Alexey Gubin Singer now. Andrei Gubin (Clementev) - biography, family and singer's discography

Alexey Gubin Singer now. Andrei Gubin (Clementev) - biography, family and singer's discography
Alexey Gubin Singer now. Andrei Gubin (Clementev) - biography, family and singer's discography

Gubin Andrey Viktorovich is the famous and bright singer and composer, poet and producer in the musical sphere. He rapidly broke into the Russian show-business still in the Crazy nineties, becoming a favorite of millions of girls.

A talented guy not only did not break into difficult times, but also managed to give us a huge number of new songs that the whole country sang literally.

Recently, Andrei Gubina's star suddenly rolled off from the show business skyscle. Fans are interested in where their idol disappeared, however, their investigation led to shocking results.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Andrei Rubin

Many fans of Andryushi Grin still with the nineties, wanted to know what kind of singer had growth, weight, age. How many years Andrei Rubin is not a secret, you just need to know when the "eternal boy" was born.

Andrei Gubin is now not similar to that bright and charming handsome, he is a person who suffers with numerous diseases, which is practically not recognized on the streets of cities.

Andrei was born in 1974, so he was recently forty-three years old. According to the zodiac sign, he is hardworking, persistent, solid, calm, sensitive taurus.

According to the eastern horoscope, the famous singer wears all the character traits inherent in tigers, including success, courage, enthusiasm.

Andrei Gubin's growth in the meter and sixty-six centimeters always allowed him to feel like a subtitle teenager. Weight a man is extremely small - only fifty kilograms.

Where Andrei Gubin is now? He did not leave abroad and did not die, as many consider. A man lives in the capital of our Motherland and, as it is not regrettable to hear, is the disabled person of the first group.

Biography Andrei Ginin

Andrei Gubina's biography is the story of a talented guy who achieved a lot and lost everything overnight. The little Andryushka was born in Ufa, where he lived almost to eight years.

Then the family moved to Moscow, where she lived on an illegal position. Andrei and his parents constantly had to walked around the capital and earn a living by all available ways. The boy painted well, so often selling caricatures to the journal "Crocodile".

The boy was very talented, he was easily given school subjects, so he pulled out from the second class immediately in the fourth. It was a mistake of his father, as he believed that the boy was a genius, but Andrei missed the third class and quickly rolled on two.

Gubin was engaged in sports, including chess and football, which achieved high results. Andrei played for the Moscow national team, but he broke his leg and could not continue the sports career.

The boy wanted to become a journalist, however, for fifteen years he took an unsuccessful interview with Makarevich and realized that this was not his calling. Andrei was seriously engaged in music and already in the seventh grade began writing lyrics.

Gubin straightened his speech because scary kartval. Already at fifteen years he became the leading program "up to 16 and older" and performed there many songs of their own essay. At the same time, I saw the light of his first album "I am homeless", which laid the beginning of the popularity of the young singer.

The guy entered the Gnesinku on the department of vocal, but was expelled for the fact that he often missed classes in the first year.

From the beginning of the nineties performed in various musical competitions, collaborated with Agutin, who became his producer. He toured through the countries of the former USSR, and all the albums of the young singer invariably flew out like hot cakes. In 1999, the singer was even invited to live and speak Canada, but he quickly returned home.

The last album was released in 2002, and the last song Andrei sang in 2009. Gubin wrote hits for celebrities such as "paints", Olga Orlova, Beretta, Zhanna Friske, "Please note."

In 2017, in the transfer "Direct Ether", the audience saw a very frank interview with Andrei Gubin, in which he talks about his takeoffs and falls.

Life life Andrei Gubina

The personal life of Andrei Gyubin has always been rich and violent, since the young handsome just adored women of all ages. He was constantly the focus of attention, short-term novels with models who took part in the shooting of clips. In the environment of show business, Andrei had a reputation as a rare woman and slave.

The worst thing is that constantly being in the company of long-legged beauties, Gubin did not fall in love with them. He always tried to find an ideal wife and mother for his future children for himself, but remained lonely and no one who did not need a person.

Andrei Ginin's family

Andrei Gubin's family is very unusual, since under 16 years old, the guy was called the Father's name - Clemethev and Patronymic - Valerevich. He brought up his stepfather - Viktor Gubin, therefore, receiving a passport, the guy changed the data on Andrei Viktorovich Gubin.

Steph trembled perfectly to the guy, considered him his native son and protected from problems. He was an employee of the NII and in the hungry nineties drew cartoons for magazines. The boy treated stepfather with dislike, because he was constantly confused to make someone famous from his son.

It was Viktor Gubin that became the first producer and the advisor of Andrei, he recorded the first songs of the Son. Victor's business burned, he perceived it very hard. Stephi died in 2007.

Mom - Svetlana Grina - she was engaged in domestic affairs and raised children. Andrei adored mom and considered it the ideal of a woman, he was very hard survived the death of a native person in 2012.

Gubin has a sister Anastasia, which is in no way connected with the music. She did not even graduate from the music school, and his life was connected with the world of numbers, watched at the Economic Faculty of VGIK. She got married and raises the baby. With his brother Nastya seems quite rare, although in childhood it was strongly tied to it. She argues that the point is not in his illness, they are simply quite busy people who see as far as possible.

Children Andrei Ginin

The children of Andrei Gubin did not appear on this light, although the famous musician himself dreamed of the appearance of heirs very much. Andrei flew often with his younger sister and knew how to get along with babies almost everything.

At first, the singer argued that he could not find a mother for future chad, which would be similar to his own mommy.

Later, Andrei Gubin declared that he was not up to children, because his body corrodies the disease. The singer said that because of terrible pain in the face of his face, he was not before making children.

Andrei constantly says that the baby in the family requires care, love and constant attention. The singer complains that he can not follow himself and his health, and the child needs a healthy father.

Wife Andrei Ginina

Andrei Gubina's wife is absent, but the singer constantly says that someday he will defeat his terrible and rare disease. Gubin dreams of finding such a girl who will not make a career or cling to his starry past.

Andrei Gubina's wife should not only be a beautiful and well-kept model, but also to be the most like his mommy. The singer argues that at home he should feel under protection, so that it was cozy, calmly and smelled homemade pastries.

If possible, his future chosen one must completely devote himself to raising children, because only a mother can give children the foundations of behavior in society and make them self-sufficient people.

He is looking for not only a faithful and loving wife, but also a muse, which will want to write millions of new songs, which will certainly become real hits. Andrei said that his future wife would even be able to become his long-playing creative project, however, the main priorities put up on the upbringing of babies.

Girls Andrei Ginin

Andrei Gubin's girls constantly changed, the guy stopped a complex about low growth, so his chosen was always high models.

From a number of any meaningful connections, you want to highlight three beautiful and talented girls. His first love was a certain Elizabeth, who met a guy in the subway at a very young age. They met for a long time, but the girl did not suit the constant absence of Andrei at home.

Another beauty with which the guy had a long-term relationship with Yule Beretti - the former participant of the group "Arrows". He helped the girl to create his own solo project, in every way supported and worn.

When Gubin lost his health and remained without work, he began drinking. Julia did not want to pull the unemployed adult man on himself, and left him. The girlfriends were told that Beretta was not tuned to overcoming difficulties, however, after the collapse of the relationship, young people were not collapsed, but remained friends.

With his only love, a man always called Nastya Starygin, who played the role of the girl Lisa in the same video. She was a daughter of the famous Igor Starygin, who played Aramis in the Three Musketeers. The girl did not pay any attention to him, she got married and gave birth to a child.

Andrei Gubin Nervous System Disease - Latest News

Andrei Gubin disease is nervous system - the latest news is quite disappointing.

Another ten years ago, Andrei disappeared from the stage, no one knew the reasons for this. Some people believed that the reason for everything was the fact that the man became unemployed since 2010. The case was that his last creative project was closed - the program of Kati Gordon. Gubin began to drink and finally lost his health.

Andrei Gubin: "I was signed by a death sentence" - the phrase that sounded on the air "Direct Ether" program in 2017. He argued that he was attempted for his life, so the singer began problems with nerves.

Opponents constantly stated that the singer and producer looks terrible because of the problems with alcohol. Newspapers Pepling headlines - Andrei Gubin Parkinson's disease, but this news was the usual newspaper duck.

Andrei Gubin disappeared from screens and scenes, because he was struck by a severe illness, distorting the muscles of the face - left-sided transopalgia. The man is experiencing terrible pain and so hard to talk and smile, not to sing. His neck will shine, and the face resembles an iron mask that rolls all the mimic movements.

The root causes of overwork and chronic lack of sleep, which led to the attacks of the cruel migraine.

What a disease of Andrei Gybina, of course, knows only his attending physician, but from her a man loses his hearing and gradually deprives the ability to lead the usual way of life. The once beautiful and successful, confident and loving guy received the first group of disability and lost opportunities to do even lightly.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Gubina

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Gubin are available for quite a long time, they are official and in demand. On a Wikipedia page, which is fully dedicated to the favorite of millions, there is a reliable information about personal life and parents, a musical career and awards, as well as a terrible disease that ran Andrei Gubin. There is also a complete list of songs and clips that Andrei has created for all the time.

Gubin had an official website, which he constantly replenished with timely information about life and creative plans. Gradually, Andrei lost interest in filling the site and communicating with fans.

In 2016, he finally appeared a profile in instagram, for which two and a half thousand loyal fans signed for three months. Photos and videos are constantly appearing on the page, but, mostly, they relate to the last life of the singer associated with show business.

What happened and what disease in g was killed by Andrei

From 2009 disappeared from the limests of millions of Andrei Gubin from the screens, so his absence caused a sea of \u200b\u200bquestions. It immediately began to arise a lot of versions of the fact that the singer became a recovery and stopped communicating with friends.

The situation was clarified by Andrei himself in 2012, when the "Let them say" clarified that he suffers from a rare disease - the propalgia of the left side. It caused not alcoholism, as he was gossipped behind the backs of ill-wishers, and:

  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • unbearable voltage of the nervous system;
  • overwork.

Symptoms of the disease at the river

The ailment struck the face of the star nineties, so it lost the ability to move, the lips constantly become blue. Gubin argues that sometimes just goes crazy from unbearable pain, sometimes even losing consciousness.

The ill-wishers immediately began to hint that the problem arose due to the terrible mental illness of the artist, but the doctors recall that Andrei's creative activity led to the fact that his nervous system was just broken.

The singer does not help anything, he was examined outside of Russia, but could not stop the painful process. Many women's favorites became poor because he spent the fees for treatment, but does not lose hope to cure.

Gubin Andrei Viktorovich was born on April 30, 1974 in the city of Ufa. Up to eight years lived in his hometown, in the district of Chernikovka. Vacation spent at her grandmother in the village of Nikolo Berezovka. Then, together with his parents, he moved to Moscow - there they shot the apartment, there was little money, because Mom Andrei, Svetlana Viktorovna could not work, because there was no registration. For the same reason, the Gubin family was forced to change the apartments often, and Andrei really lacked friends due to the permanent change of schools. Andrei's father, Viktor Viktorovich, worked in the afternoon, and at night to keep a family: during the day - a researcher, and in the evening - at home, painted caricatures for humorous journals (including for "crocodile"). Already then Andrei began making money, helping the father copy drawings.

Having matured Andrei carried away with sports: first - chess, then - football. At one time, he even played for the juvenile national team of Moscow, but after the fracture feet had to leave the sport. Then there was a desire to become a journalist, but after an unsuccessful attempt to interview Andrei Makarevich, a cross was put on journalism. The object of his self-expression, Andrei chose music. After graduating from school, he entered the Vocal Department of Gnesink, from where he successfully flew after the first course for his free attendance (and more precisely the trouble) of classes. He was boring to learn because the teachers were "rowing all over one comb", preventing the development of bright creative individuality. Until now, Andrei never received any special musical education.

I must say that Andrei has been drawn to music from early childhood. For example, a six-year-old Andrei, having come to a hairdresser with her mother, boldly climbed into a chair and, desperately by the Kart, performed his favorite song before the admiring public - "Do not cry, Girl." By the way, Andrei really strongly killed in childhood, for this reason could not sing for a long time. Despite the disappointing projections of doctors, Andrei corrected this lack of self, using special literature.

Andrei was about 13-14 years old, when he asked the Father to buy him a guitar, and a few months later he invited everyone to listen to his creations. The first performance was in the transfer "to sixteen and older," where he sang the song "Our School with a Military Bluff." With the editor-in-chief of the program, Andrei met, standing at the passage of central television on Shabolovka and fulfilling his songs under the guitar. Then followed by performances in the transfer of "Look" and others. Andrei wrote his first album at 15 years old, he was called "Bummy", and Andrei guitar songs entered it. This album was issued with a circulation of 200 copies for "his", loved ones. Already in 18 Andrew was written the second album called "Ave Maria", in which the song arrangements were partially already had, and even a couple of lumps were in the album. In 1992, the third album "Prince and Princess" was ready, which did not see the world at all due to the lack of money for his release. And the first exit to the scene as a professional artist was held in 1994 - Andrei participated in the Music Competition "Slavutich-94". By the way, Andrei wrote his famous song "Brojaga" Andrei, still studying in the eighth grade, but only an acquaintance with Leonid Agutin turned it into a real hit (Leonid made Orange). After that, Andrei recorded his own album at the Agutin Studio in Tver. After the release of this album to Rubin, great popularity came. However, soon in the active tour of the singer, a rather long pause has occurred, during which the tense creative work lasted on the creation of new songs.
You can still talk much about this talented young singer, composer and poet in one person. Andrei's songs every time getting stronger and more stringful, and in them there is all life Andrei Gubin. It remains only to wish him creative inspiration for new songs, and he always will have listeners. So, if you want to know more about his creativity and about himself, just listen to his songs - they will tell about everything.

You can still talk much about this talented young singer, composer and poet in one person. Andrei's songs are becoming more and more string every time, and there is all life Andrei Gubin.

Gubin Andrei Viktorovich was born on April 30, 1974 in the city of Ufa. Up to eight years lived in his hometown, in the district of Chernikovka. Vacation spent at her grandmother in the village of Nikolo Berezovka. In 1981, Andrei with his family moves to Moscow, where parents remove a one-room apartment. Since Mother Andrei, Svetlana Viktorovna was without registration, she could not work and all family expenses were legally at the father of Andrei, Viktor Viktorovich, who worked as a researcher and cartoonist at the same time. Andrei as he could have helped her father making money, he also painted caricatures, which he didn't even be bad, and when he brought his drawings to the editor of the Crocodile magazine, they simply did not believe that it could draw a child, thought it was Some artist selected the boy to sell his work.

Andrei's family constantly had to move from one apartment to another, from one district of the city to another, as families without registration were forbidden to live in Moscow. And as Andrei himself remembers: "I still remember bypassing the police when uncle Militizers came and said that in 24 hours you need to collect things

and leave the city, because you do not have the right to live in this city. "Because of such movements, Andrei had to very often change schools and friends, which was particularly hard for the child." I remember, "recalls Andrey -" like all My classmates went to walk, and I sat at home, looked out the window and swallowed tears. "

In primary classes, Andrei studied very well and dad decided to translate Andrei from the second class immediately in the fourth. This, after some time, succeeded, after which the performance of Andrei decreased sharply. Remembers Andrei: "In grade 3, everyone pass, where the numerator, where the denominator, and I could not remember where the numerator, and where the denominator, so I had some two then ..."

Having matured Andrei carried away with sports: first - chess, then - football. At one time, he even played for the juvenile national team of Moscow, but after the fracture feet had to leave the sport. In the high school classes, Andrei has already started writing something and wanted to become a journalist if some funny cases took place at school, he tried to describe them and this, according to Andrei, it turned out well with him quite well, but after an unsuccessful attempt to take Inter

the view of Andrei Makarevich, a cross was put on journalism. The object of his self-expression, Andrei chose music. Music has always been his biggest dream. The only thing that prevented the little Andryusha sing is his drawback: up to 13 years old Andrei Kartvil. But the desire to be a musician helped him quickly get rid of this shortage. Mom of a friend gave Andrei Books on the speech therapy, for which he quickly learned to dispense the letter "R" and now all the roads became for Andrei open.

Andrei wrote his first verses in 12-14 years old, here is one of them - "Dad":

Dad, I'm disassembled,

Dad, I'm a fool,

How to deal with me?

I do not know how.

And I'm learning badly,

Songs do not write,

And I do not do in the Wushi section.

There is no talent in me,

And in you their hundreds

What will come out of me?

I do not know what.

Well, and the first song of Andrei became the most famous work of the "Brojaga", which was written in the 7th grade.

The first appearance of Andrei in front of a large audience took place in the program "up to sixteen and older." You ask how it happened? It was in the summer, Andrei came to Shabolovka, stood on a guitar passage

and he began to fulfill his songs, and it turned out that it was at this time that the chief editor of the Tamara Petrovna Pavlichenko program was to work, which led Andrei to the program, after which he was recorded. After 3 months, Andrei was shown on central television, which he did not say anyone, but his mystery was very quickly revealed, since everything was still seen this performance, how many canals were?

After the program "up to sixteen and older" the second broadcast was in the "Look" program, where Andrei sang the song "Our School with a Military Blider", but, unfortunately, this broadcast did not reach Moscow, unlike other cities of Russia, since The song was forbidden to insert into the program.

Andrei wrote his first album at the age of 15, which was called "I am homeless", it was released in the amount of 200 copies. Andrei's songs under the guitar were recorded in the album.

After graduating from school, he entered the Vocal Department of Gnesink, from where he successfully flew after the first course for his free attendance (and more precisely the trouble) of classes. Learn he was boring due to the fact that teachers "rowing all under one comb",

epaticizing the development of bright creative personality. Until now, Andrei never received any special musical education.

Already in 18 Andrew was written the second album called "Ave Maria", in which the song arrangements were partially already had, and even a couple of lumps were in the album. In 1992, the third album "Prince and Princess" was ready, which did not see the world at all due to the lack of money for his release. The first present speech of Andrei took place at the Slavutich-94 contest, where the future artist performed the song "Brojabi". Soon Leonid Agutin suggested Andrei to make a professional arrangement for this song, which turned it into superheat for all times.

The first professional album Andrei "Boy-Tragging" was recorded at Leonid Agutin's studio in Tver. After his release, Andrei becomes the most popular performer on the Russian pop scene, a pet for young girls. Concerts, fans, sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, letters, love recognition girls - all this came to Andrey very quickly and in huge quantities that could turn her head to every person, but

Andrei Strastko kept and continued to be a simple guy, it did not prevent him from preserving modesty, respect and love for him to him.

However, soon in the active tour of the singer, a rather long pause has occurred, during which the tense creative work lasted on the creation of new songs.

In 1998, the song "Winter-Hod" appears in the radio broadcast, which instantly becomes the chadliner of all hit parades.

In March 1998, the long-awaited album entitled "Only you", which was recorded at the studio A.G. Music in Sweden, the control rights to its distribution received the company "Union". The output of this album just eclipsed all the stars in the Russian show business, all the hit parades were headed by the name "Andrei Gubin", the songs did not go from the first places for many months, Andrei survived the second birth and became the best. This album of criticism called "bomb", which kicked up almost the whole world. And again - tour, fans, fans, sea of \u200b\u200bflowers and love. Also in 1998, a documentary film about Andrei called "I know, you know," the director who

gO became Igor Shoots. The film is intertwined by documentaries from Andrei tour, studio shootings from the album record and artistic shootings, as in the present movie, and all this is intermittent with the clips of Andrei, which were removed until 1998 inclusive.

Igor ships about the film: "The film was built as a parody of American spy films: I really wanted to leave the bore paintings, when the artist, poorly realizing what to do, dangles from the corner to the corner, and the dictator text sounds behind the frame. In the film filmed Professional actors and non-professional. The film was held on many TV channels, and the Soundtrack on the song "Bird" entered the 100 best MTV clips and more than a year he held a leading position in the charts of the National Channel Muz-TV. "

In early 1999, the producers of the Western recording company Radisson are coming to Russia, who were looking for Russian performers to make worldwide stars: "We listened to all Russian performers, a lot of albums, but could not find a single opinion among our colleagues, whom So could you lead to us? And then we were offered the album

Andrei Gybina, listening to just a couple of songs from this album, we immediately all alone decided to offer our artist our contract. "Andrei agreed. In January 1999, Andrei flies to Canada to write and record new songs in English and Russian, but very It will be returned from there, since "there is too calm lifestyle, in Russia and it seems better, and writes easier." Western producers tried to introduce their music to Andrei, which he seemed to be designed to the foreign market of show business. But Andrei believes that The main rule of his life is not to lose herself, and he left. For a long time, the producers asked Andrei to return, offered a record in other countries, but Andrei, as every freedom-loving person does not like, when they are commanded. Still from Canada Andrei returned not from empty hands, he recorded there a song called "I dream about you", which from the first week on the air on many radio stations flew to the first place and became the "song of the month", the release of ne SN took place in March 1999.

And again calm ... Although Andrei's songs are still held in the charts, musical critis

ki is already starting to cut into the end of Andrei's creative career. But it was not there: in November 1999, Andrei launches the song "Crying, Love", which the same fate comprehends that Andrei's previous songs - and again he is on top of the charts.

On May 18, 2000, Andrei's professional album called "was, but passed," which was also recorded at the studio A.G. Music in Sweden, although the main rights to the release of this album was supposed by ARS Records. And again, songs from the album become indisputable hits, they head charts, the audience love them, but critics did not appreciate this work Andrei, despite the success of many songs of this album. For them, it became usual that if Andrei Gubin issues an album, then all the songs should become hits, and if the hits are only a few, then it does not suit them - unlike the albums of other musicians, in which only one or two are known from all the material songs. But, as Professionals say - if this album was really well promoted, then many songs from it could become real hits - for example, such as "soft legs", "he those

ba does not like "or" give flowers ". But the company ARS-records did not work.

After the Andrei occurred, he decided that now he would write his albums long, browse, rewrite them until it would be clear that these songs would affect the hearts of people. So it happened. A whole year from Andrei was not heard anything, but in June 2001, new compositions from Andrei Gubina reappear on the radio station - "List Falls" and "Running Summer" - the latter again blew up all the hit parades and held at first places until November 2001 of the year. In December 2001, Andrei again pleases his fans of a novelty, the song "not infinite winter", and, as it has already been accepted, it becomes hit again.

But Andrei does not stop, it disappears all day in the studio and writes a new album. In March 2002, Andrei records and removes the video clip on "she alone", but later decides that this song will still be on the light and cancels the showing of the video clip and the rotation of the song on the air. Later, in June 2002, suddenly all telephony and radio esters explode the incendiary song "Dancing", which simply caused a huge storm of emotions and energy in people, he

and immediately becomes the hottest hit of the summer, which lights their hidden desires in people to relax and delighted the summer disco. This song could be heard everywhere, in bars, shops, on discos, in cars ...

In early September 2002, Andrei records the song and removes the video called "Be with me - go" And a newly huge explosive wave of the success of the song covers the Russian show business, again all the cream gets Andrei.

And now, finally, October 10, 2002, the fourth album Andrei "is always with you", the firm "Union" began to enjoy the right to the release of which. The presentation of the album took place on October 11 at the Soyuz Studio Store, as well as in the Moscow Aquapark "Transaval Park" with a promotion called "in the Pool with Rubin". Hundreds of fans and fans of Andrei came to the presentation, not only Muscovites came, but also fans from Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Peter, Samara and other cities. They came to congratulate Andrey with the release of the album and the stars of our pop: the group Hi-Fi, Danko, Shura, Marina Khlebnikov and many others. Presentation Lead Muz-tv Oscar Couter.

2 weeks after the release of the album, sales have achieved huge sizes, and a month later, the listeners noted the album "Always with You" as the brightest event of 2002.

And now it came and for the song "One". Andrei issues this song in rotation and it instantly conquers the hearts of people, and not only young people. Later, the hit parade blew the song and clip "Girls, like the stars", the premiere took place on the MTV channel on February 20, 2003.

On March 11, 2003, a video was shot on the song "I am always with you", which Andrei performed a duet with Olga Orlova. The release of the clip took place on the Muz-TV channel on April 1, 2003. Already in the first days of the show of this video clip, they began to say about him, as a chic story of love, which touched the hearts of even the most indifferent to the work of Andrei Gybin people, although those probably did not remain.

You can still talk much about this talented young singer, composer and poet in one person. Andrei's songs are becoming more and more string every time, and there is all life Andrei Gubin. It remains only to wish him creative inspiration for new songs, and he always will have listeners

Popular in the 90s Singer Andrei Gubin was a mound of millions. Numerous fans bore the favorite artist with flowers and gifts and did everything to attract attention - expected behind the scene after the concerts, guarded under the windows at the musician's house. Despite the fact that Andrei surrounded the crowds of fans who dream of tie their lives with him, now performer of hits "Winter-Hod", "such girls, like stars" spend days alone. In the program "Ninety" Gubin admitted that he loved only one girl in his life, which once starred in his video "Lisa". However, his shyness was prevented to build a normal relationship and create a family with the chosen.

"Such an intelligent girl was, I remember it was scary. I merged, "Andrei admitted.

Although the Grin did not work out to keep her beloved, the relatives of the artist are aware of what happens in his life from his former Passia. As the sister of singer Anastasia Movieva told, the girl was able to gain happiness with another man and created a family.

"She's fine. She now lives in Switzerland, she has two wonderful children, "the relative of the star 90s told.

// Photo: Frame from clip Andrei Gubina

It is worth noting that the girl starring in the club Gybina is the daughter of actor Igor Starygin, the famous Aramis from the film "D" Artanyan and three Musketeers. "It is known that, having matured, Blonde Anastasia Starygin really created a family, but her son will grow up with her And not two, as the sister of Andrei Gubin noted in an interview with the TV channel. In addition, the daughter of the famous artist did not leave live abroad and spent his whole life in his homeland. Fans of creativity Andrei Gubina also well know that with Anastasia an old romantic relationship did not connect him with Anastasia, And therefore, the information that the singer himself and his sister shared is not quite true. It remains only to guess who actually had in mind the artist and his relative, speaking of the only girl that Gubin loved with all his heart.

Now the singer lives alone, continues to write music and is treated from a serious illness, which paralyzed his muscles. He does not blame anyone in the fact that he did not find his soul mate. Andrei believes that during his life it was not met with those girls - he did not dare to create a family with one of them. Despite the fact that now a man is a little over 40, and he can fully successfully establish a personal life, women are not fading to see the idol of the 90s next to him. Andrei does not leave attempts to meet his only one and even goes to various tricks to draw attention to his person.

"With women, I have no relationship. Although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I have all the time coming to contact with girls and in life, and in social networks, but they merge everything in a row. Once to shorten the time for the acquaintance process, I left the announcement: "I am ready to become a sponsor. Andrew". And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, it pleased me. So women are not so agreed, "said Gubin" Starkit ".

The star of the 90s, the author of his hives, who danced millions, Andrei Gubin became a rejupse. The singer is not interested in a secular life, his appearance in the studio of the TV shows becomes an event. But the fans remember and hope if not on the return of the pet on the stage, then at least for new hits, the same clowns, in their own way naive and clean.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Klelenetev, who is better known as Andrei Gubin, was born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. The boy grew in an intelligent Soviet family: stepfather Viktor Viktorovich, whom Andrei always called his father, worked as a researcher, in his free time, painted caricatures for Soviet magazines. Mother Svetlana Viktorovna was a housewife.

The first 8 years of life, the boy spent in his hometown, after which the family moved to a small removable apartment in Moscow. Due to the lack of Moscow registration, Andrei's mother had to constantly change housing, hiding from the police. The boy early began to help the father of making money: he also drew cartoons, which attributed to the Crocodile magazine.

Andrei Gubin in childhood and adulthood

At school, Andrei studied as well that his father decided to translate a child from the 2nd class immediately in the 4th. This step has a negative impact on the boy's performance, it was especially difficult for him to be given mathematics. Also, constant moving and shifts of schools were also affected, Gubin did not have time to get used to the team and acquire real friends.

In school years, the boy became interested in sports. First, the hobby became chess, and a little later - football. They were engaged in professionally and even got into the Moscow national team, but because of a fracture of his feet guy forever had to forget about sports.

However, rather soon Gubin switched to music. He dreamed about the career of the singer since childhood, but a very shy of a speech defect - a moldability, which is unacceptable for the artist. The mother supported his son in his desire and sent a guy to the speech therapists, thanks to which, by 15 years, Andrei confidently spoke the letter "P". The first poem of Gubin composed at the same young age and dedicated him to his father.


Andrei Gubin's musical career began thanks to his father. He bought the future musician to the first guitar. Fighting chords, the boy began to compose the first works. In 1986, Andrei wrote a song "Brojaga" song, which was performed on the youth television program "up to sixteen and older." At the show, the teenager got quite randomly, his playing guitar heard the editor-in-chief of Tamara Pavlichenko and called the musician to the program.

Andrei Gubin at the beginning of a musical career

In his youth, Andrei was seriously inspired by the Spirit of Freewinity and basically tried to write political songs. Because of his worldview and views, he often discussed with teachers, which further had a negative impact on estimates on some subjects. At one time, Andrei even caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a journalist. However, the unfortunate interview with the star of the Russian scene forced the guy to abandon this dream.

Somehow graduating from school with several twins in the certificate, including the behavior, Andrei entered the Gnesin school. The study turned out to be tedious and boring for a young artist, and soon he threw an education.

By that time, the father of the future singer Viktor Viktorovich established a business in Moscow, became the vice-president of the trade and raw material exchange and the owner of several recording studios. Such an improvement in the living conditions of the Rubin family allowed Andrei to start his career in music and focus on creativity.

The first album "I am homeless" Artist published in 1989 by a limited edition of 200 copies. The title theme of the plate was the problems with housing, which was experiencing Andrei in his youth due to the lack of Moscow registration from the mother. Two more unofficial albums - "Ave Maria" and "Prince and Princess" came out. These plates are considered a rarity among the fans of Huin creativity.

The real fame and the popularity of Andrei brought a speech at the Slavutich-94 song contest. There, the talented artist noticed the singer and composer who offered help in the album record. This cooperation has become key in Andrei's music biography. Gubin and Agutin changed the arrangement and went to record in the Tver Studio.

In 1996, the first professional album of Gyuba was released under the same name "Brojaga" name. The popularity of the young singer took off to heaven, he became a cumier of young people and acquired a huge crowd of fans who literally followed the artist during the filming of clips and concerts.

After 2 years, Gubin was pleased with the new record fans called "only you". In 1998, he drove on tour in support of his new concert program, including not only the city of Russia, but also of Ukraine, and Belarus. The success of the second album largely surpassed the popularity of the debut film of the artist. Almost all the songs became hits and for a long time held the leading positions of Russian hit parades. The name of Andrei Gubin was at all hearing, the full halls were gathered for concerts.

Despite growing popularity, Andrei Gubin continued to comprehensively because of his appearance, according to numerous articles. The young man shy low growth (166 cm), but the love of the public gradually helped him cope with the complexes. But the colleagues in the stage were not strongly supported by Andrei. Even played the song "Below only Gubin," which caused the perturbation of the singer.

Andrei Gubin - "Night"

Andrei was going to submit to the court to the first channel and on the artist, but then decided that he would call on the hand-to-hand fight of Nikolaev, even rented the hall for these purposes. The author of the song The challenge rejected, than very disappointed Grin, confident that Igor would beat. Later, Zatresin admitted that he was shame for mockerying the singer, who had without that mass of the problems, but wrote off this lunge on the misunderstanding of the appeal intrigues of show business.

In 1999, Andrei went to Canada to record an English-speaking album, the purpose of which was the conquest of the Western public. However, the record did not work with the record, distant Canada seemed to the artist too calm and boring for writing a new material.

So without writing a single English-language song, Gubin returned to Russia, where he immediately released the song "I dream about you." The composition, like all the works of the singer, instantly took off to the top positions of the playlists, reminding listeners about the talented singer.

In 2000, the third album of Andrei "was, but passed." Fans of extremely warmly took the new work of Gybin, which could not be said about musical critics. Several songs from the disk they called frankly weak and passing, which seriously threw the singer. Over the next album, the artist worked for 2 years, sometimes publishing new songs. Obsessed with ideality, the musician canceled the release of one of the songs and the clip to it, having considered that they are not entirely ready.

Andrei Gubin - "Winter"

In 2002, the light saw the fourth studio album "Always with You", which became very successful and popular, as well as the previous works of the singer. Andrei continued to release clips and new songs, but after 2 years I did not publish a new album, but a collection of my best compositions called "Romantic Time".

Andrei recorded several songs in collaboration with other musicians. In 2003, the track "I am always with you" and a clip for it, recorded with it, came out. In 2004, the composition "those who love", which Gubin fulfilled along with.

Also since 2004, he began to write songs for other Russian performers and engaged in producer activities. Andrei - the author of the popular La La La La, which opened the road to solo creativity. Gubin also became a producer of a beginner singer and a team "Please note."

Problems in the personal life plunged the rush into the creative crisis. In 2008, he published a collection of songs where only one new composition "Lena" was present, which did not use much popular. The tracks also entered the tracks known and favorite tracks of the tracks: "Lisa", "Night", "Winter-Hod", "Moyful My Far", "Boy-Tragging", "Dancing", "Girls, like stars" and other hits artist.

Andrei Gubin - "Lisa"

In 2008, the "The Best" DVD album was released, which also did not contain new compositions. In 2009, the neoconated song Andrei "Tenderness" came to the Internet.

Personal life

The press attributes to Andrei Rubin numerous novels, both with his wards, and just with colleagues on show business. However, the singer himself repeatedly stated that it was not possible to build a long relationship.

"For me, the main thing - in a woman I should see the mother of my children, and after - a sexual partner. I saw my children in three girls. One of them left me. The second possessed so volitional character that I understood - she will break me out. In the third girl in which I saw the mother of my children, I have not seen a sexual partner. "

The first love of the singer, whom he wanted to lead under the crown, became Lisa Soutin. Andrei with her accidentally met the subway. A novel rose between young people, the lovers began to live together, but because of the permanent tour and the tense schedule of work, the china couple was forced to part.

A year and a half existed by the civil marriage of Andrei and Lucy Kobevko. The girl performed in the "Caramel" duet, which the musician produced and wrote songs and on the dance.

In the cycle of the programs "Ninetie", published on the TVC channel, Gubin told about another love, which was forever remained in the heart - about Anastasia an old, daughter and a consolidated sister, filmed in the Lisa video. Nastya, according to Andrei, seemed so intelligent that the artist gradually claim her attention.

Subsequently, Gubin admitted what was disappointed in women. They either lie or "merge" as soon as they find out that the musician was forced to leave the scene due to health problems. Back in 2004, the artist diagnosed the disease of the nervous system, the cause of which permanent overwork and stress were. Andrey began to experience frequent bouts of headaches. Helps Sport - the singer riding a bike, goes to the gym, playing chess - the way to follow the intellect.

Andrei Gubin and Lucy Kobevko

In the studio show "Straight Ether", Gubin said that problems began with hearing. To the unexpected news about the attempting committed on him, the audience treated skeptical. Andrei repeatedly stated that he feels "podlika in his address", so the accident in Sochi also applies. The artist asked to "not put pressure on Kamaz on the street", but to whom these words were addressed, did not specify.

In 2007, a tragedy occurred in the life of Guba - father died. The singer was seriously worried about the loss, which was delicately affected both on a creative career and in life in good. In 2010, the musician officially became unemployed, because, whose show Andrei produced, decided to close the program and make a musical career.

These events pushed the grin to alcohol abuse, after which he, according to rumors, was treated in clinics from addiction. To correct peace of mind, the singer went to Thailand, where he visited the sacred places.

In 2012, the singer became a guest of the talk show "Tonight" and "Let them talk" with, where he told about his life after the scene.

Andrei Gubin in the program "Let them talk"

The site of the singer is not updated since 2015. The artist disappeared from the media space. In 2016, Andrei gave a rare interview with the magazine "Starhit". He spoke about his loneliness and failures with women. Now the singer has no fact that wives and children, but also a permanent companion. The musician shared that he hardly meets the girls, although with the hunting goes to contact both in social networks and in real life.

At the end of 2016, the fans photographed Ginin at the airport. He changed almost unrecognizable and, according to the recognition of fans, began to look much better than before. In December, Andrey started an account in "Instagram", where he published a photo and video of old speeches.

In 2017, a certain young man Maxim Khasnyuk appeared, called Andrei's extramarital son. The guy is trying to build a musical career under the pseudonym Maxi, which served as a reason for accusations of Piara on behalf of the famous "Father". Kwasnyuk in response said that he did not need anything from the river.

The representative of the novice artist found the installation of the Star Program, "where both singers met, incorrect and distorting interviews of Maxim. Andrei himself doubted his fatherhood and suggested solving problems in court. At that time, the star of the 90s refused to undergo a DNA test and agreed only after 4 months, on the show "Secret by a million".

Andrei Gubin in the program "Secret by Million"

The results of the examination confirmed the doubts of Gubin - there are no related links between men.

Andrei Gubin is now

In the summer of 2018, a number of sites ranting the words of the Sound producer Taras Kashchenin about the fact that Andrei Gubin plans to return to the musical party. The singer whose compositions are still popular on retroConcerts, writes a new album in the studio in Ufa. It does not want to play on the stage, "why disagree, let the image be remembered."

The only thing that prevents full-fledged work is the state of depression in which Andrei is immersed. Taras is concerned about the reluctance of Gubin to ask for help from doctors and even suggested that it would be better to deliver an artist to the clinic for force.


  • 1995 - Brojaga Boy
  • 1998 - "Only you"
  • 2000 - "It was, but passed"
  • 2002 - "Always with You"
  • 2002 - "V.I.P"
  • 2003 - "Platinum Collection"
  • 2004 - "The Best - Romantic Time"
  • 2005 - "Open Door"
  • 2008 - "The Best + DVD"