Деловое письмо на английском языке. Письмо другу на английском: образец в стиле «drop me a line

Деловое письмо на английском языке. Письмо другу на английском: образец в стиле «drop me a line
Деловое письмо на английском языке. Письмо другу на английском: образец в стиле «drop me a line

Стандартный формат официального письма предусматривает несколько важных моментов в его написании, тем не менее надо стараться, чтобы ваше формальное письмо на английском было как можно более простым, ясным, только по делу и не усложнять его длинными предложениями, не использовать слишком узко специфическую лексику, которую не все понимают, не вставлять старомодные выражения.

Также надо учитывать, формальное письмо на английском не может использовать сокращенные формы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, повелительное наклонение, эмоциональные, субъективные и неясные слова: very, really, actually, totally, terrible, nice, good и тому подобные.

Адреса в официальном письме

Стандартное английское официальное письмо начинается с адреса отправителя письма, который пишется в правом верхнем углу. Телефоны и адреса электронной почты обычно не пишутся, но это вполне допустимо.

Слева и ниже пишется имя и получателя письма. Если имя вам неизвестно, используйте подходящий титул, но лучше всегда адресовать письмо конкретному получателю.


Потом пишется дата. Ее допустимо ставить как под адресом отправителя, так и под адресом получателя. Форматы даты в последнее время уже стали более свободные, но чтобы не перепутать число с месяцем, месяц лучше прописывать словом: 1 March 2014, 1st March 2014


Очень важно: используйте всегда обращение Ms для женщины, если вас специально не просили использовать Mrs, Miss

Некоторые пишут без титула: Dear Jane Empson, но англичане считают такое обращение грубым. Поэтому лучше использовать титул. Если вы знаете, что человек, которому вы пишете, имеет специальный статус — указывайте его: Dear Dr. House

Если вообще неизвестно не только имя, но и мужчина или женщина будут читать это письмо, то обращение следующее: Dear Sir/ Madam (Dear Sir or Madam) . Окончание письма будет зависеть от того, как вы его начали. Если указывалось имя — значит концовка письма будет: «Yours sincerely,» . Если sir or madam — «Yours faithfully,» . Сразу под этим выражением ставится ваша подпись, под ней печатается имя и фамилия.

После приветствия сейчас стало обычным сразу указывать повод написания этого письма и даже выделять его жирным шрифтом или подчеркивать, чтобы в случае надобности, не вдаваясь в чтение подробностей, человек мог передать его более подходящей кандидатуре.

Суть письма

Суть письма должна быть изложена четко, коротко, только по делу. Текст разбивается на параграфы. Человек, которому вы пишете, может быть завален письмами, так что если он получит три страницы плотно исписанного текста, то скорее всего ваше письмо закончит свою жизнь в мусорной корзине. Письмо должно быть прочитано за несколько секунд, так что не используйте никакой лишней информации, тем более той, которая приложена к письму отдельно.

Проверьте свое формальное письмо на английском

Очень тщательно проверьте грамматику и орфографию, ошибки могут произвести плохое впечатление, а если вы обращаетесь с целью устройства на работу, то ваше письмо с ошибками точно полетит в корзину. Если есть возможность, дайте его еще кому-либо на проверку. Особенно хорошо проверьте, как написано имя получателя.

Стиль письма должен быть вежливым, уважительным, даже если это жалоба. Один из способов этого добиться, использовать вспомогательные глаголы could, would, should , но не злоупотребляйте, так как есть вероятность того, что письмо перейдет в разряд слишком формальных и даже старомодных.

Следующая таблица выражений поможет составить полноценное формальное письмо на английском для заказчика, подрядчика, поставщика.

Помните, что первое впечатление очень важно, поэтому лучше выбирайте бумагу, конверты, центрируйте письмо на странице, не допускайте пятен на бумаге. Все это маленькие, но очень важные в бизнесе мелочи, которые вам могут помочь добиться своей цели.

I appreciate your understanding, and I look forward
to welcoming you back to the site soon.

Формальное письмо на английском — пример (кликайте, чтобы увеличить) Sources: Birmingham City University Highly experienced EFL teacher Kate from




Сборник деловых писем


Специальность: 032002 Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведения

Преподаватель: Довгалевская Н.М.


Lenina 123-56
Volgograd 123456

Warwick House
Warwick Street
Forest Hill
London SE 23

For the attention of the Sales Manager

Dear Sir or Madam

Please, would you send me details of your DVD video systems. I am particularly interested in the Omega range.

Yours faithfully

(Ms) K. Ilnik

Tablers Plc.
8 Standford Rd.
Tel: 020 842 57 293
Fax: 020 842 58 294

Russian Fabrics ltd.
126 Leninsky Av.
Moscow 117247

Dear Sir or Madam,

We have learnt from the Russian Trade Delegation in London that you produce cotton and other natural fabrics for export. There is a steady demand here for good and medium quality goods of this type especially in pale colours.

Will you please send us your catalogues and full details of your export prices and terms of payment together with any samples you let us have.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

William McDonald
Purchase Department manager

Russian Fabrics ltd.
126 Leninsky Av.
Moscow 117247

Tablers Plc.
8 Standford Rd.
London UK

Dear Mr. McDonald,

We thank you for your enquiry of 17 April for our cotton and other natural fabrics and enclose our detail quotation.

A full range of priced patterns has been sent to you by post today. You will see that our fabrics are really of fine quality and attractive designs. These fabrics can be supplied from stock.

In case of an order for more than 500 metres we would allow a special discount of 5 per cent.

As you may know costs have been rising steadily since March but we have not raised our prices.

However we may have to do so when the present stocks run out. We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.

Yours sincerely
Peter Zhukov
Sales Manager

Lenina 123-56
Volgograd 123456

Warwick House
Warwick Street
Forest Hill
London SE 23

Dear Mr Giordianino

With reference to my letter of 10 August, I enclose copy invoices, which made up your June statement, the balance of which still remains outstanding.

Having dealt with you for some time, we are concerned that we have neither received your remittance nor any explanation as to why the balance of $ 2,000 has not been cleared. We would appreciate it if you could either reply with an explanation or send us a cheque to clear the account within the next seven days.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
R. Costello (Sr)
Credit Controller

17 Hillside Road, Apt. 12
London W13HR
Tel 0186 546633
Fax 0186 56556

Vladimir Gross
5 Nelson Street, Apt. 5
Chicago 19200

Dear Mr. Gross,

I saw your advertisement for a Business Journalist in today’s Guardian newspaper. I am very interested in the job and I think I have many of the necessary skills.

I studied politics and modern languages at Oxford University. I am master ing French, German and Spanish. I had academic trips widely in Europe and South Amerika, and at the same time I worked as a business journalist for the BBC Company during the last five years.

I enclose a copy of my curriculum vitae. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more information.

Yours sincerely

Nancy Mann

Kenneth Beare
2520 Visita Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501

Jackson Brothers
3487 23rd Street
New York, NY 12009

September 12, 2015

Dear Sirs,

With reference to your advertisement in yesterday"s «New York Times», could you please send me a copy of your latest catalogue. I would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online.

Yours faithfully

Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners & Company

Tables Plc.

8 Standford Rd



Tel: 020 842 57 000

Mr Nikolay Roshin
Office 2002, Entrance 1B
Tverskaya Street
RUSSIA 20 June 2015

Dear Nikolay,

I"m writing to you in regard of your enquiry. Please find enclosed our information pack, which contains our brochures and general details on our schools and summer centers.

In England we have two schools, Brighton and Bath, both beautiful locations which I am sure you and your students will like. Our schools are located in attractive premises in convenient, central positions. Brighton is a clean and safe town with a beautiful bay and countryside nearby. Bath is one of the most famous historic cities in England, famous for its Georgian architecture and Roman Baths.

Accommodation is provided in host families chosen for the ability to provide comfortable homes, a friendly welcome and a suitable environment, in which students can practice English and enjoy their stay. We have full-time Activities Organizers responsible for sports, cultural activities and weekly excursions.

Please complete and return the enclosed registration form in order to receive more brochures and other promotional materials.

I look forward to hearing from you and later hope to welcome your students to our schools and summer centers.

Yours sincerely,

Tomas Green
Managing Director

Mr James Klinton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР

Dear James

I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference to be held at Sheraton Hotel,

This intensive, practical conference for businessmen aims to:

  • increase your business productivity;
  • enable networking with business partners.

The seminar is power-packed with a distinguished panel of professional speakers who will give expert advice on many useful topics.

If you would like to join us, please complete the enclosed registration form and return it to me before 30 August with your fee of $50 per person.

I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference.

Yours sincerely

John Smith
Conference Secretary

Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Tigran Gavrilov
Gercena str. 28-29, Town of Oktyabrskiy,
Respublika Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Date of Birth: 25.08.1972
Marital Status: married

To obtain a position service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge and take advantage of my desire to work in Sulzer Ltd.

Ufa State Oil Technical University Oktyabrskiy Branch (OF UGNTU) 08.2002 – 06.2007
Specialty: Engineer-mechanic

Work experience
10.2011 – till now
OAO "Rosneft"

Position: Head of Service of Manufacturing Custom Equipment.

Activities and responsibilities: Manage the production of service of manufacturing custom equipment. Control and technical maintenance of production metal parts.

03.2010 - 10.2011 – OAO "Rosneft"
Position - Engineer-constructor

Activities and responsibilities: Schematic drawing metal parts for different equipment, technology of metal processing for the manufacture of metal parts.

Employment history
06.2007 - 03.2010
Position: Engineer-constructor

Activities and responsibilities: constructor documentation of Installation Electric Submersible Pumps - Electric Submersible Pumps (18-400 cubic meters per day), electric asynchronous motors, protector.

MS Word, Excel Typing, Compas 3d.
Russian: native
English: Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability

Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Reading, Internet.

Available upon request

Одним из заданий по английскому языку как в ЕГЭ, так и в ОГЭ (ГИА) является написание личного письма в ответ на письмо "англоговорящего друга по переписке". При этом если в ЕГЭ объем письма ограничен 100-140 словами, то в ОГЭ установлен лимит в 100-120 слов. Дело в том, что в ЕГЭ дается задание задать 3 вопроса, а в ОГЭ – просто ответить на письмо, хотя, в любом случае, если вы напишете вопросы, то это будет большим плюсом.

Написание письма на иностранном языке является несложным заданием, которое необходимо выполнить максимально быстро, чтобы оставить время на выполнение других заданий. Итак, рассмотрим единые правила написания личного письма.

В правом верхнем углу укажите адрес в следующем порядке:
номер дома, название улицы

Допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде, например:

Под адресом, пропустив строку , необходимо написать дату письма:
June 4th, 2015
4 June 2015

или менее формально:

Письмо начинается с неофициального обращения. Если в задании имя вашего собеседника не указано, его следует придумать:
Dear Tim,
Dear Rebecca,

После обращения обязательно ставится запятая!

Разделите текст письма на несколько логических абзацев, каждый из которых начните с красной строки.
1. В первом абзаце вам следует поблагодарить своего друга за его письмо:
Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter.
Your last letter was a real surprise.
I was glad to get your letter.
It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that… / I was happy to hear…

Вы можете также извиниться за то, что не писали раньше:
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but …/ Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
I"m sorry I haven"t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

и/или упомянуть какой-либо факт из полученного письма:
I’m glad you passed your History test!
Sounds like you had a great time in London!
Great news about your…!

2. Основная часть письма (2–3 абзаца). В ней вы должны раскрыть все аспекты, указанные в задании. Не забудьте задать необходимые вопросы.
Предполагается, что письмо должно быть написано в неформальном стиле, поэтому вы можете использовать неформальные слова-связки, такие как well , by the way , anyway , so , разговорные выражения типа Guess what? Или Wish me luck! а также восклицательные знаки.

3. В последнем параграфе следует объяснить, почему вы заканчиваете письмо:
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.

и упомянуть о дальнейших контактах:
Write (back) soon!
Take care and keep in touch!
Drop me a letter when you can.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

В конце письма на отдельной строке указывается завершающая фраза-клише, которая зависит от близости автора и адресата. После нее всегда ставится запятая! Ниже приводятся возможные варианты от наименее формального (1) к более формальному (7):
1) Love,
2) Lots of love,
3) All my love,
4) All the best,
5) Best wishes,
6) With best wishes,
7) Yours,

На следующей строке под завершающей фразой указывается имя автора (без фамилии!). Например:
Andy или Kate

Таким образом, письмо к другу имеет следующий вид:

Итак, приведем некоторые удачные примеры выполнения задания по английскому языку. Для удобства мы не будем указывать адрес и дату справа, хотя в скачанных материалах всё оформлено полно и правильно.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes

... It was great to hear that you went to Italy during your spring holidays. I have always wanted to visit this wonderful country. Did you enjoy your journey? What places of interest did you visit? What impressed you most of all? Did you like your hotel?
As for me, I am awfully tired because we’ve got too many tests at school. Can’t wait for the summer break...

Write a letter to Mary.
In your letter
tell her about your journey to Italy
ask 3 questions about her plans for the summer

Dear Mary,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I hope you passed all your tests!
First of all, let me tell you about my one-week package holiday to Rome. Everything was OK, but we didn’t like our hotel. It was too noisy and the food was awful. We even had a stomachache and consulted a doctor. However, all the excursions were extremely interesting. We visited the Vatican and were impressed by the famous St. Peter’s Cathedral. I also enjoyed the Colosseum and other sights of Rome. All in all, we enjoyed our holiday.
And what about you? What are your plans for the summer? Will you come to visit us? Russia is a unique country and I’ll show you lots of interesting things. If you make up your mind, let me know what cities you would like to visit.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love,

...Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time hanging around with my friends. Do you often meet your friends?
What do you usually do together? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about how you spend your free time?
Write back soon.

Write back to Ann.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions about her relations with her younger sister

Dear Ann,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you passed your History test!
I’m sorry you don’t get on well with your parents. As for me, I have practically no problems with mine, although we do quarrel sometimes because I spend too much time playing computer games. In this case I try to talk to them and find the way out. Unfortunately, I can meet my friends only at weekends and we usually play football together. It’s our favourite game.
And how do you get on with your sister? Do you play together? Do you help her with her homework? I wish I had a sister or a brother!
Anyway, keep smiling whatever happens! I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do (as always).
Write back soon!
Lots of love,

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend who writes

...We moved to a new house a few weeks ago and I changed school. At first I was a bit afraid but I made new friends sooner than I expected. The teachers are nice and everything seems to be working out well. And what about you? Have you made any friends in your new school? Do you enjoy studying there? Have you got any new subjects this year?
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my music lesson. Drop me a line when you can.
Lots of love,

Write a letter to Emily.
In your letter
answer her questions and tell her about your new school
ask 3 questions about her preferences in music

Dear Emily,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear about your new house!
As for my new school, it’s very big! It has three computer rooms and wonderful sports facilities. Actually, it seems a nice place and I enjoy studying there. The kids in my class are very friendly. I’ve already made some new friends and we often meet after classes. I’ve got only one new subject this year. It’s Economics and I’m beginning to think that it’s not difficult, after all!
By the way, what music styles do you enjoy? Have you got any favourite bands? Would you like to go to their concert? As for me, I prefer Radiohead. They are cool!
I’d better go now. Mum wants me to help with the housework. Take care and stay in touch!
Lots of love,

This is part of a letter from Harry, your English pen-friend.

...I’m fine but I’ve got a very busy week ahead. I’m a member of the school team and we are preparing for an important match in the National Championship. Are you fond of football? Do you watch football matches on TV? What other sports do you enjoy?
Well, I’d better go now. I’ve got to do some more training - I don’t want to lose this match.
Take care and write back soon.

Write back to Harry.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his preparation for the match

Dear Harry,
Hi! How’s it going? Thanks for your last letter. I’m glad you are in your school football team now!
In your letter you asked me about football. Well, I’m really fond of it. It’s a great game and I’m always happy when my team wins. But I don’t watch football matches on TV because it’s rather boring. I prefer playing to watching as it’s more exciting. I’m also keen on roller-skating. It’s fun to take part in street competitions and to perform different tricks.
Anyway, what about your preparation for the National Championship? Do you work hard? How many times a week do you train? Do you get on well with your team-mates?
Well, I’d better go now as I have to tidy up my room. Write back soon!
All the best,

You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend George who writes

...At school we are doing projects on famous singers from different countries. Could you telI me about any famous Russian singer? What is he or she famous for? How long has he/she been singing? Do you enjoy his/her songs? Have you ever been to his/her concerts?
As for my school trip to London last week, it was really wonderful...

Write a letter to George.
In your letter
tell him about the singer you admire most of all
ask 3 questions about his trip to London

Dear George,
Thanks a lot for your letter. Sounds like you had a great time in London! What impressed you most of all? Did you take any pictures? Were you tired?
I’m glad I can help you with your project on famous singers. Well, my favourite singer is Dima Bilan. He made his debut at the festival ‘New Wave’ in 2002 so he has already been singing for 10 years. Now Dima is a famous pop singer known for his songs like ‘Never Let You Go’ and ‘Believe’. I enjoy his songs because of his beautiful voice. Un-fortunately, I’ve never been to his concerts but I’d love to.
Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions. I’d better go now as I have to take my dog for a walk. Write soon!

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

...So you see that I enjoy films based on true historic facts whereas most of my friends are fond of soap operas. Do you agree that soaps don’t show life realistically? What kind of films do you like watching? Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why?
We all miss you, too. Everybody sends their love. Can’t wait to see you in the summer. Write back soon.
All my love,

Write back to Tina.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions about her family

Dear Tina,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you liked the postcard I sent you!
In your letter you asked me about my attitude to soaps. Well, I agree that soaps don’t show life realistically because their plots are rather unbelievable and all emotions are exaggerated. As for me, I prefer whodunits, which keep me in suspense till the very end. I usually watch films at home but I never miss a chance to go to the cinema with friends. It’s much more exciting to watch films together.
I miss you greatly! Write back soon and tell me all your latest news. How is your sister? Has she passed her driving test? And what about your mother? Has she got over the flu?
I’d better go now as I promised mum to help her with the washing.

You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Rob who writes

...and then there’s this chess tournament on Saturday. If I win, I’ll be the champion of our school. Who knows?
Oh, yeah. I wanted to ask you something. We have to write a report on technology for school. Could you tell me a few things about how you use technology in your life? You know, computers, mobiles, TV, that sort of things. Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family, too, and how they use technology.
Anyway, I was talking to Sam the other day and he says that...

Write back to Rob.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about playing chess

Dear Rob,
It was great to hear from you! I’m glad you managed to talk to Sam. Please give my best regards to him.
You asked me about technology. Well, I’ve got a new mobile. It’s got a camera so I’m taking lots of pictures at the moment. I’ve also got a computer but I use it mainly for surfing the Net. Of course we’ve got things like a TV, a DVD player and a music centre. My parents usually watch TV whereas my brother spends hours playing computer games.
Anyway, I’m glad you’ve made such progress in chess. Is it difficult to learn how to play it? Will I be able to do it on my own? How can I get started?
I’ve got to go now as I’m helping my Dad in the garage.
All the best,

This is part of a letter from Jane, your English pen-friend.

...My home town is rather small but I like it. The people here are very friendly and they try and keep our town clean and beautiful. And do you enjoy living in a big city? How do you spend your spare time there?
Anyway, I’m thinking of travelling around Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect? Should I take warm clothes with me?..

Write a letter to Jane.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions about her home town

Dear Jane,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you’re going to visit Russia. The weather in summer is usually hot so I don’t think you’ll need lots of warm clothes. However, you’d better take a jacket as nights can be quite cool.
In your letter you asked me about the life in a big city. As for me, I enjoy living in Moscow as there are lots of parks and cosy cafes, museums and galleries. In the evenings I usually go for a walk with my friends and at the weekend we go to the theatre or visit a museum. Have you got any museums in your town? Are they free for students? Are there any sports facilities?
I’d better go now as I’ve got to do my homework - boring! Can’t wait to see you!
Lots of love,

This is part of a letter from your German pen-friend.

...I find it a bit difficult to understand English grammar. What about you? Do you do grammar exercises? Do you think that it’s necessary to remember all grammar rules?
Have you got any plans for the summer? I was thinking of going to a language school in the UK to improve my English. It would be a lot more fun if we went together. What do you think?
Anyway, I have to go now as I’m helping my Dad in the shop.
Hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,

Write back to Kerstin.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions about the trip to the UK

Dear Kerstin,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad your arm is out of plaster now!
I agree with you that English grammar is rather difficult so I think it’s necessary to learn grammar rules and to do exercises. As for me, I do it on a regular basis.
Going to a language school together is a great idea! We could practise our English and visit lots of places of interest. I’m absolutely free this summer so I can go whenever you like.
Write and tell me what dates suit you best. Which course would you like to do? What level do you think we are? Where would you prefer to stay? Meanwhile, I’ll make some enquiries about language schools in the UK. I’ll get in touch soon. I hope it all works out!
Lots of love,

This is part of a letter from Adam, your English pen-friend, whom you’re going to visit in summer.

...As for me, I’m crazy about skateboarding and I love rock and pop music. I think my favourite band at the moment is Radiohead. Do you know them? What kind of things do you like doing and what music do you enjoy?
Is there anything you particularly want to do while you’re here? / guess you’ll be busy at the language school during the day, but we can do something in the evenings and at weekends. Also, let me know if there are any kinds of food you don’t like...

Write back to Adam.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his family and the language school

Dear Adam,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I can’t wait to meet you and your parents in July!
Well, we’ve obviously got a lot in common. I’m also crazy about rock music and my favourite band is Radiohead, too! I’ve never done skateboarding, though, but I’d love to try. I enjoy basketball and I love playing computer games. Do you?
I’m a bit worried about the language school. Is it far from your house? Should I bring any books with me? Will I have to do much homework? If I have, I’m afraid I’ll be busy in the evenings. Actually, I wouldn’t mind any activity. It will be fun just to be in another country.
Anyway, I know we’re going to be really good friends. Please write back soon.
All the best,

Будет очень полезно перед сдачей экзаменов написать шаблон письма, по которому вы будете выполнять задание на экзамене.
В нашей подборке материалов помимо множества полезных материалов вы можете найти 31 готовое письмо , а также шаблон для написания письма :
Материалы по английскому языку (ЕГЭ)
Материалы по английскому языку (ОГЭ)

В эпоху социальных сетей крайне просто найти друзей, разговаривающих на английском языке. С ними можно перебрасываться короткими фразами, а можно, совершенствуя свой навык общения на английском, писать содержательные письма.

Структура письма другу

Что касается структуры личного письма на английском языке, то по форме она практически не отличается от делового письма, просто некоторыми пунктами на ваше усмотрение можно пренебречь.

Как и любой другой вид письма, неофициальное содержит приветствие и прощание. В письме другу начните со слова Dear (дорогой) + имя человека, которому пишете. Также можно начать со слова Hi + имя человека. Например: Dear Bob, или Hi Bob.

Начало письма:

  • How are you? – Как дела?/ Как ты?
  • How is your family? – Как твоя семья?
  • Thank you/Many thanks for your (recent/last) letter/postcard. – Спасибо/Премного благодарен за (недавнее/последнее) письмо / открытку.
  • I hope you are well. – Надеюсь, ты в порядке.
  • I was so surprised to hear that… – Я был удивлен услышать, что …
  • It was good / nice / great to hear from you again. – Было хорошо / приятно / прекрасно получить весть от тебя снова.
  • It’s ages since I’ve heard from you. I hope you’re well/you and your family are well. – Лет сто ничего не слышал от тебя. Надеюсь, ты в порядке/ты и твоя семья в порядке.
  • I’m sorry I haven’t written/haven’t been in touch for such a long time. – Извини, что не писал/не поддерживал связь так долго.

Если друг писал о новостях:

  • Glad to hear that… – Рад слышать, что…
  • Great news about… – Отличные новости о…
  • Sorry to hear about… – Жаль услышать о…
  • I thought you might be interested to hear about/know that… – Я подумал, тебе могла бы быть интересно услышать о/узнать, что…
  • Listen, did I tell you about …? You’ll never believe what… – Слушай, я тебе рассказывал о…? Ты никогда не поверишь, что…
  • By the way, have you heard about / did you know that…? – К стати, ты слышал о / ты знал, что…?
  • Oh, and another thing… This is just to let you know that … – О, и еще одно… Просто, чтобы ты знал, что…


  • I’m really sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card but I was busy with my new job. – Прости, мне очень жаль, что я забыл отправить тебе открытку на день рождения, но я был занят новой работой.
  • I’m writing to apologise for missing your party but I’m afraid I was with flu. – Пишу, чтобы извиниться, что пропустил твою вечеринку, но, боюсь, у меня был грипп.


  • Could you let me know if you can come / you’d like to join us? – Мог бы ты дать мне знать, сможешь ли ты прийти/хотел бы ты присоединиться к нам?
  • I was wondering if you’d like to come on holiday with us. – Мне интересно, хотел бы ты поехать с нами на каникулы.
  • I’m / We’re having a party on Saturday 13th and I / we hope you’ll be able to come. – Я / Мы устраиваем вечеринку в субботу 13-го и надеемся, тебе удастся прийти.

Отвечаем на приглашение:

  • Thank you very much for your invitation. I’d love to come. – Большое спасибо за приглашение. Я бы с удовольствием пришел.
  • Thank you for inviting me to… but I»m afraid I won’t be able to… – Спасибо за приглашение на… но, боюсь, я не смогу…


  • I’m writing to ask for your help/you (if you could do me) a favour. – Пишу тебе, чтобы попросить о помощи / (смог бы ты оказать мне) об услуге.
  • I wonder if you could help me/do me a favour. – Мне интересно, смог бы ты мне помочь / оказать услугу.
  • I’d be very / really / terribly grateful if you could… – Я был бы очень / действительно / ужасно благодарен, если бы ты мог.


  • I’m writing to thank you for your hospitality/the wonderful present. – Пишу тебе, чтобы поблагодарить тебя за гостеприимство/замечательный подарок.
  • It was so kind of you to invite me to stay with you. – Это было так мило с вашей стороны пригласить меня остаться с вами.
  • I really appreciated all your help/advice. – Я действительно ценю твою помощь/совет.

Поздравляем/желаем удачи:

  • Congratulations on passing your exams/your excellent exam results! – Мои поздравления с успешной сдачей экзаменов/твоими отличными результатами!
  • I wish you good luck/Good luck in/with your exams/your interview. – Желаю тебе удачи/Удачи в/на экзаменах/собеседовании.
  • Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well/pass. – Не волнуйся, я уверен, тебе всё удастся / сдашь.
  • Why don’t you…? – Почему бы тебе не…?
  • Maybe you could…? – Возможно ты мог бы…?
  • How about…? – Как насчет…?
  • You can’t leave Moscow without… (doing sth) – Ты не можешь покинуть Москву не… (сделав чего-то)
  • I’m sure you will enjoy… (doing sth). If you like, we can… – Я уверен, тебе понравится… (делать что-то). Если хочешь, мы можем…

Конечно же после того, как мы обо всем рассказали, на все вопросы ответили, нужно логически закончить письмо. Для этого также есть традиционные фразы.

Скажите, почему вы заканчиваете письмо:

  • Unfortunately, I need to / have to go. – К сожалению, мне нужно / я должен идти.
  • It’s time to finish. – Пора заканчивать.
  • Anyway, I must go and get on with my work! – В любом случае, мне нужно идти и справляться с работой.

Передайте привет или скажите о следующей встрече/письме:

  • Give my love / regards to… / Say hello to… – Передавай привет…
  • Anyway, don’t forget to let me know the dates of the party. – В любом случае, не забудь сообщить мне о датах вечеринки.
  • We must try and meet up soon. – Нужно постараться встретиться скоро.
  • I can’t wait to hear from you. – Не могу дождаться вестей от тебя.
  • Look forward to seeing you again. – С нетерпением жду встречи с тобой снова.
  • Hope to hear from you soon. – Надеюсь, скоро услышимся.
  • See you soon. – До скорой встречи

И в заключение не забываем о традиционном пожелании с новой строки

  • Love,/Lots of love, – С любовью,
  • All the best, – Всего наилучшего,
  • Take care, – Береги себя,
  • Best wishes, – С наилучшими пожеланиями.

Образцы писем другу с переводом

Задание написать письмо на английском языке встречается и в ГИА и в . В школьной программе ученики пробуют писать первые письма начиная с 5 класса.

Ниже вы найдете образцы писем другу на английском для разного уровня подготовки и с переводом на русский язык.

Пример 1 (Как я провел лето)

Thank you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you had a good vacation.

As for me, I also spent a wonderful vacation. First, I lived with my parents in the garden. The weather was hot and I swam a lot with my friends. We played soccer and rode bicycles.

And in August we went to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large island in the Mediterranean with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. We traveled along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a memorable summer.

How did your academic year begin? Are there newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?

I’m sorry, I have to go to the sports section.

All the best!


Дорогой Майкл,

Спасибо за твое последнее письмо. Так замечательно получить известие от тебя! Я очень рад, что у тебя были хорошие каникулы.

Что касается меня, то я тоже провел замечательные каникулы. Сначала я жил с родителями в саду. Стояла жаркая погода и я с друзьями много купался. Мы играли в футбол и катались на велосипедах.

А в августе мы с родителями поехали отдыхать на Кипр. Это большой остров в Средиземном море с замечательным климатом. Мы купались в море и лежали в тени огромных эвкалиптов. Мы путешествовали по горным тропам и играли в большой теннис. Во всяком случае, это было запоминающееся лето.

Как ты начал учебу? Есть ли новенькие в классе? А новые учебные предметы?

Извини, мне пора идти в спортивную секцию.

Всего наилучшего!

Пример 2 (О любимой книге)

Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to get it.

I agree with you that it’s a pleasure to turn over the pages of a book in a bookshop when choosing it. Besides you can read the fragments and look at the pictures.

As for my favourite novel, it is «One Hundred Years of Solitude» by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It’s about the Buendia family who lives in South America. The novel is full of mysterious events and the characters have magical abilities. I think that the most important thing in a novel is its plot because it helps us to follow the characters and analyze their behavior.

Well, are you going to take part in the quiz show? What tasks will there be in the show? Where will it take place?

Best wishes,


Дорогой Том!

Спасибо за твое письмо. Я счастлива, что получила его.

Я согласна с тобой, что приятно перелистывать страницы книги в книжном магазине, когда выбираешь ее. Кроме того, ты можешь читать фрагменты книги и смотреть в ней фотографии.

Что касается моего любимого романа, это «Сто лет одиночества» Габриэль Гарсия Маркес. Речь идет о семье Буэндиа, которые живут в Южной Америке. Роман полон таинственных событий и персонажей, у которых есть магические способности. Я думаю, что самым главным в романе является сюжет, потому что он помогает нам следовать за персонажами и анализировать их поведение.

Итак, вы собираетесь принять участие в викторине-шоу? Какие задачи будут в этом шоу? Где она будет проходить?

Берегите себя!

С наилучшими пожеланиями,

Пример 3 (Приглашение на пикник)

Two of my friends from Germany arrived in the morning today. We are going for a picnic to Sergiev Posad July 10. We shall go there by a taxi.

We will start our journey at 7 am and return till 9 pm. Sergiev Posad has many beautiful places and is of historical significance. I insist upon you to try your best to accompany us. It shall be a great pleasure to have you in our company.

My regards to your parents.

Yours sincerely,


Дорогой Брайэн,

Двое моих друзей из Германии прибыли сегодня утром. Мы собираемся на пикник в Сергиев Посад 10 июля. Мы поедем туда на такси. Мы начнем наше путешествие в 7 часов утра и возвращаемся до 9 вечера.

В Сергиевом Посаде много красивых мест и он имеет историческое значение. Я настаиваю, чтобы ты сделал все возможное, чтобы сопровождать нас. Будет очень приятно видеть тебя в нашей компании.

Привет твоим родителям.

Искренне твой,

Пример 4

Thank you for your letter! I’m glad to hear that you’ve passed your driving test! Congratulations!

I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time. I’ve been really busy with my new project. By the way, thank you for your brilliant idea. I really had the best presentation last time. I really appreciated your advice.

As for your question, I think all you have to do is just regular exercises. Don’t be lazy and try to find at least 20-30 minutes for your health every day. There is a rule of 30 minutes a day: if you do something at least 30 minutes a day you will have a result at the end of the week. For example, if you read 50 pages during this time, at the end of the week you’ll have total of about 350 pages. If we say that we don’t have enough time for it (as we usually do) we have 0 result at the end of the week. Besides, they say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So all you have to do is to take the bull by the horns and try it for just 3 weeks.

Unfortunately, I need to come back to my project. I hope my advice was helpful.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,


Дорогой Пол,
Спасибо за твое письмо!

Я рад узнать, что ты сдал на права! Поздравляю!

Извини, что не писал тебе долгое время. Я был очень занят со своим новым проектом. Кстати, спасибо за отличную идею. У меня действительно была прекрасная презентация в прошлый раз. Я действительно оценил твой совет.

Что касается твоего вопроса, мне кажется, все, что тебе нужно делать, это просто регулярные упражнения. Не ленись и старайся находить хотя бы 20-30 минут в день для своего здоровья. Существует правило 30 минут в день: если ты делаешь что-то хотя бы 30 минут в день, в конце недели у тебя будет результат. Например, если ты читаешь 50 страниц в течение этого времени, к концу недели у тебя будет уже 350 страниц. Если мы говорим, что у нас нет на это времени (как мы обычно делаем), у нас будет нулевой результат в конце недели. К тому же, говорят, нужно 21 день, чтобы сформировать новую привычку. Поэтому всё, что тебе нужно сделать, это взять быка за рога и пробовать в течение 3-х недель.

К сожалению, мне нужно возвращаться к своему проекту. Надеюсь, мой совет был полезен.
Надеюсь на скорый ответ.



Английское официальное письмо не трудно написать, однако следует знать порядок его написания, положение каждого из его отдельных частей, и как оно должно выглядеть в целом. Ниже вы можете найти образцы официального письма на английском языке. Мы надеемся, что они помогут вам написать свое собственное письмо.

Пример официального письма на английском языке №1 (по поводу объявления о приеме на курсы)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to enquire about language courses organised by your school. I found out information about it in local newspaper and I would like to know more.

Even if Icannot certify my knowledge of English, after years of learning the language at school I can safely assume that I am an upper-intermediate student. Are you able to offer me any course that would be good for me?

I understand from your advertisment that your courses are free. Are they free for everyone, or just only for students from your school?

The last question I have concerns your methods of teaching. As I particularly hope to improve my fluency, I would like to know how much attention is paid and what methods are used by the school teachers to develop the skill of speaking. It is very important for me, because my fluency is the worst side of my english.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Пример официального письма на английском языке №2 (с вопросами по поводу объявления в газете)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask about the holiday apartments in the Golden Sands advertised in „Каникулы за границей” magazine this month.

In your advertisement you mentioned that all the apartments are self-catering. Could you tell me what cooking facilities are available in the kitchen? Could you also tell me if cooking utensils are also provided?

I noticed from your advertisement that the beach is quite nearby. However, I would also like to know if the apartments have an access to a swimming pool.

I would be very grateful if you could send me a list of apartments and prices with a view to making a reservation in July.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Smith

Пример официального письма на английском языке №3 (по поводу объявления)

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you because I saw your advertisement in the net and at first sight it looked interesting. I am interested in this advertisement deeper because I like rock music, so I think I will feel comfortable in this place.

I could be a ticket seller because I am good at maths. Also I could be a person, who provides rock stars with everything what they need because I am a helpful person.

I would like to have free drinks and snack during the festival. Of course, I promise I would not let you down and do what you ask for.

If you can, please send me some more information about accomodation conditions and transport to the gig place.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Пример официального письма на английском языке №4 (по поводу объявления о приеме на работу)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to your adventisement, which appeared on your website: ? Future graphics? on 20 July 2013. I would like to apply for the post of computer graphics artist.

I enclose my CV with the details of my previous work experience. As you can see in the document, I have been working as graphic designer for two years and have a diploma for ?The best worker?. I can use Photoscape, Gimp, but I can learn new programmes, too.

I am a very hard working person, thus working with me is effective. I am creative and have many good ideas. My level of proficiency in English is pre-intermediate.

I have worked with companies in England, China and India, I have no problems in communicating with people from these countries. Could you please send me more information on that post?

Thank you for considering my application.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

Пример официального письма на английском языке №5 (с вопросами по поводу объявления)

You want to attend a course in English and American Studies in and English speaking country and you see this section in a college prospectus:

Every year, two scholarships are offered to candidates from overseas who can show how our one-year course would help their career. Scholarships cover fees, accommodation and food, but not transport or personal spending money. Apply in writing, explaining why do you think you deserve a scholarship.

Write your letter. Do not include any postal adresses. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for one of the scholarship programs I saw advertised in your prospectus. Presently, I am training to be a secondary school teacher of English and I am finishing my course at the end of June. However, I feel I still have a lot to learn about the language and culture of The English-speaking country.

The reason I am applying for a scholarship is that I cannot afford the cost of studying abroad. I have no income except for my student grant, so if I am fortunate enough to be given the scholarship, I would have to work part-time to save some personal spending money. My parents will borrow some money for my airfare if I am succesful.

I would appreciate being given the opportunity to study at your college and would be very grateful if you would consider my application.

Yours faithfully,

Пример официального письма на английском языке №6 (жалоба на приобретенный товар)

Dear Sir Or Madam

I am writing to complain about a denim vest that I bought from your online shop last month.

When I took it out of the box, I was very unhappy to find that in different colour. As if this were not enough, this denim vest was too small.

I had a similar situation last year when I bought a dress online. It was too big. I wrote an e-mail to this company about this problem and they sent me another dress in the right size.

You can replace this vest for the right one or if it will not be possible I want to get a full refund.

I am enclosing the receipt.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.