new high school student. That's just not similar to an attractive slender young man, every moment of "spring of youth" who is in joy. Not at all like. Large and cargo, unsightly on face, TAEO is comparable except with a two-meter cabinet that is funny over the sidewalk. And then there is also the best friend, Macoto Sunakawa, as for evil, writing a handsome man, who has no from the girl from the pen. With such a do not felt. However, the main character in early childhood realized that his friend was not an opponent.

My story!! (Series 2015 - ...) / Ore Monogatari !! (2015)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): April 8, 2015.
Country: Japan

Starring: Taku Yheguchi, Meguma Han, SimaDzaki Nobunaga, Yuna Enoki, Rina Kitagawa, Kadzuu Aoki, Kikuko Inaoe, Sigo Okota, Marie Hatanaka, Ren Kato

Wolf and Seven Friends (TV series) (2010)
What is the most valuable in the world? Of course, friendship! And friends should help, and not only each other, but also everyone, not forgetting along the way to remind the ancient principle of "Service for the service" ... This is what the mysterious "Mutual Community Club of the Academy of the Academy", each of whose members is playing someone from Characters of world culture, solving problems of comrades in study. And, although the problems of Japanese high school students are a lot, real enthusiasts work in the "Cash Mutual Complex".

Wolf and Seven Friends (Series) / Ookamisan To Shichinin NO Nakamatachi (2010)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (peace): July 1, 2010.
Country: Japan

Starring: Terry Doto, Cherami Lee, Yu Chorie, Irino Miya, Shizuka ITO, ITO Kanae, Hiroshi Nodzima

Wind print (serial) (2007)
Ayana - a representative of the cannagi clan - clan Mages of Fire, who received blessing from the Spirit of Fire. This applies to all its members with the exception of one, Kazuma. He was not able to master the power of fire, and after Ayana struck him, was expelled from the clan as a person, leaving a stain on his valor. Soon he changed his surname on Jagami and left Japan. However, four years later, for which he managed to master the strength of the wind, he returns to the country where he was born.

Wind Printing (Serial) / Kaze No Sutiguma (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): April 12, 2007.
Country: Japan

Starring: Josh Grell, Cherami Lee, Robert McColam, Mark Stodardard, Carrie Savage, Monica Rial, Dysuke, Iiui Fujimur, Rick Morinaga, Masaki Tarasoma

Strong Kiss: Cool and Sweet (Series) (2006)
16-year-old Sunao Conoe from childhood adores the theater - after all, she is a daughter of a famous actress. And if you consider that the Father is a military, then Sunao with a 10-year-old sister Honoko also and easy to rise, traveling all Japan. Of course, in each school KONOE consisted in the theater club and, having arrived in the town of Matsukas, began to look for him in the new school of Ryumaican. Very soon, the girl realized that in the school "Dragon Ryuva" everything is not like people.

Strong Kiss: Cool and Sweet (Serial) / Tsuyokiss: Cool × Sweet (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): July 1, 2006.
Country: Japan

Starring: Nana Mizuki, Saki Fujita, Nana Inae, Mei Nakhara, Yu Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Tyunaga, Mayuko Omimura, Arisima Moy, Kumi Sakum, Tomoko Keda

Mingi sisters (serial) (2007)
The summary of the Mingi Sisters cartoon film. Lived, the sisters were mines, three Japanese schoolgirls are the eldest, prudent Haruka, medium, unscrewed cana and younger, insidious typhics. Every day they went to school, they prepared food, watched the series and communicated - with each other, with friends and girlfriends. Study, late, first love letters in boxes for shifts, draws, misunderstandings, funny nicknames and sugary competitions ... In short, idyllic school routine.

Minami sisters (serial) / MINAMI-KE (2007)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): October 7, 2007.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sato Rina, Marina Inoue, Minori Chihara, Momo Quera, Sintaro Asanum, Tsuya Kakihara, Riiko It, Saori Goto, Rick Morinaga, Reiko Takagi

Bamboo blade (serial 2007 - 2008) (2007)
The young and eternally hungry teacher Isis Toradi on the nicknamed Codziro for the sake of part-time leads the school club Kendo. In college, he was notable to a bamboo sword, but now it was lazy, as a result, the club left almost all the students, except for the pair of dykens of hooligans and captain - a cheerful fortress of Kirino Tiba, very not indifferent to Sensei. So everyone would live, but Codziro was pleased to argue with the old companion to study and sport, that his female team would soon beat the team "SEMPAY".

Bamboo Blade (Series 2007 - 2008) / Banbû Brêdo (2007)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, comedy
Budget: ¥ 9,500,000
Premiere (peace): October 1, 2007.
Country: Japan

Starring: Chris Barnett, Lucy Christian, Lea Clark, Terry Doti, Stephen Hoff, Lee Chers, Brina Palencia, Christopher Sabat, Carrie Savage, Yen Sinclair

You know, I avoided this for a long time, but still decided to start making anime-ratings, and this time the choice fell on comedy.. I avoided, because, first, I did not consider myself a rather experienced amateur anime (and now I do not consider it), and, secondly, because all these ratings compiled by one person are extremely subjective, and reflect only the author's opinion which can radically differ from the opinion of most people. Therefore, I want to warn: The purpose of the compilation of this rating is not to raise Holivar on the topic "How could you not include such a title in it? Are you very stupid chtoli ??? , and attempt to advise those comedies that liked personally, I.

Of course, I turn on the rating of only those tiatls that looked at himself. Therefore, if you do not see in the ranking some good comedy, there is a chance that I either did not look at it, or I did not like it - it also happens. In addition, in the rating I tried not to include romantic comedies and comedies with Etty elements - a separate list will be created for them. In addition, I did not include the Taitle rating, in which the comedy is not the prevailing genre. So, let's go. I present to your attention my top 10 comedy TV series.


Very worthy comedy about the life of the most steep schoolboy in the world. Cool when removed. Cool when punished. Cool when dins. The whole life of Sakamoto is literally permeated with the steepness and grace. In each series there are some decent jokes that are mixed with a whole range of insane and wild moments. Anime will not like everything, so if you are in thought - look a couple of episodes. If you like it, then safely continue to view. If not, it is better not to torment yourself. Oh yeah, OPNing from Sakamoto Divine.


A set of comedy miniatures from the life of schoolchildren, the author of the script for which is the creator of Gintama. Let's just say, I was not delighted with the viewing, but I would not note this title would be wrong. After all, in essence, among a large number of neglected miniatures there are a number of very suitable and vital. So, I think it is worthwhile to give a chance to this tiatl. In addition, he really has a lot of fans.


There is a very lazy guy named Tanaka. So lazy that most of his time he sleeps, and all the remaining time feels tired (as it is familiar, Lol). It is good that he has a faithful friend who takes him on his shoulder everywhere. kun. wA. Itsumo. Kedaruge. It is a visual example of the fact that even from anime about schoolchildren can make a light, good and original comedy, over which you can laugh.


Good, cute and vital comedy about a girl who, after school, decided to get a job as a company for the production of games. Anyone, at least once worked in the office, will be familiar with the situation taking place with heroines, like a constant shutdown and turning on air conditioning or sleep in the office in front of Deadlands. Cute heroines, excellent graphics and abundance of life situations with a very unobtrusive plot makesNew Game.! An excellent candidate for viewing after a hard working day.


He lived, did not stead the Lord of Darkness at home, captured the lands alone after others, drank blood from the skull - in general, he had a happy childhood, full. But once the bright knight took, and raised a rebellion against the usurper. I had to hold the Vladyka to retrete from my kingdom through the portal leading directly to another, the most ordinary, world. And in it, damn it, Magic does not work, so the lord of horror decided to get to work in the local analogue of McDechak - I want to eat, and I need to pay for rent a apartment. Such is a funny and unusual comedy.

5. +

Even despite the fact that various studios were engaged in the production of Taitle data - MADHOUSE. and Bones. Accordingly, I still believe that they should be considered as a whole, for the main idea and spirit in them is very similar. It is not surprising, because the basis of the work of the manga with a pseudonym One was based on. Stunningly dynamic comedies with great musical and visual accompaniment, they will tell you the story about the hard life of people endowed with superconductances. The only thing that is slightly straining is the abundance of causing, sometimes even the addict commercial humor, to which, however, quickly get used to. I personally, I. One. Punch Man., I. MOB. Psycho. 100 I really liked, and I look forward to continuing.


Before you, a non-trivial comedy about schoolchildren who united to create manga. The plot is simple enough - the girl Chiya Sakura falls in love with a high and beautiful guy from his school, which is the author of Södzo Manga. Not daring to admit, she becomes his assistant. The emphasis in Taitle is made on the interaction of characters and a multitude of miniatures, whose participants they become. Beautiful rice and suitable music only add points to the Piggy Bank of Taitle.


Konosuba will show you as a guy Hikkan Sato Kazuma dares in a ridiculous way, but it does not fall into paradise or hell, and in purgatory, where the Miloid Goddess makes him a sentence: or are you going to boring paradise, or you go to the parallel world to deal with the breeding of the Lord chaos. Well, Sato and decided to try happiness in the parallel world, and at the same time he captured with him and the goddess. After arriving at the place, and typing the team from ridiculous assistants, it is sent to meet the adventure. Very funny and kind comedy with a variety of humor, unobtrusive plot and extremely charismatic characters.


The only comedy in the list, which, despite its considerable length, I looked at least five times, and sooner or later I see still the same. This is a story about the Teacher Eykiti Onidzuk, twenty-four years old from the family who decided to become a teacher to glue young girls. But fate ordered that he was taken to work in high school, straight into a class with the most difficult students who survived the three former class leaders. But Onyzuka never gives up, and step by step conquers respect for students, sometimes resorting to the most non-standard methods. Even despite the fact that the anime was back in 1999, it looks in one breath. Damn, you knew how to make high-quality titles before ...


Here without options. The candidate for the position of the best comedy that ever appeared on the light may be only one. And it has long been the legend of Gintama. What is special in it? The fact is that this is a very versatile tartal, in which what is not obscured. For two hundred and excess episodes of the first season, Gintam never ceases to amaze a variety of humor and approaches to the narrative: comedy arches with the Japanese causing humor suddenly replace the drama from which you want to cry. Separately, I would like to note the magnificent plains and endings, as well as bright, memorable characters. This ... It's just necessary to look at yourself, and do not throw browsing after the first ten episodes, because, as Gintama is constantly evolving.

That's all. I hope this top will be useful to you. I repeat once again - if you do not see one or another Tistle in the ranking, I probably did not look. When my hands reach, I'll see him, and if I like it, I will update the rating.

Rudean, Special for site

P.S. List of potentially good comedies that I have not watched:

Working, Bakaramon, Nichijou, Beelzebub, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Lucky ☆ Star.