Jokes about girlfriends. Jokes

Jokes about girlfriends.  Jokes
Jokes about girlfriends. Jokes

Newspaper "Speed-info"
- one of the most interesting entertainment publications in Russia. Published by the publishing house "Speed-info" since 1989. An entire generation grew up with this newspaper."Speed ​​Info" from the very first issues won genuine interest among a wide readership due to its materials on the topic of sex. The newspaper "Speed ​​Info" then covered topics that were taboo in the USSR, because there was no sex in the USSR, so it very quickly became a mass publication and sold millions of copies. Time passes, but the readership's interest in sex is also strong. Moreover, in our time, it is the correct presentation of such materials, especially to the younger generation, that is valuable, which is what distinguishes the Speed-Info newspaper for the better. Here is everything you can and need to know about life and sex, without dirt and vulgarity!

On the pages of “Speed ​​Info” today, topics of sexual health and sexual skills are covered in an interesting and detailed manner, and any questions regarding sexology in people’s lives are discussed. Readers' questions are answered by eminent psychologists and sexologists, professors of modern medicine in this field. Readers trust the newspaper with their most intimate information (the “Upside Down” section) and receive professional advice on its pages. Each issue of the publication has a reader's forum where topics such as choosing a partner for life and sex, the psychology of meetings and partings, and the eternal theme of the triangle in relationships are discussed. Some of the materials are addressed to self-confident women (erotic cuisine, the magic of beauty, love, pregnancy and career). The newspaper has a special place in the interesting sections “Lives of the Unsaints,” as well as exclusive interviews and photo galleries about the sexual lives of stars. The newspaper contains materials about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, advice and recommendations from doctors on this topic. And finally, as an entertainment component, in "Speed ​​Info" you can find erotic stories and photo reports, erotic cartoons, jokes and ditties.

"Speed-info" is by far the best newspaper, this is 40 pages of useful information presented in an interesting way! The publication is published on colored newsprint and coated paper, once every 2 weeks, circulation of almost 850,000 copies. Speed-info has federal distribution (all regions of Russia), by subscription, and retail. The audience of one issue in Russia reaches 2,098,000 readers. "Speed-info" is a VERY INTERESTING NEWSPAPER for a mass audience in Russia. And the company "Phoenix Media Group" can offer VERY INTERESTING CONDITIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISING in "Speed ​​Info"!

Genetic engineering is one of the most mysterious and therefore interesting sciences of our time. Did you know that there are already developments that can turn the very concepts of flora and fauna on their heads? Do you believe that the notorious biorobot is not a science fiction character, but a reality just like a personal computer? The population is growing day by day, but everyone needs to be fed. Old, well-studied and therefore easily curable diseases are being replaced by new, still terrible ones, such as AIDS. Oncology too relax...


In the novel "Corpus", the protagonist's world is constantly turned upside down, the lies of reality are constantly fighting with the truth of memories, which he himself cannot believe in. And only gradually, step by step, breaking the web of reality, he realizes that his whole life, over the past four years, is just someone’s fantasy. A person who comes to him in a dream helps him break out of the vicious circle of a ghostly existence.

Labyrinth Alexander Bushkov

Provincial chronicle of the beginning of autumn Alexander Bushkov

In the story that gives the collection its title, according to the author, the most famous myths of Ancient Greece are turned on their heads, their time sequence is disrupted, and in some places legends are mixed with real history. However, one of the heroes, Rino, the interpreter of dreams, existed in reality.

Wings of Destiny Artem Tikhomirov

In the life of the professional hero, fighter pilot Jule from Binch, everything seems to be going as usual, until one fine day a banal clash with a gang of air pirates turns everything upside down. There is a smell of frying in the air, secrets are growing by leaps and bounds, and then the stunning blonde Elsa appears - the new pilot of the Air Escort Squad - and Julie, having managed to marry her, understands that now just hold on... And then - chases, fights , air battles, treasure hunts, as well as sorcerers, secret...

Why unnecessary words?

Michelle Selmer

Sometimes fate deals so many cruel blows that life loses almost all meaning. For doctor Pete Morgan, everything turned upside down literally in one minute. And if it were not for meeting the kind, charming and incredibly sexy Maggie Holm, it is unlikely that he would have been able to find happiness.

My chocolate baby Olga Stepnova

Everything is like in a Hollywood movie, but against the backdrop of Russian scenery, a dark-skinned orphanage is making a place for herself in the sun in the capital’s jungle. A rich daddy, a wounded gangster and a rain of luxurious diamonds are a bright spot in the life of the mulatto girl Kat. But the capricious scenario of her fate turns everything upside down: the daddy is shot, the gangster goes on the run, and the chocolate beauty is accused of murder and put in a Moscow detention center with bedbugs. True, there are diamonds left!..

Good Evil Love Tatyana Tronina

The sweet girl Natasha had everything going well: an interesting job, her sister’s friendly family in which everyone loved her, an offer to marry a wonderful young man... And suddenly Natasha’s life turns upside down! It’s just some kind of obsession: seeing a stranger at a table in a cafe, the girl, as if bewitched, follows him. Having learned that a stranger, whose name is Nikita, is writing a script for an unusual auteur film, Natasha decides to become his guardian angel. By doing this, she unwittingly destroys both her personal life and Nikita’s. But Natasha...

Our hero, of course, can be envied - he has almost everything a person dreams of. He is attractive, not at all stupid and rich. He has a favorite job, a position in society, women and a whole chest of secrets from the past, which he sacredly guards. Brian lacks only one thing that, oddly enough, cannot be bought for any money - happiness. However, he understands this only when the woman he once shared with his father appears in his life again. A woman who in one moment turns his life upside down...

Right of the first night Ekaterina Krasavina

I always felt like an outsider in the family. Not a kind word, not a friendly look... Even my sister moved away from me and leads some strange life, hidden from everyone. One day I saw my Nika in a glossy magazine, dressed to the nines. Of course, it was not a sister, but simply a very similar girl, the daughter of a major businessman Angela Vikentyeva. Who would have thought that this photo would turn my life upside down! It so happened that I met Angela, her father, and even my fiancé Ruslan. But why did Ruslan suddenly decide to make a date...

Winter War in Tibet Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The planet after the nuclear disaster. Wild, brutal people are destroying the last remnants of technology, in which they see the cause of what happened. But somewhere on the plateaus of Tibet (this place, Dürrenmatt commented, may be much closer) people continue to fight. Who are people fighting against? What and who are they protecting? Why do they lose their arms, legs and heads? The enemy is a fiction. There is no homeland. There is an invisible Administration and mercenaries, representatives of different peoples and races, destroying themselves and their kind...

Five days of continuous circus Marina Turovskaya

What prompted the self-confident, financially secure girl Nastya to get a job as a cleaner at the circus? Of course, betrayal of a loved one. And the circus is just a circus, so that extraordinary things happen in it, which are in no way possible to calculate and predict. New love, secret weapon, theft of a huge amount of money, explosions, mysterious murders, FSB intervention... In five days, Nastya’s boring, balanced life has been turned upside down!

Almond Nejma

“Almond” is not another, written and rewritten love story. An unexpectedly daring, shocking novel by an Arab writer who dared to speak openly about female sensuality, turning traditional ideas about the mores of Islamic society upside down. Orthodox Christians are calling for Nedzhma and her books to be burned, which is understandable. Political scientists consider it the forerunner of a social revolution, which is not excluded. Critics compare him with Rabelais and Khayyam, which is not far from the truth. Although, first of all, “Almond” is a jubilant song of female freedom. And ammonia...

Immortal regime zone Felix Razumovsky

In the secret archives of the Ministry of Defense he is listed as retired sailor Danila Glebovich Brodov. His fellow soldiers call him Commander, his accidentally surviving enemies call him FARShtevn, and the long-legged beauty from pre-dawn dreams calls him Svalidor, the Guardian of the Axis. Everything in his life is mysterious, ambiguous, shrouded in mystery. And it is not surprising that it is he, Danila Brodov, who finds himself in a story that boggles the imagination. Into history, where the past and the future are intertwined, where the laws of the universe are turned upside down; into a story that in its essence rejects the generally known...

Cunning temptress Debra Dyer

The novel takes place in London. Emma Wakefield, a dedicated spinster who ran the family's affairs for many years, believed that she could easily catch whoever kidnapped her cousin Charlotte. But when the charming Marquess Sebastian Andover escaped captivity and appeared in her bedroom, insisting that he could find the real criminal, Emma realized that her life had been turned upside down. For the first time, she lost control of her desires and feelings. The adventure promised to be delightful and dangerous.

Greens and Grays Timothy Zahn

The strong Heinlein tradition, of which Timothy Zahn has long declared himself a worthy successor, is especially clearly manifested in this novel. Opposing alien races that have infiltrated into earthly society and a simple American family, unwittingly drawn into their universal conflict - it would seem that in science fiction there is no more banal situation. But this is what a master is all about: suddenly, unexpectedly for the reader, he turns the plot upside down, and now, as in the eyepiece of a kaleidoscope, the picture completely changes, the simple turns into the complex,...

The Spy I Killed Nina Vasina

Analyst and Playboy model, sniper and simply beautiful woman - superspy Eva Kurganova this time faced a case in which everything was turned upside down... An agent who came on a secret mission to the Opera and Ballet Theater disappeared without a trace. He had with him materials from the secret development of new strategic weapons. One thing is absolutely certain - he did not leave the theater building. Costume shop employee Nadezhda Bulochkina was clearly involved in the agent’s disappearance. She definitely knows something, but she is ready to talk only with Eva Kurganova. She makes an appointment...


What is more dangerous - a firearm or a swimming pool? What can school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers continue to live with their parents? How much do parents and the choice of a child's name really matter? The answers to these and other unusual questions concerning modern society and beyond are provided by the book of the young American economist Steven D. Levitt, co-written with journalist and writer Stephen J. Dubner. Immediately after its release in the United States, the book became a bestseller and caused...

Princess Brambilla Ernst Hoffmann

“Do not be angry, dear reader, if the one who has undertaken to tell you the story of Princess Brambilla exactly as she was conceived in the perky drawings of Master Callot, without ceremony, demands that you, until you finish reading the tale to the last word, voluntarily surrender to the power everything miraculous - moreover, I believed in these miracles at least a little. [...] I must tell you, kind reader, that I - perhaps you know this from your own experience - have more than once managed to capture and put into a minted form fairy-tale images - at that very moment...

I went on vacation alone - my friend couldn’t support me, she stayed to work in the office in the very heat.

Interrogation with predilection

My husband and I love to experiment in bed. Of course, we haven’t gotten to the tricks from sex shops yet, but we are mastering role-playing games.

For a long time we could not be alone with Pavlik, although our lips had long been swollen and sore from kissing. It seemed that his hands had already explored me well in the most secret places, but he never got to the main point.

My husband persistently looked for an apartment with at least the tiniest storage room. And I was still surprised by this.

There was one nasty teacher at our institute, a bore, who demanded knowledge of his subject inside and out. Of course, many skipped school and didn’t learn anything.

My husband has always been interested in fishing. At first I was worried - I thought he was leaving to actually drink with men and misbehave with other people’s girls.

I work in a women's team. Or rather, I manage the woman’s kingdom, since I am the boss. We have only one or two men, it’s hard.

From the outside, my husband and I imagine people dressed to the nines and in modern trends. Serezha wears ironed shirts and stylish suits to work.

After divorcing my husband, my mother kept crying that it was in vain that I agreed to separate. The family must be preserved and all that. What for? There were no children, love was gone, and interests diverged like ships at sea.

Gena saw it on TV and became attached so that he and I could try it too. They talked about how in some establishments in Japan, men eat sushi and all sorts of other exotic foods directly from women.

I have never been attracted to all sorts of figments and winks on a woman. I'm talking about erotic lingerie. What's so beautiful about it?

Games of naked men

I love looking into other people's windows. I’m not being impudent at all, and the neighboring house, which is opposite mine, is not so close. I see small and not so distinct pieces of someone else's life.

Before we got married, my husband and I had nowhere to make love. It happened in a hurry a couple of times, and I couldn’t understand anything. But there was a storm of feelings - and he and I very quickly went to the registry office. And after my wedding night, I wanted to run away from Maxim.

I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and I was overcome with horror and fear. My Varenka was lying by the bed on the floor: one leg was turned out, her arms were scattered, and under her head. puddle of blood!

Fears of a comrade

I returned from the army wounded in every way. He suffered both mentally and physically due to an exploding grenade. He was slightly shell-shocked, suffered from hearing problems, and was also hit in the groin by a tiny fragment. He remained a man, but somehow every now and then.

What do you think a woman smells like? In literature, of course, they like to express this beautifully: the weaker sex now smells of cherry leaves, now of wormwood, now of honey and milk, now of the wind. By the way, the wind smells like dog. I checked it myself.

Every woman has her own G-spot. I’m not talking about the one that experts seem to have found, but it seems like it doesn’t exist. No, it can be anywhere on the body. I also have my own secret. True, I didn’t admit it to everyone. If they get it wrong, they might hurt you. But if everything is correct, then I fly away and see the sky in fireworks.

I didn't have enough masculine strength in him. Not the one when a tyrant slams his fist on a chair and crushes a woman under him. And to press you to yourself so that the bones crunched and your head began to spin a little from oxygen starvation.

A woman in a swimsuit doesn't bother me at all. Just think, the breasts are almost wide open and jumping in a tight bra! So what if some people have thongs and their entire butt is visible, and both halves walk around shaking? Again, there are almost no ideal ones.

Speed-Info. In modern medicine, everything has been turned upside down: both methods and patients rely on the same pills. But, having . I don’t understand what goes through the minds of these mothers? which I read in the newspaper AIDS - information, when it first appeared, it was so engraved in my memory. Do you remember there was such a section “Upside Down”? Upside down (S NOG NA GOLOVU). Everything about the film: photos, wallpapers, user comments, sessions, news, film rating. Information about .

Married to her own son, Morena. How to raise a boy to be a mattress and a mama's boy, a psychopath or a murderer? How to raise a boy to be a real man? Independent, strong, decisive... Mutually exclusive characteristics, but the recipe for education, oddly enough, is the same, with one small difference... This recipe sounds like this: to love. Love it very much. With one small nuance: the mother must let go of herself in time, admit that her son has grown up and must live his own life.

This is how men are made. And when the mother is unable to take this step and continues to cackle over her son until his very gray hairs, I believe that such a “son” will turn out and what his life will be like, you can guess for yourself. Mom always remains in the closest connection with him, as if she were married to him. One day I caught one program on TV. An overweight, unkempt, fifty-year-old woman broadcast to the whole country that her son was an alcoholic. He drinks a whole bottle of beer after work, yes! Further, during the interview, it turned out that she got into her son’s family up to her ears, and divorced him from his wife, actually forced him to leave his two sons... And then there was an expression of panic horror on her son’s face, at the sight of video cameras, when he returned home from work .

From Toe to Head AIDS Info Read Online

She announced to the whole country that he was a drunk... Such a cheerful mother, right? She broke up her son’s family, and now she’s also deprived him of his job. Now he definitely won’t go anywhere from his mother!

AIDS INFO FOR 1997-2007 (90 photos). It was a great newspaper back then, I was just dying just from the headlines, there was also a section for perverts “upside down”, I served after college in the nineties in one hole, someone wrote it out, there was always a number in the classroom, they laughed...

Newspaper » AIDS - info » photo. 3.25. Average: 3.3. I was spoiled a lot. I took it because of the letters from readers, but most of all I liked the upside down section. Books. I became acquainted with the Speed-Info newspaper in the early nineties. I was a teenager, I read quietly. I liked to read upside down. It seems like that. AIDS `Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary` AIDS AIDS, abbreviated name for ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME. upside down `Together.. Upside down. Squeeze me tight! I didn't have enough masculine strength in him. Not the one when a tyrant slams his fist on a chair and crushes a woman under him.

From Toe to Head AIDS Info Archive Read

I don’t understand what goes through the minds of these mothers? You know? When does that very little step happen that takes you from mother to grymza? Precisely in grymza. She literally gave up her entire life to fight with her own son.

Those who spat on themselves, their personal life, and everything that was possible, and rushed into battle with other women in their son’s life, with his children, friends, and in general with everything that in her son’s life does not relate to her personally. Where do grymz have such confidence in their unshakable “rightness” in everything?

AIDS Info - Lurkmore. AIDS-Info is a real Orthodox Russian newspaper, telling only the truth and nothing but the truth, a racial post-Soviet publication under the editor-in-chief of the rabid Rastafarian Olga Belan, which appeared on the horizon in 1.

Group: User Messages: 17 Registration: 03/05/2014 User. Reputation: 7. Lose the sense of gravity and diversify your personal photo archive and VK and Instagram feeds with interesting pictures. Surprising friends and... Homework. Upside down. Last year I entered college as a free student. How someone in need was given a hostel and a scholarship. Website of the newspaper SPEED INFO AIDS INFO, SPEED INFO AIDS INFO. Published. City: Moscow Age: 25 Reputation: 134 Messages: 206. Speed ​​info upside down read the magazine. He cried and then kicked the boss. Leaving the room, Borya threw a glass at my head with a laugh, and it became clear to me: he didn’t. I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and I was overcome with horror and fear. My Varenka was lying by the bed on the floor: alone.

It is famous for its insane articles and texts, as well as for exactly the same readers. As well as crime reports, family dramas, investigations.

In addition, favorite sections of millions of readers include heartfelt letters, medical news, and answers from world-class specialists to the most difficult questions of intimate life. All the most complex personal problems can be solved with the help of “Speed-info”! Today there are already over 6 of them. He looks at all of us, how well you understand. She's not even from our site - she lives on the floor below. Could you explain why this could happen to a man? In the end, you can stand.

He walks through the square - without panties, but wearing a hat. Although, if you look at it, he is a pervert. I remained silent, gritting my teeth. She keeps popping up.

  • Home / Upside down Shishka I was in a construction team at the time. We went for a swim, and I felt a great need. And on the shore there is only grass and not a single bush! Help Login or register. NEWSPAPER AIDS-INFO 18.
  • Upside down - this is a puzzle apartment, where all the things have decided to escape from their usual places. In our museum you will feel what it was like when.

But after that I still swallowed a slice of lemon, being careful of an ectopic pregnancy. I was already threatening to jump out the window, but Lekha was still arguing. Well, how can I get him not to call me names?

Open the veins, or what? All my friends get drunk until they squeal, and then I find my underwear on the Christmas tree. Reality has overshadowed every nightmare!

Nothing of the sort: I’ve been reading for three years now, and still haven’t had an orgasm. If I asked to take out the bucket, Sergei would poke me with his manhood. But there was simply no reason: I saw him naked and couldn’t help laughing. Don't change my name - let all readers know what an idiot I am!

Even though I’m a girl, I play an active role in anal sex. Svetka and Vitka had nothing because of Pasha.

And Oleg and Irka - because of me. Vitka saw Oleg Svetkin and me. And Oleg Svetkin and Vovka even fought because of me, and Irka thought it was because of Svetka, and she told Pasha everything, and Pasha told me? It was then that I remembered that serving in the army is my sacred duty. I've been drinking it for three years now. I stopped being shy, but I also want women less and less.

At first I cried, and then I kicked the boss. First, my wife’s aunt Isolda Abramovna came, then the neighbor, Tatar Nadir, was generally named Alexander. What would your husband say if he found out about the company? Everything is clear with the youngest - he was conceived in the back room of a liquor store. Maybe I should try it with my husband.

Too many monotonous articles have been written in the style of “my-darling-gone-I’ll-break-your-pussy-ice.” Also, during difficult years for the homeland, this newspaper could be smoked instead of cannabis. But oldfags remember that initially the name was double: AIDS-INFO/AIDS-INFO. Why it was necessary to change it is unknown to science.

Married to her own son, Morena. How to raise a boy to be a mattress and a mama's boy, a psychopath or a murderer? How to raise a boy to be a real man? Independent, strong, decisive.

Love it very much. With one small nuance: the mother must let go of herself in time, admit that her son has grown up and must live his own life. This is how men are made. And when the mother is unable to take this step and continues to cackle over her son until his very gray hairs, I believe that such a “son” will turn out and what his life will be like, you can guess for yourself. Mom always remains in the closest connection with him, as if she were married to him. One day I caught one program on TV. An overweight, unkempt, fifty-year-old woman broadcast to the whole country that her son was an alcoholic.

Once upon a time, Rubin and Vershinin studied at the institute together. Rubin loved the girl Zhenya, and Vershinin loved the girl Lena. Both due to a misunderstanding. Wake up, Casanova! Sex on the train. Upside down. We were traveling by train. A story from the AIDS-INFO magazine. Wednesday, July 30, 2008 15:49 + to quote book. She sank smoothly, throwing her head back. Lose your sense of gravity and diversify your personal photo archive and VK and Instagram feeds with interesting pictures. Surprising friends and...

He drinks a whole bottle of beer after work, yes! Further, during the interview, it turned out that she got into her son’s family up to her ears, and divorced him from his wife, in fact forced him to abandon his two sons. It was announced to the whole country that he was a drunk. Now he definitely won’t go anywhere from his mother! I don’t understand what goes through the minds of these mothers? You know? When does that very little step happen that takes you from mother to grymza?

Kokhanova Irina (Gvela). Upside down. Author: GVELA. Beta: Cyris. I pull down my too-short skirt, swearing through my teeth. The boss's guests like to stare at my slender tanned legs. Speed-info: letters from readers. During my studies at the institute, I mastered all types of sex. Masha is small, nimble, with a strange crest on her head; giving a blowjob, she. Who's up for something fresh? Stories about sex. Upside down. Speed ​​info read the section from to toe.

Precisely in grymza. She literally gave up her entire life to fight with her own son. Those who spat on themselves, their personal life, and everything that was possible, and rushed into battle with other women in their son’s life, with his children, friends, and in general with everything that in her son’s life does not relate to her personally. Where do grymz have such confidence in their unshakable “rightness” in everything?

What did they grow from? Who convinced them that only opinion is correct? Very simple. From the flawed position “I gave everything to you, and you.” If you want to demand back, it is better not to give anything back. Don’t turn yourself into a grimz, don’t break your sons’ wings, because only by throwing them out of the nest will you teach them to fly.

Speed ​​Info Head to Head Read Online Free

05.23.06 19:26 Re: Reading SPEED (Speed ​​info). Cool magazine, I’ve been reading it for over 10 years, it’s interesting.

Speed ​​info upside down archive

Kokhanova Irina (Gvela). This is what men are itching for? We also need to brag among ourselves about the secretaries whose legs are longer or whose breasts are more substantial. AIDS INFO FOR 1997-2007 (90 photos). It was a great newspaper back then, I was just dying just from the headlines, there was also a section for perverts upside down, I served after college in the nineties in one hole, someone wrote it out, there was always a number in the classroom, they laughed.

Speed ​​Info From Your Feet Read

By the way, AIDS-INFO has already been renamed “SPEED-info”. The human immunodeficiency virus is similar to corruption in internal affairs bodies. Last year I entered. He cried and then kicked the boss. When he made fun of my mother, I was not offended, but when he put it on her head. Reminds me of the AIDS-Info newspaper from 25 years ago. There was a section like this - ‘Upside down’.

Upside down. I've never been attracted to all sorts of fluff on a woman. I'm talking about erotic lingerie. What's so beautiful about it? I love looking into other people's windows. I’m not being impudent at all, and the neighboring house, which is opposite mine, is not so close. I see small and not so distinct pieces of someone else's life.

Before we got married, my husband and I had nowhere to make love. It happened in a hurry a couple of times, and I couldn’t understand anything. But there was a storm of feelings - and he and I very quickly went to the registry office. And after my wedding night, I wanted to run away from Maxim. I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and I was overcome with horror and fear.

My Varenka was lying by the bed on the floor: one leg was twisted, her arms were scattered, and under her head... She suffered both mentally and physically due to an exploding grenade. He was slightly shell-shocked, suffered from hearing problems, and was also hit in the groin by a tiny fragment.

He remained a man, but somehow every other time. What do you think a woman smells like? In literature, of course, they like to express this beautifully: the weaker sex now smells of cherry leaves, now of wormwood, now of honey and milk, now of the wind. By the way, the wind smells like dog. I checked it myself. Every woman has her own G-spot. I’m not talking about the one that experts seem to have found, but it seems like it doesn’t exist.

No, it can be anywhere on the body. True, I didn’t admit it to everyone. If they get it wrong, they might hurt you. But if everything is correct, then I fly away and see the sky in fireworks. I didn't have enough masculine strength in him. Not the one when a tyrant slams his fist on a chair and crushes a woman under him.

And to press you to yourself so that the bones crunched and your head began to spin a little from oxygen starvation. A woman in a swimsuit doesn't bother me at all. Just think, the breasts are almost wide open and jumping in a tight bra! So what if some people have thongs and their entire butt is visible, and both halves walk around shaking?

Again, there are almost no ideal ones. Towards evening, in the warm season, I go to the railway embankment behind the plantings, where, except for passing trains, no one and nothing disturbs the peace of tall birches, dark spruce trees and any small living creatures in the forest. I lie down on my back, facing the rails. I take off my underwear, unbutton my clothes and, spreading my legs in different directions, wait for the long line of cars.

Publication archive · Newsletter · Export of headlines. About the publication: “AIDS-info” is a newspaper about love and family life. Information about the life of show business stars. | AIDS-Info text version Projects - Russia Press center Banner exchange MBN 100 Banner exchange MBN 468 ————————————————— Headlines of the day Politics (28) Economics (93) Society (102) Foreign countries (42) speed info newspaper read Regions (11) Media (22) vanessa paradis Technology (28) Culture (20) Health (0) Sports (141) Hit of the week Eco-disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. America tears out his hair Text of the day Russian newspaper: 10:16 05.27.10 Landing with prayer Headings Headlines of the day Around the news Inside the media Yellow press Today in Russia Press center Legends of the Great Patriotic War Media catalog "Paper" media Arguments and FactsArguments of the week VedomostiEvening MoscowMilitary-industrial courierAround the worldTime Bobby Farrell NewsNewspaperIzvestiaKommersantKrasnaya ZvezdaPeasant VedomostiMoscow NewsIndependent NewspaperIndependent Military ReviewNew IzvestiaDistrictsPolitical JournalRussian NewspaperRussiaRussian CourierRussian.

Daily news from AIDS-info (funny.sinfo): Newsletter.

View topic – AIDS info newspaper archive

1 message - Last message: Sep 22, 2008Speleofanaries Anecdotes Humor Stories Discussion of MSU tower training zhumar crawl rolling retram caving school training.

View Topics - Archive newspapers AIDS info FAQ Search Login Registration Author Message Users viewing this topic: registered: 0, hidden: 0 and guests: 0 Registered users: No Home page< Юмор и Творчество < Archive newspapers AIDS info Page 1 of 1 Added: Sep 22, 2008 11:00 quote Guest I dream of meeting a man who is serious about drinking and women. I wanted to refuse Oleg, but I couldn’t, because I had been lying in his bed for a long time, naked at that. Tanyukha and I went with the guys to the sauna, and ended up washing and steaming all night. We made a bet that he wouldn’t fuck Lisa, but she still gave herself to him. The money was probably divided in half. It turns out that the gossip that I had enuresis was spread by a neighbor with whom we barely knew each other. She’s not even from our site - she lives on the floor below. That’s how I left him - in a suit.

“Women’s jokes” from speed-info [Archive] – American Bulldog Forum

11 Sep 2008. [ Archive] « Women's jokes" from speed-info Women's corner. Forum closed. Will not be open...

SPEED-INFO newspaper - read electronic versions of issues, archive.

"AIDS-info" is a newspaper about sex, family relationships and love. . Go to reading; Announcement of the number; Archive numbers; Add to my library; Pay for download.

From September 27 to September 30, the largest exhibition of goods for children and teenagers, “World of Childhood 2010,” took place in Moscow.

“The World of Childhood” is a grandiose exhibition in its size and range of exhibits, reflecting all global trends in the development of the market for goods and services for children and adolescents. The exhibition reveals great opportunities for modernizing the production of children's goods, solving problems of increasing the competitiveness of products for children, and transitioning to an innovative type of industry.

Elkort studio presented speed-info newspaper read its collection of children's products made from natural speed-info newspaper read furs and leather: soft toys, mouton and sheepskin carpets, ottomans, pillows, bedspreads and much more.

Jokes "Speed-Info" (1997-2000)

Jokes "Speed-Info", 1997-2000.

In the same dormitory, the boys laughingly dragged me into their room. But we Siberians don’t give up so easily. First they had to run for wine, and then sing songs all night...

What if my father finds out that I'm pregnant? He's tearing off the bridesmaids of all my friends.

In Zheka's company he constantly puts me in an awkward position, once I even spilled my beer.

In the end, I realized: I still couldn’t find anyone better than my wife. All that remains is to find a wife...

Everything about her is like a cat: figure, gait, look, voice, even her name is Masha.

Last year, a surgeon changed the shape of my nose. He found me with his wife.

Valerik is a big boss, and he stands somehow important.

Varka’s chest was heaving, and I expected her bra to rip, but it didn’t happen.

Vasya loved pasta since childhood, so when it came to bed, I was not at all surprised that his bed was so long and thin...

Something flared up in me and I really wanted to hug Lesha’s big, strong lips.

Vova forced me to give him a blowjob, citing the fact that I needed some vitamins...

Everyone who has money goes to different Canary Islands to look for adventure. Yes, it’s better for them to come to us, to Myski. Fishing, hunting, magnificent nature, cheap moonshine, even one prostitute.

For the first time she gave herself to me in the barn, in the presence of a cow; That's probably why I ended up growing horns...

Everyone points a finger at Oleg - mafia. And when he takes off his clothes, he looks like a man.

He says, make me a baby, and you won’t be drafted into the army! It was then that I remembered that military service is my sacred duty...

The girl from the house opposite does not close the curtains every evening and deliberately walks around the room naked. To spite her, I also began to walk around naked. But how can I tell her about this?

Girls, stop smearing yourself with Klerosil, they discovered a recipe for me, it turns out that the best cosmetics are sperm! It's just a pity that my boyfriend's tube is too small...

The friend said: so as not to be shy with women, drink some vodka. I've been drinking it for three years now. I stopped being shy, but I also want women less and less...

If a primary school teacher gives blowjobs, then how can she teach the younger generation with this mouth?

My wife read somewhere that it is better to sort out family relationships after dinner and during sex - so gradually I became a fat old impotent man.

The wife brought her boss into the house and, drunk, began kissing him passionately. At first I cried, and then I kicked the boss...

The day before the wedding we had a bachelor party, and it was so much fun that the wedding had to be postponed for a month until we were all released.

In one evening he called me Lyuba, Natasha and Kolya. And then I accidentally found out that my husband was dating a prostitute: my work colleague.

Sometimes you get up in the morning - the mood is such that it seems that you could fall in love with all the men in the city! And when you come home from work in the evening, you don’t even want one husband...

I have a positive attitude towards condoms, especially after my sixth abortion.

Every night I roar and think: how did nature allow the birth of Hitler, Chikatilo and my mother-in-law, Antonina Zakharovna?

When we couldn’t come up with a name for our newborn son, we decided to name him after the first person who came to visit us. First, my wife’s aunt Isolda Abramovna came, then the neighbor, Tatar Nadir, was generally named Alexander.

When he made fun of my mother, I was not offended, but when he put a trash can on her head, I became thoughtful...

When you castrate cats all day, in the evening you start to take a closer look at your husband...

When I gave Edik a blowjob, he said that Irka does it cooler. I simply remained silent, gritting my teeth.

When I undressed, Pasha started laughing and didn’t stop until he hit him in the back with a stool...

"Eva's costume" suits her very well, just needs to be sewn in here and there.

I was warned that Masha was a little plump, but I could not imagine that everything was so seriously neglected.

It was somehow awkward for me to tell him that I was pregnant from him, because we barely knew each other.

I was so sad and sad that Mitya immediately began to console me as best he could. But he could only do it twice.

I've always been told that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. How to find the way to his penis?

You can find a lot of pleasant reasons why you find yourself in bed with a strange man. For example, when he falls asleep, you can write something with a felt-tip pen on his private part. The wife will be happy.

My friend says my butt is as pale as an Eskimo's.

My husband says that I am a whore, but I told him that I had only one man before him: an officer, a company commander. What would your husband say if he found out about the company?

Then we often went to Olga’s to borrow money and fuck at the same time...

We happily experienced a blowjob, the first in Ira’s life. There were joyful tears and fun.

It didn't taste that disgusting - it tasted like beer. But after that I still swallowed a slice of lemon, being careful of an ectopic pregnancy.

We are three sisters; Olya married for love, Galya married for convenience, and I, a fool, married for luck...

Our eldest son is smart, probably because we conceived him in the assembly hall of the Academy of Sciences. Everything is clear with the youngest - he was conceived in the back room of a liquor store...

I hate New Year. All my friends get drunk until they squeal, and then I find my underwear on the Christmas tree.

Before you have time to look back, you are already a woman. Then, just as imperceptibly, you become a mother...

He was modest and courteous, gave flowers, read Pasternak, and suddenly announced that anal sex helps with constipation...

He said that candles can be placed in more than just candlesticks. I felt myself blushing, and he melted the wax and glued the candle to the plate.

Very nice guys, and their faces are not disfigured by intelligence.

I told Pavlik that he was my second and that I didn’t experience an orgasm with the first.

It worked! Of course, I’ve tested this technique forty times...

Before opening my eyes, I tried to imagine the one who was snoring next to me. Reality has overshadowed every nightmare!

In the mornings I do so much with the chickens, ducks and goats that it’s simply not my wife’s turn.

A friend says that your newspaper helps in her intimate life. Nothing like this:

I’ve been reading for three years now, but I still haven’t had an orgasm...

While Roma was in the army, I didn’t know how to behave with the guys. And when he returned, the guys now don’t know how to behave. Still, Roma is big.

Having tasted the forbidden fruit, I have been feeling its disgusting taste in my mouth for three days now...

After the party, Sergei stayed. But in vain he also drank port wine! When he felt especially bad, he looked at me pitifully and vomited.

After the wedding, I didn’t get a virgin (as my mother-in-law claimed), but some kind of visual aid from a medical dispensary! And the mother-in-law is having fun After Vova returned from a trip abroad, he began to replace all his native words with foreign ones. I even thought that in bed, instead of “I want it with doggy style,” he would say “I want it with lobster.”

The fluff got into her nose. She laughed merrily, wrinkled her face funny and sneezed.

The fluff came out of the nose along with the snot...

We divorced because he didn't help me at all. If I asked to take out the bucket, Sergei would poke me with his manhood...

I met my wife by peeping through a crack in the bathhouse. She washed herself and sang. I was stunned: what a vociferous...

My father-in-law chased me all over the village with an axe. And there was simply no reason: I saw him naked and couldn’t help laughing...

Having given Pavlik a blowjob, I realized that I had finally fallen in love...

Sergei caressed me for a long time in the shallows, but was afraid to fuck... He said there were a lot of crabs here...

Sergei made love tenderly and affectionately, although I fought back with my hands and feet...

My sister is only 13 years old, but she masturbates so much that her bed is shaking; I'm already 20, and I can't decide on this...

At first I wasn’t afraid, but when he took off his panties and I saw his huge anus, I felt uneasy...

Cool phrases from correspondence with newspaper readers

After reading this letter, you will probably think that I am a fool, because everyone thinks so

My wife has 7 lovers, and I still live with her! Don't change my name, let all readers know what an idiot I am!

The year before last the boys got me so drunk that I got pregnant

Why did I marry him? Well, I think that since a man is drunk every day, that means he earns decent money

Eva tempted Adam with an apple, and Vika tempted me with a pickled cucumber after a glass of vodka.

I went to bed with Tolik, but for some reason I woke up with Volodya

One day, when my son came home from kindergarten, he suddenly began to say words that I only hear from my husband on holidays.

I really want someone to hug you tightly, hold you close, look tenderly into your eyes and gently whisper: “I love you, you stupid fool.”

In the mornings I spend so much time with the chickens, ducks and goats that it’s just not my wife’s turn.

What kind of bride is this, to whom at the wedding all the guests wink and wish new successes in her intimate life?

If a taxi driver is taking a prostitute, why the hell will they agree on who pays whom, how much and with what?

Friends say: get hair removal. And my legs are already long

I’m embarrassed to undress myself in front of him, in case he runs away again

The friend said: so as not to be shy with women, drink some vodka. I've been drinking it for three years now. I’ve stopped being shy, but I want women less and less

I have a lot of experience seducing women. True, unsuccessful so far

I really like to flirt, although I don’t understand what it is

I cheated on her only once, when she was in the hospital. And then without any ulterior motive, but simply out of joy

Vitya courted me, gave flowers, fell to his knees, accompanied me from work, in general, did everything to be disgusting to me

Before the wedding, she always wore a lot of makeup on her face, so I thought she was very beautiful. Now I know her like crazy

I love him so much that I want to scream, howl and bang my head against the wall.

She allowed herself to be escorted, and I accompanied her - all the way to bed.

I am disheartened by the ease with which young people engage in sexual intercourse; For example, after this I couldn’t even remember the Pythagorean theorem for a whole day!

I've seen enough pornography on TV and now demand all sorts of perversions, like coffee in bed

You should have seen him without his panties! It was probably only because of him that Darwin decided that humans descended from monkeys

My father taught me: always whisper to a woman that she is not like others if you want to get from her the same as from others. Well, as usual, I got it in the face

He and I lived as husband and wife for almost a year, and then I returned to my mother and became a girl again

My wife, although she doesn’t drink, is drunk all the time. Repeats the same thing: “stop drinking, stop drinking”

In public he is a fairy-tale prince, but in bed he is Ivanushka the Fool

When I see her naked, I want to run away, but nature takes its toll

I'm not a sheep to be led on a string like a goat

On May 12, I met Anatoly, and on the 13th we had a little quarrel. Now I'm waiting for him to be released from prison so that we can continue our acquaintance.

When she undressed, I remembered that we had already met somewhere

According to her old ideas, it’s impossible to sleep with me before the wedding, and after the wedding, maybe I won’t want to sleep with her myself

I could give myself to him just like that, but then it wouldn’t be me, and why such acts of mercy?

Taking someone else's wife is not a problem. The problem is to return it later

From the very beginning he treated me like a thing. I always forgot about visiting

Although I felt good and pleased, I think that Valka raped me, because I love Max

The conversation with that saleswoman cheered me up somewhat: I realized that my wife is not the stupidest person I thought

But on the plane, Lenka and I quietly kissed and got so carried away by the conversation that we almost missed our stop.

My boyfriend often calls me hysterical. I was already threatening to jump out the window, but Lekha kept arguing. Well, how can I get him not to call me names? Open the veins, or what?

And I paid all my taxes, but I still have no desire

You can sleep with at least a hundred men; The main thing is to be a virgin on your wedding night!

I really wanted to come up with something fresh and interesting in bed. And all sorts of Mickey Rourkees came into my head

My friends supported me, they said that his character was nonsense, the main thing was that he was great in bed

As a child, Nina and I ran naked on the beach, but now she is embarrassed to see me naked. But I have everything the same as in childhood, only ten times more

When I got married, I did not change my last name. It would be stupid to change Shilova to Mylova

Nikolai Pavlovich at first did not arouse my suspicions as a man. Doubts crept in later when he began to ask me to marry him without even trying to get me into bed

From an ugly duckling I turned into a beautiful swan, although not everyone thinks so

I know that men have signs of arousal, but I have no idea what they are.

Oleg said that until I give birth to a child, he will not sleep with me

However, at the cemetery Misha felt somehow uneasy and, closing his eyes, he threw me under the bushes. I didn’t expect it and began to understand when it was too late to resist

Volodya keeps pestering me with the question: do I love him? Look what you want! Yes, to achieve my love, you need to sleep with me for at least a year

At the dacha I happened to spy on my father-in-law and mother-in-law having sex. I've never seen such low-grade porn in my life

Over the long years of a scandalous life, my husband killed not only a woman in me, but also a living person

Over the past three years, I have already promised to marry her five times, but she still can’t get enough

I envy Eva, she was happy for ten years: no fishing, no hockey, no football!

Women constantly chase me in my dreams, and I can’t do anything about them

Alex likes my breasts, and Oleg likes my legs. It feels like I was torn apart for parts

For many years I was a puppet being dragged by the braids

How to live with her if she is a snake not according to the eastern calendar, but in life!

A monstrous plan is brewing in my head - I decided to marry her

I used the services of a matchmaker, but, in my opinion, this was complete quackery. Constantly charming the wrong person

Korneychuk V.P. married me not out of love, but in order to master the Kama Sutra, which was proven by the two children I had

On my mother's side I am a bachelor

Three years ago Olya slept with my husband, and the other day I had the opportunity to take revenge on her - I slept with her father

Even though Angelina is my friend, she is such a fool as the world has never seen. First he sleeps with a guy, and then he asks me to find out his name. And I also have to sleep with him to find out his name

Like any normal Don Juan, I have a fiery heart and quick feet

I wanted to slap him in the face, but I got a slap on the wrist

Now I'm thirty-five, and more than anything in the world I value horses and women. They always bring me the same pleasure

The fact that I have dinner with Victor and sleep with Igor does not mean at all that I am a slutty woman. After all, I don’t tell Sergei about this

We love each other very much, but out of modesty we kissed only three months later. Accordingly, we will only get married by the middle of the 21st century

After meeting Alenka, I completely lost my face. I can't drink, smoke or swear anymore!

We prank each other all the time. Either Sashka will tease me, then I will cheat on him

I have loved Vitalik for a long time, but in bed I spend time with someone else so that our love always remains as pure and tender

My boyfriend is so jealous that even when I broke my leg, he asked: “Who did you frolic with in bed?”

Kolya said that if I love him, I should sleep with him. And I said that, of course, I love you, but not to that extent

No matter how hard I try to get rid of this complex, nothing works. As soon as I see a handsome guy, I immediately fall on my back like a knockdown

I had to cure my natural modesty by performing in a striptease bar. But now I don’t give myself to everyone who asks for it

I didn’t give him coffee in bed, but I gave him so much of the rest that there were crumbs left for others!

I had a lot of men, but they were of little use. One thing, however, is consoling: the Egyptian Cleopatra had the same problem

I never saw anything good from him except money for abortions!

He cheated on me with just about anyone even before the wedding, when I was pregnant by his friend

He constantly drags all sorts of rubbish into bed: now his neighbor, now the postwoman, now me.

She said she was twenty-eight. I got married and then I found out that she was twenty-nine.
Judge for yourself: can I, a decent person, live and build a bright future next to a liar?

In general, dogs are extremely indiscriminate in their choice of sexual partners. It's not for nothing that they are called males

She is terribly boring: she constantly asks for sex

Of two evils, I still chose my husband.

Yesterday I was at my girlfriend’s birthday and gave her a great gift: I introduced her to two of my friends

Look what he did to my breasts! What should I do with my breasts now after the divorce?

A neighbor suggested that I quickly sleep with him to spite his wife, whom I didn’t like either and agreed

Only when I was forty did I understand that women need to be loved financially

How many times have I tried to start all over again, but again and again I ran into the same end?

I asked him to marry me, but he promised nothing but rare and strained intimate relationships

In general, I often cheat on my husband, and especially in bad weather.

Lilya and I met when I was leaving the army. She worked as a nurse in our urology department

Only when I got pregnant did I realize that a penis is not a toy

Kolya is such a pedant that, before having children with me, he studied in detail the demographic situation in the country

I finally found a way to deal with my husband's jealousy. As soon as he starts a scandal, I immediately change my lover

Sergei Pavlovich proposed his hand in marriage to me; Once in bed with him, I understood why he didn’t offer anything else

Having watched enough porn, Ira kept her hat and boots on in bed, but she didn’t look erotic at all, just like Puss in Boots

Why did I go to him then? Don't know. Why did you stay overnight? I still don't understand. When he asked me to get married, I agreed for some reason. For what? Unclear. What a wasteful life!

I called Vika a fool, she was offended and left. And I just wanted to let her know that she is a soul mate.

I get married two or three times a year, but after each marriage I am left with nothing but bitterness.

I feel so good in bed with her that I immediately fall asleep

I decided to leave this life a long time ago, but I don’t know where

According to one version, I am a victim of careless handling of a condom

He says, “I don’t need you, give me one so that her legs grow from her ears... So he doesn’t need a woman, but a spaniel!”

Although I’m a sporty girl, I do figure skating, but in bed I’m like a cow on ice

I generally suspect that menopause is a reward for hard work in bed

Our love was like unearthly - until Kolya invited me to sleep with him in the most bestial way

Borya doesn’t like to have sex: he says it immediately makes him sober

My lack of complexes coincided successfully with my physical teacher’s lack of principles

In life he is a neurasthenic, but in bed he has nothing to do without a psychiatrist

Stanislav whispered to me so passionately about love, read poetry so languidly that I realized with bitterness that this time I would have to sweat in bed myself

At the age of 20 I got married, but not for love, but to escape from my first husband

My husband reproaches me for having had a bunch of lovers before him. He doesn't understand that I'm still a girl at heart

I told Pavlik that he was my second and that I didn’t experience an orgasm with the first. It worked! Of course - I’ve tested this technique forty times

Sometimes I dream about him. In his dream he doesn’t have a drop of fat, instead of a bald spot he has black, thick hair, and a completely different face

I don’t know why men avoid me, because I have two main qualities - beautiful and stupid

I wanted to go to the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and he dragged me to bed. And he did the right thing - there was no Schubert lying around

And suddenly the neighbor, like a porn star, comes out of the bath wearing only a towel. Then it turned out that I misunderstood her, but then she did not have time to explain it to me

I could not even imagine that such a beauty as Katya would love me. And really, she didn't love me

I tell him that he can’t stand on his feet, and he replies: “Why should you and I stand? Now let's go to bed"

I loved her, and she loved me, but all this without reciprocity

The future mother-in-law, seeing me naked, told her son: “Judging by her breasts, she had a lot of men!” Why didn't she like her breasts? Everyone used to be delighted with them

Do all the boys go to bed with girls just to get laid?

In bed she screams so loudly that the neighbors have called an ambulance and the police more than once.

Yesenina, he says, I’ll read it to you... I thought he was cultured, but he started: “Drink with me, you lousy bitch!”

When I came back from the army, I saw that Katya had become unaccustomed to me. I decided to give her time to get used to it again, while I started hanging out with someone else

Vasya smoked constantly and released so much smoke into the room that I didn’t even notice how I ended up naked

I came across a typical pervert: she turns on the lights everywhere and walks around naked. And I have to pay according to the meter!

I want to become a model, but many things get in the way: acne, teeth, spine

She sticks to me like a fly... And who am I, it turns out?

Mom always said that I should be a good girl. It's easy to be good, but as a girl...

I decided to take revenge on Lenka, and in six months I had 25 girls. True, nothing happened to any of them

Vitya wrote my phone number on the wall in the men's room to spoil me, but it turned out the opposite: there was no end to the calls, and soon I found my happiness

I met a man who seemed normal, but his last name alarmed me: Ukhovertov

A friend and her boyfriend are like Romeo and Juliet: all the relatives on both sides are literally up in arms against them! His wife especially objects

Any Russian can love in French, but a French woman can never love in Russian

I’ve already made it clear to him this way and that that he has no chance - all to no avail. I had to eat peas before the date

When she started licking the neck of the beer bottle, looking at me and smiling, I realized that she was ripe for a declaration of love.

When guys offer to sleep with me, I am indignant. And when they don’t offer it, I’m even more indignant

You can, of course, spend your entire life humping: cleaning, washing, cooking. But it turns out you can just change your gender and drink beer in front of the TV

At first he had great difficulty concealing his lust, and then I had great difficulty stimulating it

I hate New Year. All my friends get drunk until they squeal, and then I find my underwear on the tree

In bed I blush with shame so much that dozens of men are scared

Having tasted the forbidden fruit, I have been feeling its disgusting taste in my mouth for three days now.

We divorced because he didn't help me at all. If I asked to take out the bucket, Sergei would poke me with his manhood

I met my wife by peeping through a crack in the bathhouse. She washed herself and sang. I was stunned: what a vociferous one!

My father-in-law chased me all over the village with an axe. And there’s simply no reason: I saw him naked and couldn’t help laughing

Sergei made love tenderly and affectionately, although I fought back with my hands and feet

Then, at a friend’s wedding, I “had too much” and now I’m wondering who took advantage of it

For three years I did not cheat on my wife, nor my mistress, nor any of my other women.

I have a friend who is “a person of Caucasian nationality,” although you can’t tell by his genitals

In our village, safe sex is when you don’t get hit in the face

I love Pasha, and Pasha loves Svetka. Svetka and Vitka had nothing because of Pasha. And Oleg and Irka - because of me. Vitka saw Oleg Svetkin and me. And Oleg Svetkin and Vovka even fought because of me, and Irka thought it was because of Svetka, and Pasha told everything, and Pasha told me... Now do you understand how difficult it was for me to understand my feelings?

In the same dormitory, the boys, laughing, dragged me into their room. But we Siberians don’t give up so easily. First they had to run out for wine, and then sing songs all night

Last year, a surgeon changed the shape of my nose. He found me with his wife

Everyone points a finger at Oleg - mafia. And if he undresses, the man looks like a man

He says, make me a baby, and you won’t be drafted into the army! It was then that I remembered that military service is my sacred duty

My wife read somewhere that it is better to sort out family relationships after dinner and during sex - so gradually I became an old fat impotent

The wife brought her boss into the house and, drunk, began kissing him passionately. First I cried and then I kicked the boss

The day before the wedding we had a bachelor party and had so much fun that the wedding had to be postponed for a month until we were all released

In one evening he called me Lyuba, Natasha and Kolya

And then I accidentally found out that my husband was dating a prostitute, my work colleague

I have a positive attitude towards condoms, especially after my sixth abortion

When we couldn’t come up with a name for our newborn son, we decided to name him after the first person who came to visit us. First, my wife’s aunt Izolda Abramovna came, then the neighbor, Tatar Nadir. In general, they named him Alexander

When he made fun of my mother, I was not offended, but when he put a trash can on her head, I became thoughtful

When you castrate cats all day, in the evening you start to take a closer look at your husband

When I undressed, Pasha started laughing and didn’t stop until he hit him in the back with a stool

I was so sad and sad that Mitya immediately began to console me as best he could. But he only did it twice

My friend says my butt is as pale as an Eskimo's

My husband says that I am a whore, but I told him that I had only one man before him: an officer, a company commander. What would your husband say if he found out about the company?

Our eldest son is smart, probably because we conceived him in the assembly hall of the Academy of Sciences. Everything is clear with the youngest - he was conceived in the back room of a liquor store

I wanted to refuse Oleg, but I couldn’t, because I had been lying in his bed for a long time, naked at that.

During my studies at the institute, I mastered all types of sex. And now college is behind me, soon I’ll be working in my specialty

I gave myself to him all night, but it never came to sex

Then Igor announced “a night of free love.” Everyone broke up into pairs and went to their rooms, and I was left alone on the cot. What kind of freedom is this?

Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a woman, and when I decided, it was too late

I spent a long time looking at all his tattoos, correcting grammatical errors.

I gradually began to beat Masha’s fans. I did one, then a second, and the third puzzled me. Wiping off the blood, he said: “You can’t kill everyone.”

After an intimate relationship with my friend’s husband, I began to look at her completely differently. How can she cheat on such a sensitive and charming person?

I understood why she has such skillful hands when I learned that she worked as a milkmaid for almost ten years.

In bed, Nina attacked me with such fervor that I thought: “If I stay alive, I won’t cheat on my wife again.”

I don’t have a husband, but some kind of sexual maniac. And all my friends think so too

My mother-in-law covers up all my infidelities. She still hopes that I will go to one of them for good

I am the only woman in the team, this forces me to be smart and wear beautiful underwear just in case

He left me for a woman who is older than me and even worse

I dreamed that everything with him would be like in the movie “Titanic”, and I hope that it will come true

Having extorted from me all the details of sex with ex-men, Dima began to cry

I have not wasted my feelings, although I was married three times, and this is a big problem for me and those around me

My girlfriends have been getting married for a long time, but I still walk around in love, like a fool.

I work as a cleaner in the men's restroom and every day I receive many tempting offers

I also got an intimate tattoo in a place where everyone would look and envy

I want to celebrate my birthday by candlelight with my loved one, if any of them can escape from the family

I became convinced that my boss was a complete pervert when he hired his own wife as his secretary.

I fell ill with bronchitis from love encounters in the park, although I protected myself with an umbrella

Next time Volodya and I won’t go to the cinema without a condom

He invited me to his place and promised that he wouldn’t even lay a finger on me, but I, of course, couldn’t agree to that.

He said that as soon as he finds out that I cheated on him again, he will immediately shoot himself. Since then I haven’t told him anything else and have already saved him from death seven times

I am very shy and bashful, although neither my husband nor others notice this in bed.

I spent half the night altering the dress to please him, but he took it off so quickly that it was not worth the effort

This is probably hereditary for us: both my grandmother and mother were all virgins

It's not my fault that I'm the most beautiful in the class and everyone sleeps only with me

In our store, I am the youngest saleswoman, and all the men try to stand in line with me. They have to serve twice as much, but the salary is the same. This is what distinguishes me from a prostitute

The first time I got married was to practice before my second marriage.

When we sat down at the table, I found myself between two Valeras. They told me to make a wish. I made a wish, but it was not my wish that came true, but theirs.

If Sanya had not apologized then, our relationship would have come to an end. And so we lasted a few more days

I have beautiful breasts, but I want to be loved for everything else that comes with them

Sometimes I want to give myself to someone in order to answer the question that torments me: am I a virgin?

My friend and I were in London, and I realized that Russian women do not need to know English. We can tell everything with our eyes

Pyotr Sergeevich is old, fat, bald, poor, but the worst thing is that I fell in love with him!

It’s bad to be a secretary: either your wife will grab your hair, or your mistress

I'm often called a dynamist, but I simply appreciate poetry in relationships.

No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to arouse Ivan Matveevich with the help of improvised means.

Gradually, Pavlik and I developed a desire to possess each other. And for me, I also have Pavlik’s friend

Finally, I got a job at a company where the boss didn’t pester me. And even none of the deputies harassed me. The evenings became long and meaningless

I can't definitely say that all men are fools. But personally, I haven’t come across any smart ones, thank God, yet

At school I was very excited by Mayakovsky’s lines: “... I take them out of my wide trousers...” Today, everyone who is not too lazy takes them out, but there’s no point

There are such men: he’ll tell you a joke, he’ll giggle with you, he’ll sing a song, he’ll slip you a chocolate bar, and it’s like he doesn’t need anything else. And you’ll come to your senses when he’s already in you

During sex, Julia does not make a sound; I asked why, and she replied that she was used to it in the hostel

I'm waiting for Lesha from the army, but I would gladly stop waiting if Pavlik even looked at me

Despite the abundance of men on the beach, I remained a virgin

When Borya went into the army, I waited for him longer than other girls for my boys - a month and a half

My dream came true: Andrei said that he loves not only Olya, but also me

I lost my virginity to such a lecher that I’m unlikely to be able to find it again

Leaving for Moscow to study, Natasha promised to return with double her knowledge and four years later she arrived with two children.

Three of my friends already have breasts and menstruation, they talk about it, and I sit next to them like a fool - without breasts and without menstruation

On the way home, I fell asleep and woke up no longer a girl.

After we drank, Olya invited me to use her body

Over the summer, I stretched 15 centimeters, but my chest remained the same as it was. I heard that you need a special massage. Where can I do it, otherwise my classmates are all non-professionals?

I dream of becoming a star or a top model. The first steps have already been taken - I dropped out of college and quarreled with my parents

In our department they don’t like me: “Wow, she’s still a laboratory assistant, but she’s already sleeping with her boss!”

There are such girls who seem to have a crocodile on their face, crooked legs, and a bad character... But as soon as they grab this place, that’s it, you’re lost!

Petya spent a long time in prison and does not explain himself like other people; according to him, he loved me for life, and Nina - conditionally

For seven whole years I was devoted to Tanyukha, loved her and did not cheat on her with anyone. But I got out of prison and it began...

They say love is blind; after the blow to the ear that I received from Olya’s husband, this love also became deaf

A year later he left me and I was left alone with my husband

The husband fell in love with his boss, and unselfishly, like a complete idiot

When my husband went to the store, Denis and I developed a mutual feeling, and when my husband returned, everything was over between us

I find his suspicions offensive. After all, I haven’t had anything yet with this friend of his.

I would never agree to go to bed with him. After all, his wife was already there

Pavlik was very scary, but he was quite suitable for cheating on his husband

Olya often said that her husband beat her, and I thought: what a scoundrel. But soon I began to understand my husband

When I found out that my wife was cheating on me and pinned her against the wall, she said that she had no orgasm with her lover and, therefore, this was not cheating

At the festive table I sat to the left of Katya, and Pavlik to the right. Imagine our embarrassment when Pavlik and I met our hands... Well, it’s clear where

My wife went to the drama club until she became pregnant by our local Stanislavsky

Vitya and I didn’t get out of bed until we found out that his wife was looking for him with the police

Sex, sex and more sex - that's what I need from a lover! I can talk about music with my husband too.

My wife has a twin sister. She seems to be the same, but her character is completely different: she doesn’t yell about all sorts of trifles and she doesn’t force her to build shelves in the bathroom

My husband killed my love twice, and she was resurrected, but not with him anymore

Pavlik's belly hung down to his knees - worse than his wife's breasts

I love my Natasha very much, so I rarely cheat on her and only with her best friends

I stopped respecting Vika when, in the midst of our sex, she began discussing on the phone with her fiancé where it was better to buy rings

Larisa said that if her husband catches me, he will immediately kill me, but so far different men beat me at her entrance every time

He didn’t go hunting or go fishing for more than a month. I still don’t understand where he managed to catch gonorrhea

I have strong doubts about her pregnancy. When could this happen if I was on business trips for months?

When Tolya and I were lying in bed, my husband came in. Tolya was terribly scared, but in vain: my husband was so drunk that he asked him to love me strongly, tenderly, to the grave

He feels good, he is a doctor: when his wife catches him with a naked woman, he says that he is listening to her lungs

No, I'm not jealous, but when Katya passionately kisses my friends, I get a little nervous

Alena and Vitya loved each other, and especially Tolik

If I have a lover and my husband comes, I don’t open the door. He won’t break anything - it’s more expensive for himself

My husband grabbed me and pulled me like a rifle bolt, and a condom fell out of my pocket like a cartridge.

Ruslan is not that jealous, but he may be offended if I look at one of his friends not as a woman, but as a girl

Christina is so beautiful, smart, educated, it’s even a shame that such a girl is not for me

I picked up the phone and heard: “Is that you, rogue?” So I sit and suffer: maybe I got the wrong number?

There were four of us in the bed, but the dog doesn’t count: nothing broke off for her that night

Our "love triangle" wasn't that bad. As they say, one head is good, but two men are better

Our honeymoon started off in a strange way: Mikhail spent days in the office, and Leonid came to see me twice

Kolka firmly decided after school to study to become a gynecologist. He says that openly looking is more honest than peeping

He told his boys such nasty things about me that everyone is now eager to meet me

After the first night, Seryoga and I lay hugging each other in bed and thought: what will we become when we grow up?

Even as a child, the girls considered me the main groom of the court - even though I had no front teeth, I spat the furthest

In bed, Andryusha turned out to be just a prodigy

Misha not only has a body, but even his face is somehow indecent

When I meet women, I tell them that I am a marriage swindler. Don't explain that I'm a virgin

Our bright relationship began when Svetka asked me to take my paws off her ass

Seryozha is a graduate student, he annoyed me with his scientific terms. He's not just erect, he's "erect"

Edik undressed me, picked me up and carried me to bed. He kissed me everywhere, tenderly, like mom or dad

Sergei caressed me for a long time in the shallows, but he was afraid of sex... He said there were a lot of crabs here

There was no end to Maxim's licentiousness all evening! He even wanted to kiss me goodbye

On my second date with Pavlik, I tried to resist, but I couldn’t refuse. His hands were passionate and convincing, like State Duma deputies

When I asked him what he was going to do about all this, Zhora began to cry and, hastily putting on his pants, ran into his entrance

I heard that if you have never slept with a girl, you will not be accepted into the army. Because virgins have no real anger, and a soldier must be very angry. Write, is this true and where should I say about my innocence: at the military registration and enlistment office or at a medical examination?

I always said that boys are smarter than girls. Even when girls send us three letters, we send them five!

He is a very specific guy, and if he said that he was getting married, there was no case that he deceived

Kolenka’s character is soft, he even hits somehow affectionately

Zhenya immediately grabbed the bull by the horns, or rather, me by the chest

I wouldn't be so surprised if he watched a porn movie. But, to my horror, he was watching a cartoon about Chip and Dale

He regularly sought my intimacy through threats. Lately he's been threatening to marry my best friend.

As it soon became clear, the atmosphere around us was spoiled by Seryoga

I don’t trust men at all, all they want from girls is that they give them money for a bottle

This is what Mitya is all about: in the evening he will give me Klima perfume, and in the morning he will get hung up on it

He bought a bottle of wine, a bottle of champagne and a bottle of vodka. I asked: “What is this for the two of us for the evening?” And he says: “Don’t be afraid, I don’t drink much.”

I have never experienced anything like I did with Svetka with anyone. My only regret is that I got very drunk the night before and didn’t remember anything.

Having mixed vodka with champagne, I made love with Vitya until it turned out that it was Tolik

Our family is the most ordinary: my husband drinks, and I go for walks.

I courted her while drunk, and I got married - also drunk. And when I sobered up, I immediately got divorced

When I'm a little drunk, all the men around me seem charming and witty. Even my own husband

Ilyusha was given to me by fate itself: he, drunk, was picked up by a bull with a horn and thrown into my yard

I like drunk women: you can talk to them for life, like with our boatswain, and everything else

The only way to pull Stepan away from the bottle is with a bulldozer... and even then, if his mother-in-law is driving the bulldozer!

When I dive under the blanket with Kolya, it’s like we’re floating in airless space!

I don’t remember the wedding well: the bride was having a snack, and I was just drinking

The groom wandered into our wedding from the next room, and it was very opportune, because ours had long since fallen asleep

And so I begged Olya to marry me, and so on - all to no avail. I had to threaten with a knife

At this wedding, I realized that the only thing worse than a drunk groom is a drunk bride.

If I had known he was fat and bald, I would never have married him

They brought me a groom: his face is red, his bald head is shiny... I just want to put a condom on his head

I still don’t understand: if my bride had 28 men before her wedding, then why did she shout about it with laughter at the wedding?

Even from the wedding night he managed to make an undignified show with stupid jokes, giggling and applause

I sensed something was wrong at the wedding: after every cry of “bitter,” Katya passionately kissed not only me, but also the witness and the witness

The bride was shocked when she saw all of Lekha’s tattoos on her wedding night. And in all the naked girls I recognized my friends

On our wedding night she climbed on top of me and until the morning she rode like a lady on a school board, Khoma.

At our silver wedding, my husband stood up and raised a glass to the fact that I had never cheated on him. Oh, you fool, you fool...

I went to have sex with my boss, thinking that at his age I couldn’t face more than once a month. But the damned old man turned out to be not only lustful, but also devilishly hardy

I want different new positions, but my wife and I have little chance: sciatica

My wife and I recalled that we kissed for the first time in the registry office... And now the silver wedding! Everyone screamed "bitter" and made us kiss again

His huge dignity can scare anyone, even my grandmother

In our days, there was no equipment in schools. Instead of microscopes, we used compote jars

Shame on you! Young people read your newspaper and know more about life than we pensioners

The new mother-in-law turned out to be better than the old one: she understood everything from the very first blow

Time passed, and my mother-in-law began to make obscene hints to me in public, in the sense that it was time for me to find some kind of job.

I wanted to please my future mother-in-law and blurted out: “You, Tamara Matveevna, will not be given 50 years.” If I knew she was 46...

My wife complained to my mother-in-law that I had a small penis. I found someone to complain to! Mother-in-law, he’s just right

Her mom's face is almost the same as hers, only twenty years dumber

Every night I roar and think: how did nature allow the birth of Hitler, Chikatilo and my mother-in-law, Antonina Zakharovna?

During sex, I didn’t feel anything, but I turned to a folk sorcerer, and he managed to give me this pleasure

I decided to quit with daddies and switch to young people: I’m tired of these heart attacks in bed

Yura is very intelligent and is often embarrassed to call things by their proper names. For example, in bed he invited me to stand in the pose of “one famous arthropod”

The more Volodya got fat, the correspondingly shorter his manhood became. I, the last wife, got the least

Hearing Veronica’s prolonged howl in bed, I remembered my native snow-covered forests of the Smolensk region

Vova looked into my eyes in such a way that I realized with a shudder: coitus cannot be avoided

He made a scene of jealousy and tried to rape me so loudly that a neighbor came running. Then he switched to his neighbor

It turned out that a Japanese man taught me French kissing.

Since childhood, I have known that men’s genitals are located in one place, while women’s genitals are scattered throughout the body.

When Vitka scratched his buttock on the wire, I said: “Let me see, maybe I can help.” He replied: “Fuck you, not watching.” I didn't object

In the rest house behind the wall lived, as we were told, a poet and a poetess. At night it seemed to us that they even moaned, observing the rhythm and size

During intercourse, I close my eyes and say to myself: “Be patient a little, because everything passes, this too will pass.”

All day I watched a jackhammer working under the window, and in the evening I rushed at my neighbor in the stairwell

Pavlik tortured me about how many men I had; I said four. She didn’t lie about the number, but she didn’t say that she went to bed with four at once.

I couldn’t understand why Kostya was crying in bed until my friends explained that this was a kind of orgasm

He, of course, has a lot of minor shortcomings, but he has one major masculine advantage

After that article of yours, every evening he swears at me like a shoemaker. And I have to feign passion, cuddle up to him, drag him into bed. Please write for this idiot that there are different types of sex games and that you don’t have to play them every evening

He started grabbing me in places that even my husband doesn’t touch.

He looked like a tadpole who had taken off his pants and was trying to lift up his short tail.

Andryusha and I started sleeping and slept until one morning he was drafted into the army

And then I sent Oleg to the place where he once crawled out

The problem of female orgasm has occupied me since school. I graduated from college, defended my dissertation (shipbuilding), but was never able to feel the full depth of female orgasm

Seryoga’s attitude towards me can be called touching: as soon as he sees me, he begins to touch me in different places

When Seryozha tripped me and fell right on top of me, our eyes met

We so wanted this night to never end and we kindly envied the Chukchi and Eskimos, who can stay in bed for six months on the Polar Night

Are men in the East really so big that they circumcise?

Tatiana and I spent the entire hike tenderly making love in the forest and waking up damp from dew if we weren’t woken up by wild animals

I wanted to fly with happiness, but Lesha pressed me tightly to the sofa.

My shares fell along with my potency

And at the right moment, the husband does not have an erection, as if his “device” was made in China

I didn’t make any capital, and women these days are so mercantile. Only Irka sometimes arranges a “charity night” for me

My wife suddenly began to take great care of her appearance. She says that she wants to please me, but she even stopped taking out the trash

I chose my second husband to be weaker and smaller, so that the beating wouldn’t hurt so much

Both my sister and I lost our virginity on the stairwell, by the garbage chute, so this is a cult place for us

He took possession of me in a completely new way, unacceptable for our people.

What a pleasure it is - after kicking the guy to hell, you can calmly watch the series

I want a brother, but dad says that they found me in the cabbage, but there is no brother in the cabbage yet. Then I pierced all his and my mother’s condoms with scissors. Let him look more carefully

And why is he mad at me? Well, a prostitute, so what? I don’t point my finger at him, I don’t shout to the whole yard: “Look, the mechanic has gone!”

Our town is small. Cinema, park, disco. Nikita and I have already been everywhere, all that remains is the registry office

After getting married, I realized that the only thing worse than a hairy ass is sweaty feet.

He hates houseplants, and the only pets he has are pubic lice.

What our Irochka made lay separately from the rest of the crafts on the teacher’s table and vaguely resembled a carrot. Irochka herself stood in the corner

I'm 18 years old, but I've been through everything when it comes to sex, even men.

I told Katya straight away that I would no longer have sex in her attic with mice.

We met until his jaw popped out in the park and jumped along the asphalt, but he didn’t, so as to be polite enough not to notice it - he chased after her

I'm 13 years old, I live like all the girls my age: discos, wine, group members

Why is it that as soon as you become attached to a person, he immediately cuts off the ends?

Kolya was married four times and never divorced

As soon as I watch enough news on TV, I begin to imagine myself in bed either with General Lebed or with Javier Solana

My son dragged all sorts of rubbish from the yard - nuts, pieces of wood - until he finally dragged his new dad

Pavlik is only 15 years old, but he is so handsome that no woman can refuse him. Recently he stroked the headmistress of his school on the ass, and she just giggled

A person who cannot love animals - for example, dogs, horses - will never be able to love a woman.

Galina, even though she is an exclusive distributor, forgets to flush the toilet after herself

In the end, having a child turned out to be much easier than choosing a purebred puppy. I'm sure he will be proud of his pedigree

They say that garlic rejuvenates, but this is of no use - anyway, no man will come close

I was afraid that he would see my panties. So I immediately took them off and hid them. But he noticed them anyway and laughed for a long time

And so, when it came to the bed, it turned out that there was none

Is it true that if a woman pickles cucumbers during her period, they will disappear?

It turns out that the gossip that I had enuresis was spread by a neighbor whom we barely knew. She's not even from our site - she lives on the floor below

It is simply impossible to get along with such neighbors. Even their dog specifically shits three times a day right outside my door.

I gave my husband a love potion. He hasn’t loved me more deeply yet, but he itches all the time and doesn’t go anywhere in the evening.

Lenya suggested holding a dress rehearsal for our future married life. But instead of what any normal person would have thought, he told me to fry the chicken

Not only did the new boss promote my wife, but he also gave her a car with a driver, which takes me to work. I'm driving and thinking, thinking...

Her relatives repeated so often that her son was my copy that I finally doubted

This time I decided to be kinder to her. But she did not react to the words: “Calm down, dear.” I had to hit it again

I spent a whole month tracking my husband, but he actually went fishing

My son brought a girl to introduce us. My wife didn’t like her, but I don’t know what to think: when I was alone with this girl for a minute, she winked at me and licked her lips with her tongue with a grin

Each of my new wives has larger breasts than the previous one, but shorter legs

In bed, my husband behaves like a typical charismatic leader

I take sex very seriously, so I only cheated on my husband twice: with my boss and with some drunk

I didn't think that the hardest thing in sex is hiding from your wife

It seems to me that my husband is gradually losing interest in me: over the past month he has never come to spend the night

I wonder what she hoped for when she married me?

I once read that the best wives are former strippers and prostitutes. And now it really bothers me that my wife is so positive

Outwardly, my husband is somewhat similar to Oleg Gazmanov. Only twice as big and four times as stupid

But on the day when I met my current wife on the street, the horoscope strongly advised me not to leave the house. Now I treat the advice of stars more respectfully

My mother shouted that all my life I had been an evil egoist: even when she was carrying me, I always tried to hit her in the liver

Every man can pinch my wife wherever he wants, and she walks around covered in bruises

My husband made me angry, deceitful and unfaithful

My husband was becoming more and more disgusted with me every day, but the moment he fell by the bed, entangled in his underpants, my patience ran out

There is one animal in the zoo that is very similar to my husband. I forgot what it's called. Not a goat, but also with horns

And he probably thinks that if I signed with him at the registry office, then I immediately became his wife

I always told my grandson that with his beauty and Apollo figure, he should go to a choreographic school. After all, as people say, talent will always find a hole!

Mother said: “If you want to be happy, let your virginity be untouched. And if touched, then it will be unnoticeable.”

Tell me, if a husband wants to make love only with the TV on, is this the norm or a perversion?

Sometimes you get up in the morning - the mood is such that it seems that you could fall in love with all the men in the city! And in the evening you come home from work - you don’t even want one husband

My husband cheated and I took revenge on him. Then I liked taking revenge so much that I still take revenge, although I forgave my husband a long time ago

If my husband sees that I am writing about him, he will kill me, as has happened more than once

The whole village knows that my husband is a complete mess in his bed, but the women still climb on him and climb on him.

My wife and I live in a communal apartment with two male neighbors. Both don't work, and neither does my wife. She is pregnant now and I am looking forward to the baby. After all, this is the only way to check whether he is cheating or not?

My husband didn’t want to get up for a long time in the morning and kept asking how many degrees it was outside. And I, by the way, lay with him not like a thermometer, but like a woman

I was surprised at people who trustingly invested money in various pyramids, until I realized that my wife was a worse pyramid than MMM. She collected everything that he put into her and went to someone else.

I bought a drug for my husband that increases sensuality by 5 centimeters, but apparently the expiration date has expired

Then I admitted to my wife that I had a crush on Mila, but I did not sleep with her. So she arranged for me that it would be better if I slept with her

And just recently I realized that you can talk about love not only with your loved one, but also with your husband

It is not easy to become the head of the family and master over your wife if she responds to any remark with a slap in the face

My wife came in, and I was giving her friend a tantric massage. She doesn't understand that it's done in the nude

My husband was very jealous of Zhenya and me, followed us on our heels, watched us, suspecting all our sins, even when we were just kissing

It was interesting to listen to his explanation. I spent the night at home, although not with him, but with Seryoga, but where was he these three days?

When I realized that the cat Murzik lives better in this house than me, I posed the question: either I get the same attention and delicious food, or I leave

When Natasha’s husband came, the scene was like Gogol’s in “The Inspector General,” though it didn’t last long and with elements of violence

Previously, Nikolai was an athlete, and he was married so many times that I understood from the rings that he played for the Olympic team

In the south, my husband and I lived next to the base of the national football team. Great guys, always available. And I named my daughter after the goalkeeper

It seems to me that in literature lessons we need to talk more about the personal lives of writers and their love affairs. Then no one would skip school for sure

I still don’t understand how I could get pregnant? I had almost no men this month

It was somehow awkward for me to tell Vadim that I was pregnant from him, because we barely knew each other

And I realized with horror that I had been pregnant for a month now. There was no time to find out who the child was from - I had to get married urgently

And then the same trouble happened to me that happened to my mother many years ago: I became pregnant

At first there was a friendship between us, which imperceptibly turned into pregnancy

When Lera, this quiet woman, gave birth, everyone in the yard was very surprised. After all, no one saw how she got pregnant

I told both of them that I was pregnant. And both offered money for an abortion. That's when I regretted that I only had two of them.

I was conceived by a dog trainer, and I'm sure the child will be proud of his pedigree

He is so funny that no matter what you say, he laughs it off all the time. I wonder how he'll laugh it off when I tell him I'm pregnant?