Prayers of the Sacred Martyr Mista Sevastia. Life Vurai Sevastiussky

Prayers of the Sacred Martyr Mista Sevastia. Life Vurai Sevastiussky
Prayers of the Sacred Martyr Mista Sevastia. Life Vurai Sevastiussky

In the Orthodox world, Vlasia is honored as a healer and the Great Martyr. He helped everyone suffering during his lifetime, and after death was erected into the rank of saints.

Holy Mistors are revered not only as a healer of souls and bodies of people, but also as a patron of animals. At all times, he was raised by prayers who protect cattle from diseases, asked for help in housekeeping.

History and description icons

Mistors lived at the very beginning of the fourth century in Sevastia and was known as a doctor. His righteous life led to the fact that the townspeople were unanimously chosen by the bishop of their city. However, in those times, such a san was dangerous. The persecution of Christians did not subside, but the Saint happily accepted the will of the citizens. Mistore had to be hidden from the persecution, and he preferred to conduct a secluded lifestyle in one of the caves not far from the city. There he continued to make wonders of healing, supported by prayers to the highest forces. According to reliable sources that have come down to this time, the physician of commas and wild animals, which came to his cave with terrible wounds.

After some time, the saint was found, but he went badly with the soldiers, since the day before the Lord told him that his faith would have to defend the price of life. The ruler put the saint to prison by exposing to terrible beating. I could not once be offered to leave the Orthodox faith and join the pagans, but the rules were firmly on his own. Saint accepted his death with dignity, continuing to take prayers to the Lord. His martyrdom and humility are revered so far.

What helps the icon of Saint Volaus

Before the slaughter of the Great Martyr pray on protection against any dangers and troubles. Icon protects people from enemies and enemies, does not allow the negative to leak into the dwelling and souls living in it. It is believed that the saint's face brings happiness and well-being in the house, protects babies and elderly people, as well as pets. In the previous times, people leading a household asked for the volatility of patronage so that cattle was not subjected to diseases, and also did not tolerate viruses dangerous for people. Prayers to Mussess help to get rid of infectious diseases, including from the diseases of the throat and respiratory system. With any disease, you can contact a sincere prayer of the older, and it will surely help cope with the ailment.

In the Orthodox tradition of Holy Mistors, he is depicted by an elder with a long beard and with holy writing in his hands. In Catholicism, the Saint Icon is depicted in Mithra, Palley, with the Episcopal Staff and two crossed candles.

Days of celebration

The date of the celebration falls on 24 February (February 11 in the old style). In churches and temples, festive liturgia are held, press and pray for which everyone can. Those who suffer from the ailments can be reached by prayer at home, in front of the home iconostasis.

Prayer in front of the icon of St. Vistura

"Hear the prayers of our sincere, the old man of commas! Save and save us in the world and well-being, protect against evil and ailments Yes, let the souls of our calmness. Do not leave any misfortune, save the dwellings from the evil of anyone, and cattle from Mora and pain. The slaves of God are treated with the requests of sincere. We repent in all your sins, freely and unwittingly perfect. Pray to the Lord for the cleansing of our shower and give the enemies to our merit. Amen".

Where is the miraculous image

In Russia, there are many temples and churches called in honor of St. Vurassia. Lick with the image of the saint is almost every church, so it's not difficult to find it. The icons depicting the Great Martyr is in every major city: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod. Many icons are collected in the churches of small villages and villages throughout Russia.

Get the icon of St. Muscia to your home iconostasis so that in your life there is no place to negative and disease. Holy Lick will protect your peace and health of all households, including pets. In addition, the icon of the saint will not give your ill-wishers to hurt you, relieve a house from negative energy. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

24.02.2018 05:33

Moscow Matrona is one of the beloved and revered by the Orthodox believers of the saints. From birth, she ...

(† OK. 316), Schchench., EP. Sevastia (PAM. 11 Feb., Pam. Zap. 3 Feb.); suffered with imp. Licinia in Sevastia Armenian in Cappadocia (now Sivas, Turkey). In a number of sources, the martyrdom of V. refers to the time of the diocletian reign, since the saint is called the contemporary of the executed Emperor MCH. Evstream (PAM. 13 dec.) V. attended MCH. Evstream in the dungeon and, when he died, betrayed his body of the earth. During the holy persecutions hidden in the cave on Mount Argeos, where it was pregnant in silence, space and prayer. Wild animals came to his cave, to-rykh V. healed against diseases of the arjaculation. By order of the ruler of the sevastia agriculation, he was captured. On the way to the city he drew MN. The pagans in Christianity, the prayer of V. was saved by the fatters, the bone was stuck in the throat, V. forced the wolf to return the widow of the stolen pig. In Sevasti, the bishop was concluded in the dungeon. Having learned about this, the piety of the widow of the single piglery and, having prepared the Kushany from him, carried it to the dungeon. Taking offering, V. promised her and everyone who would honor his memory, well-being and prosperity. On the demand of Agricola to worship the pagan gods V. answered with refusal, and then the ruler ordered the cruel to beat the saint, then hang it on the tree and strict with iron tools. On the way to prison, the bishop was followed by 7 pious women who gathered blood from the Russian Academy of Sciences and Issued. They were taken into custody and led to Agrikola. The ruler suggested them with great honors and wealth if they drag and bring victims to the gods. Women pretended to be agreed, and, taking idols, went to the lake for the ablution. However, they drowned idols. Having learned about this, the Agrikolai was furious and ordered to divide women, hang and strict with iron ridges, but instead of blood on the ground, milk drip, and their bodies became white as snow. The martyrs strengthened the angels, and when they were thrown into the oven, the fire immediately went out, and the women came out of the furnace unharmed. Seeing their durability and inflexibility, Agrikolai ordered to cut off the head martyr. Before his death, one of the women repairs his 2 sons V. After the execution of the ruler ordered to drown a bishop in the lake. V. Delified the lake with the congestion and went on the water as luck. Then he appealed to the pagans with a call to show the power of their gods and follow him. Then 68 people entered the lake and drowned. The angry ruler ordered cut off the head. V. and 2 years. The bodies of martyrs were buried at the place of execution outside the city of Woman named Elisa. Healing took place on their tomb.

soon after the death of V. His worship began to quickly spread both in the east and in the West. Saint is revered as a healer of children (in the west), they are treated with a prayer with throat diseases. In Russia, he is considered a patron of shepherds and animals.

In zap. and the ancient east. Calendars memory V. was celebrated on February 3. (Martrom. P. 47), but afterwards. In Byzantium, this celebration was transferred to February 11. Due to the proximity of the two-place holiday of the fee of the Lord (Feb. 2). In a number of Martyrologists IX century. (Adona, Uzaard and Notker) The memory of V. is found under Feb 15.

There are 4 very similar editing of the martyr's acts of V. from Greek. Life One belongs to Simeon Metaphrast (Kon. X. Kizic (Ser. X.) (BHG, N 277K). There is several Sources on the lat. Language (BHL, N 1370-1380) and arm. Life (BHO, N 183).

The extension of V. Detafrastovskaya edition (BHG, N 276) was translated into glory. Language twice - in x in. In Bulgaria, as part of the February Minii, Cheti (the transfer is known in the list of the 1st four. XV V.- RGB. MDA. No. 92. i) And no later than the XII century. (Senior List - RGB. OV. No. 594. L. 83 OB. - 88 OB., Ambassador. Chetve. XV.; The same editorial office entered the XVI century. in the IMC). Summary is translated no later than s. XII century As part of a substantial prologue in Russia (senior list - RNB. Sof. No. 1324, Con. XII - beginning. XIII century) and in the composition of the sticious prolobe in the 1st floor. XIV. South. Slavs.

The memory of V. was noted in the K-field in his Martyrius at C. ap. Philip, who was in the quarter of Miltiad near the tank of St. Mokya (Syncp. Col. 457). The Sinaksar of the K-Polish Church does not report exactly where it was the power of V., however, Anthony Novgorodsky in 1200 saw the power and chapter V. in the Mont-Pokratcher (Book Pilgrim. P. 25). According to an anonymous description of the K-field (T.N. Anonymous Mercati, 1190), in the area of \u200b\u200bZEVGMA on the shore of the Golden Horn to C. In the name of Schchmch. Vlasia was kept his power, some of the relics were in C. The Mother of God the headlight in the Grand Palace in the K-Field (the description of the shrines to the field in the Latin manuscript of the XII century. // Miraculous icon in Byzantium and others. Rus. M., 1996. P. 440, 451).

Transferred to the west during the crusades of the power of V. fell into MN. Countries, Holy West spread to Italy, France, Belgium, Germany and Dalmatia (B. It is considered the patron saint of Dubrovnik). In Rome, there were at least 5 churches in the name of Vlasia.

In 1205, most of the hands were brought from the K-Field. V. in Mont-Ry Saint-Jean-de-Vin, in 1206. The upper part of the Saint skull in C. Of the Mother of God in Saázon, in 1230, part of the hand V. in Bruges (Belgium), presented Gautier Preview K-Polskaya C. God's mother of the Halcopratic. In the Cathedral of the Paris, V. Hand was also kept, in the Saint Chapel's chapel - his chapter (among the relics acquired in 1247 Baldwin II), in Clervo, the holy blade. A part of the relics V. was in Mon-Rea. According to Grech. Tradition, chapter V. Stored in the Athos Mont-Rea Kastamonit, and the right hand in Mont-PRP. Dionysius (Dionisiata). A large number of power V. causes difficulties with their identification.

In Russia, honoring V. was assimilated in the people's presentation with the cult of the pagan god of Veles, the patron saint of cattle breeders and farmers. Among the relics brought from the K-Field to Novgorod, Jadrykovich (he filed. Archp. Anthony), there was a particle of relics V. (Book Pilgrim. S. XCV). In 1663, Archim. FEOFAN from MON-RYA Kastamonit arrived without royal permission in the new. Jerusalem to the help of the Patriarch Nikonu and gave him a diploma from all Athos Mon-Rey and part of the relics of V. (Kapmetev. P. 190). In the XII century c. In the name, Vlasia was built on the hair street. in Novgorod. Churches dedicated to V., existed in Pskov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vologda and Moscow.

In Serb. The lists of sanctification of the house meets the prayer V. (eg: Rgad. F. 196 (Coll. F. F. Mazurin). Op. 3. No. 125. L. 1, 1st floor. XIV century). In a number of Croat. The verbal lists of the ritual in the composition of the bravesiaries, missals and collections of the XIV-XVI centuries., as well as in the first printed ritual (Sen, 1507-1508) for the Day of Memory V. It is timed from the sanctification of fruits (apples) or bread, and sometimes both together ( Tandarič. N 30. S. 31-33, 35, 39, 40). An indication of the blessing on this day of bread, healing for nozzles, is given with the service of V. in Croat. Latinographic Dubrovnitsky Missal Ambassador. third of the XVI century (Vatic. Neofiti. 55. FOL. 313 - Gianelli C., Graciotti s. P. 304).

East: BHG, N 276-277K; BHL, N 1370-1380; BHO, N 183; Actass. FeBr. T. 1. P. 334-347; PG. T. 116. P. 817-830; Syncp. Col. 457, 458, 988; ZHSV. Fevr. P. 211-221; Laty Š EV. Menol. T. 1. P. 328-336; Garitte G. La Passion de S. Irénarque de Sébasteé et La Passion de S. Blaise // Anboll. 1955. Vol. 73. P. 18-54; Tandarič j. Hrvatoglagoljski Ritual // Slovo. Zagreb, 1980. N 30; Gianelli c., Graciotti S. Il Messale Croato-Raguseo (Neofiti 55) d. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Vat., 2003.

L. A. Bugaevskaya, P. I. Zhavoronkov, A. A. Turilov


According to the Bolshakovsky icon-painted script, a consolidated editorial board (XVIII century), V. was "Sed, Brother on Perpsy", a suspended book; I was portrayed in the Khreshchaty Feeloni ("Riza Crosses Wallpapers are equal, black and white"), a bright handicap, in the omophore, with the Gospel in Hands (Bolshakov. The original icon painter. S. 72, 101). The image of this saint in Rus. The iconographic scripts have an archetypical characteristic: descriptions of other saints are stripped by V. as often as the image of SVT. Nicholas, they relate to certain features, ch. arr. beards (eg, Schchench. Eustian Samosatsky - "Brother Vlasieva" - ibid. P. 22; St. Blgv. KN. Gleb Vsevolodovich - "Brother's share of Vlasiyev" - ibid. P. 113), age characteristics ( For example, Schchench. Cornut, Ep. Nikomidia, - "Sed, Vlasia and Star, Aki Mistors", Ep. Sisini Kizic - "Sed, Aki Musi" - ibid. P. 29, 109), as well as the typology of the saint image (eg, Svt. Sylvester in the image of the "Exaltation of the Cross" - ibid. P. 29) or the elder (including in compositions on the evangelical plots, for example. "Conception of St. John the Forerunner": "For Zaharian stand The elders near him, he sees Brido, Aki Mistors, and the other, Aki Nicola ... "- ibid. P. 32). Dr. The icon-painted script of the same time (Filimonovsky) to the description V. Adds an image of a scroll with an inscription: "Lord, my God, whether my name is commemorated in a sorrow or in the Nastosha, the name of his heart will perform (Filimonov. Icon painlist. P. 269) . In "Ermia", Dionysia Furnoagraphite (beginning of the XVIII century) is prescribed to depict V. as follows: "The old man is curly with a bearded beard" (C. 3. § 8. No. 29); in section. "As the suffering of the martyrs of each month of just a year" under the 11 feb. An explanation is given: "He was truncated by the sword" (Ch. 3. §§ 22).

One of the early preserved images V. is represented on the fresco of C. Santa Maria Antiqua in Rome, X C.; In growth (next to the image of the Virgin with a baby (type of glycoophilas)) V. is shown on the 2nd south. Colonnade Basilica of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem (1130-1139).

In the temple painting the most numerous examples of including V. in the image of St. The fathers of the church, adorning the wall of the altar apse. A large number of such paintings retained the Church of Cappadocia, emphasizing the special reverence of V. here. It is depicted, as a rule, in the central apse, in churches: arch. Mikhail in the Slare, IX-X centuries, - from the south. Parties at. Paul, with North - c.; "Big Pigeon" (St. Archangels) in Chavushin, between 963 and 969, presented to the south. Register next to equivalent Konstantin and Elena, closed in green fellon; Balkan-Drainet number 4 (Saints Peter and Paul), x in.; In Görem No. 15a, X century, - in North. parts of apse; Direction-Kilis, Kon. X - Nach. XI century; Karabulut Kilisa 2 km south of Avgeylar in Görta, 1st Chetve. XI century, - in the lower case opens from North. The parties are a number of saint (8 figures), which are blessed by one hand, to the other hold the Code (V. in the pink wave, white beard, rounded at the end); Charycles-Kilis (Sv. Cross) in Görem number 22, XI century; sv. Theodore in Tagare, XI century; Mont-are eski-gyumush, 2nd or 3rd four. XI century; "Bearded Saints" near the Soghans, 1106 or 1021; In Nygydyna, the XI century, - together with SVT. Polycarp Smirnsky; Sakla Kilis (St. John the Baptist) in Gorem, 3rd Chetver. XI century, - together with St. John Zlatoust and Nikolai Mirlijsky, Borod V. Poznrokone; Kirk-Dam-Alty-Kilis (St. George), between 1282 and 1295, - to the south. Parts apcida next to St. Athenogen, also especially revered in Cappadocia; Tokals number 2 in Görema, XIII century, - in North. apse with St. Nicandrom, both gray-breeding elders in episcopal clothes. The same placement of the figure of V. in the temple decoration is characteristic of other temples Mersdeyizant. The period: Mosaic Apsid Cathedral in Montreal (Sicily), XII century, frescoes C. Savior on a rough in a led. Novgorod, 1199, - in the central apse, in the 2nd register of the Holy China, near SVT. Ipaim is a gangrs, frontal in growth, in his left hand - the Gospel, the right blessings. N. V. Pivovarova marked composite-meaning Communication V. and SVT. Nikolai Mirlijsky (in the 1st register, over V.), "united as effective intercessors and assistants in the troubles" (Pivovarov. P. 43). From the Latezant. The period has been preserved a number of similar images in the Balkan temples: in C. sv. Nikolai Shishevsky in Niro near Skopje (Macedonia), approx. 1380, - The figure of the saint is presented in the number of 4 sizes (frontal in 3 / 4th reversal) depicted on sowing. and south. The walls of the altar (possibly included in the composition "Heavenly Liturgy"); in c. Navy. Dimitri Markova Mont-ry (Macedonia), 1376-1381, in the lower tier in the Altar composition "Eucharist" - in 3 / 4th reversal, in the baptified ride, the half-hearted scroll holds. In the altar c. Introduction to the CRS Temple. Virgin Mary in Liplyan (Kosovo and Metokhia, Serbia), OK. 1380, in the composition "Worship of the Sacrifice" The image of a harsh elder, alleged V., similar to the image of the saint in Mont-re, used the same artistic techniques: a powerful volumetric volumetric volume, a large nose, small eyes converged on the bridge of bushy eyebrows. In the church in Liplyan Beard V. shorter, not a pointed, and rounded. Depicted V. Also in painting c. The Nativity of the Virgin of the Snetogorsk Mon-Rya, 1313, south. Parts of Apsida, in the 2nd Register of the Holy Nine, next to SVT. Spiridon trimifuntsky (Sarakyanov in. D. The iconographic program of the painting of the Cathedral of the Covenogorsk Mon-Rya // Dream. St. Petersburg., 1999. P. 229), and presumably in the altar of C. SVT. Nicholas in the Mont-Rea, OK. 1475 (?) G., - Con. XV century (not preserved); Above the entrance from North. Parties in c. Vlasia, Ser.- 2nd floor. XV century (?).

Holy reverence was widely developed in Russia, especially in Novgorod lands. A large number of icons have been preserved, peculiarly reflecting the transition of the pre-worker. traditions in the righteous region. worldview; A number of holy people's relig. Piously associated with the performance of the patrons of the patrons of agriculture and cattle breeding (in addition to V. Svt. Nikolai, martyrs Flor and Lavr, Navy. Georgy, Svt. Spiridon trimifuntsky). The composition of the saints could vary; For Central and Sev.-Zap. Regions are characterized by West SVT. Modesta of Jerusalem - Old Believer Icon from Nevyansk "Favorites Saints: Medosti, Mills, Flor, Lavr" (Ser. XIX century, Private collection, Ekaterinburg): Animals are pictured next to each of the saints, they are pretended by V.- Cow, both saint in the episcopal closure, on the heads of Mithra. Removing V. Like the guardian of pets (usually cattle), based on the episodes of his life, was the most stable in the folk medium (there are cases when the icon of this saint was placed in the cowshes and gestures; see: A brief overview of pious customs and the establishments existing in the Penza Diocese // Penza Ear. 1880. No. 2 (January 15). P. 1-12).

At the heart of the double image V. and SVT. Spiridon, EP. Trimifuntsky, in rus. Icones also lies a people's idea of \u200b\u200btheir patronage of domestic cattle, based on the episodes of life. On the icon (beginning of the XV century, Gim) from c. Vlasia in led. Novgorod (built in 1407) The saints are squeezed opposite each other against the background of the rocky slide, at the feet of V. - Cow and goats, near Spiridon - sheep, goats, pigs. Similarly, they are depicted in the lower yarus of the 3-row Icons of North. Letters (Kon. XV - beginning. XVI century, timing) "Miracle Arkhangel Mikhail about Flora and Lavra. Holy owners and Spiridon. "

On icons, where V. is depicted as part of the saints, related to him by the function of the patron, it as a bishop is often represented next to SVT. Nikolai: at the Novgorod icon from the Cons. Ryabushinsky "Favorites Saints" (Kon. XIV - beginning. XV century, GTG) - Paired images to the growth of saint and martyrs (Flora and Lavra), upstairs, in the center, - the Virgin "Sign" in the Heavenly segment, on the parties - . Elijah and MPC. Parashen (patroness of fields and livestock); On the 3rd Saint Novgorod folding "Favorites" (con. XIV - beginning. XV century, GTG), in the middle mannia with SVT. Nikolai, on MCH sash. Flor and MC. Anastasia (Patroner of Sheeping); At the Novgorod icon "MPC. Paraskeva Friday "(1st floor. XV century, GTG) - on the sides of Nimba MPTS. Parasipes Wall images SVT. Nikolai and V. in episcopal clothes; on the 2-row icon of the XV century. from the collection of N. P. Likhachev (now timing) SVT. Nikolay and Pros. Elijah - in the upper row, MPC. Paraskeva and V. (in Blue Feeloni, in Omophore, the right hand blesses, in the left dotted - the Gospel) - in the Lower Row.

At one of the early Novgorod Icons (2nd floor. XIII century, timing), "PRP. John Distrownger, IMLC. George and Schshmch. Mills ", less compared to the Central PRP. John the Dolvanie Scale of the Navy figures. George and V. binds them into a kind of pair image, marked and the martyrdom of the saints: at the Navy. George - a cross in his right hand, at the V.- Felon of the Red (Wedge Wedge-shaped, medium length, the right hand blesses, in the left dummy - the gospel). Close to the time of creating this icon a double-sided bone icon (27'm3 mm) ambassador. Third xiii century. (From the 1969 excavations in the Nerevsky end of Novgorod) also with the waist images of V. on one side and the IML. George to another. Essentially the cartridge character of both icons explains the choice of saints V. L. Yanin (see: Yanin in. L. Patron plots and an ancient attribution. Arts. Works // He. Middle Ages. City. M., 2004. p. 365-367 ). Icons, where V. is depicted among the elected saints, the composition of the reasons was determined by the customer and where the heavenly patron of the temple could be represented, for the fourth icon, and the most revered saints or saints, co-members of the Customer's family, constitute the largest number: "Savior on the throne with the chosen saints "(2nd floor. XIII - beginning. XIV century, GTG) - on the bottom floor, in the center (frahed - in Omophore), between images of the martyrs of Flora and Lavra; Novgorod-three-fold icon "Favorites Saints" (2nd floor. XIV century, GTG) - V. in the 1st top row (in growth), where SVTs are also presented. Nikolay, Virgin Great Panagia, John Milosive, Archdiak. Stephen and PSP. Varlaam; The cross is pressed with images of the elected saints (Novgorod, Kon. XIV - beginning. XV century, GTG) - on the turnover (on the crossbar) of the cross in the medallion waist image in.; "Baptism with Deesus and selected saints" (Novgorod, Con. XIV century, GTG) - in the stamp (on the belt) together with SVT. Gregory Theologian; "SVT. Nikolai with selected saints "(XV century, Saratov state. Art Museum. A. N. Radishcheva) - Top V., Healers of Kosma and Damian, Archdiak. Stephen, on the sides of Nimba Svt. Nicholas - Martyrs Flor and Lavr; "SVT. Nikolai with Deesus and selected saints "(Vologda, XV century, gtg) - on the fields the belt image V. Among other saints; On the carved painted icon "Miracle George about Zmie with Deesus and elected saints" (Novgorod, beginning. XVI century, GMMK) - 3 saints in the lower row left, between SVT. Vasily Great and IMLC. Dimitri.

Researchers (see: Icons Pskov. Cat. 22) Noted rare for Pskov icon painting The composition of the saints on the icon "Favorites Saints in the oppression of Our Lady" sign ", 1st floor. XVI in. (PIAM), - In the center in the growth of the front, the knobs are depicted. Elijah, St. Nicholas and Vasily Great, Navy. George, at the top of the right and left - holy floors and laurel, Paraskeva and Anastasia. An explanation of the choice of the saints of the Customer's intention to present heavenly patrons, co-members of his family, made it difficult to identify the saint in the center of the left, called Vasilya Great. The possibility of tieting this icon with the desire to assemble the saints - patrons of agriculture and cattle breeding on it makes it possible not only to clarify the reading of the name of the Holy (VASA [EI]) as "commas", but also to link it with a number of such icons of Novgorod origin. The image of V. On this icon is stylistically similar to the image of the saint on Dr. Pskov icon, "Miracle of St. George about Zmey. Favorites Saints "(2nd floor. XVI century, Piim), - Left at the top of the exhibition of V. and the Holy Flora and Lavra, V. in Red Feeloni, on the left-hand drive hand - the code on the Omophore, the right blessings.

V. (in the closures of the saint, with the code in the left hand, the right - in sampling) among the elected saints are presented at the Virgin Images: at the Novgorod 3-folding folding "Mother of God" sign, Nicolas and Mills "- on the right sash (gray. XV century, GIm); On the icon "Our Lady Georgian (Jerusalem)" with V. in the stamp, on the back - "Miracle in Honhekh" (Novgorod, 2nd Paul. XV century, GTG) - Near Namba Mother of God, on the left, in the red circle the waist image in ; On the icon "Our Lady Dealing (Podlubenskaya?) With selected saints" (Novgorod?, Ambassador. Chetve. XV century, GTG) - at the top of the lines of saints: Program. Elijah, sv. John Forerunner, SVT. Nikolai, c.; On the 3rd folding "Our Lady Yaroslavl and Selected Saints" (Moscow, 1491, GTG) - V. On the right 4-row sash (near the martyr Lavr and Flor); On the icon, "Favorites Saints in the upcoming of Our Lady" Sign "" (Kon. XV century, Piim) - In the middle, the icons are frontally in growth, together with SVT. Nikolai, Archdiak. Stefan, Schchench. By the Climent, the martyr's rank standing next to the saints V. and the Clement marked with the red color of their Felon, in the left-handed hand of V.- Codex on the Omophore, the right blessings; On the darisi from the icon of XVI V.- with MCH. Andrei Stratilat in the upcoming of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God - to the left of the image of the Virgin, in growth (Markelov. Saints Dr. Rus. Atlas. P. 559. № 283). A special place in this row occupies the icon "Our Lady and Baby and Szchmch. Mills "from the meeting Postnikov (XV century, timing): In the middle, there are equal shapes of Our Lady with a baby on the left hand and B. The composition of the composition is characterized by symmetry, underlined with a slight turn of the figures, balanced by a prayer hand gesture. (The image of the Virgin is allocated only to fit, it stands on the rum).

The sole examples of V. are known in the miniatures of the manuscripts (Sinaksar Davidgarezhian desert - Tbilisi. A 648, 1030, - in growth, Greek-cargo. RKP.-RNB. OI 58. L. 99 about., 157 about., Kon. XV century); In the temple painting (in Wall Mine Technology in C. Navy. George in Old-Nigorichino (Macedonia), 1317-1318, - on the belt); on icons (Novgorod Slate Icon, Kon. XIII - beginning. XIV century (GIm), - on the belt; on the 2nd floor icon. XV century. from Murom (CMIR) - on the belt, on the sides of the Nimba -Golube "cloud" background in 3/4 turns of the figure of Christ and Our Lady, which are stretched (respectively) to the Holy Gospel and the Saint Omophore (as in SVT icons. Nicholas); on the icon from c. Saints Flora and Lavra . Megrega in Karelia, Kon. XV - beginning. XVI century (Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk), - on the belt; on the icon of the XVI century. (GTG, Museum P. D. Korina) - Freligo; on Drawing with Icons XVII century. (Markelov. Saints Dr. Rus. Atlas. P. 561. No. 284) - In growth, the right hand blesses, in the left - the gospel, in the architectural frame, above it is a belt image in the medallion of Christ Emmanuil), in t. h. on mining icons (Mineyu for February. From the Vologda C. PRP. Dimitrian Prilutsky on the troll (Con. XVI century, VGIHEMZ); on the Ministry of Emergency Icon. XIX century (Ustyuzhensky Museum)).

There are cases of inclusion in V. in the composition of the deesus rank (carved 11-figure-figured growth in. Totemsky Local Lore Museum); on the Icon "Resurrection - the Descent to hell" (2nd floor. XV century, Piim) - among the saints (according to the copy-reconstruction of A. N. Ovchinnikov) in Deesus on the top field of the icon).

Life cycles V. are presented in mosaics 1100 g. San Clement in Rome; In the fresco painting of the 1st third of the XII century. In Kapella Chateau de Muan in Berze-la-Vil (France); on the icon "St. Mills with 18 stimuli of life ", the XVII-XVIII centuries. (GE). The most extensive cycle of life, in 58 stamps, has been preserved on the "frame from the icon of Mussee" from C. St. Trinity in the Vassevsky parish of Yaroslavl (Kon. XVII - beginning. XVIII V.- Dating Yu. B. Komarov, Yahm): The initial 17 stigs contain a story about the monastic feat.; The plots of the brand 17-58 are associated with the test of faith, martyrdom and posthumous miracles V., they are woven into the story of the persecution of Christians: the plot of 7 Christians followed by V., in one - the execution of two Evgeniev, Matthew and oriest (fragment of stigma 31).

The image of single living scenes, as a rule of martyrdom V., is found in the miniatures of the manuscripts (M. Vasily II - Vat. GR. 1613. FOL. 390, 976-1025; RCP. 1st third of the XII century. From Stiftsbibliothek (Göttwagg, Austria) (COD. 109. FOL. 1) and in wall municipalities (C. St. Trinity of Mont-Rya Kosia in Valahia (Romania), approx. 1386).

Lit.: Erminia DF. P. 161, 207; Antonova, MNEV. Catalog. T. 1. S. 74. Cat. eighteen; P. 93. Cat. 24; P. 97. Cat. thirty; P. 99. Cat. 34; S. 100. Cat. 35; S. 101. Cat. 37; S. 113. Cat. 52; P. 137. Cat. 83; Pp. 167. Cat. 318; P. 328. Cat. 273; Nikolaev t. IN . Ancient Russian Small plastic from stone: XI-XV centuries. M., 1983. P. 70, 71 (No. 95, 96); Jolivet-le vy c. Les Églises byzantines de Cappadoce. P., 1991. P. 78, 86, 102, 119, 130, 203, 242, 269, 280, 300, 319; LCI. Sp. 416-419; Nevyansk icon. Ekaterinburg, 1997. Cat. 127; Evseeva. Afonov book. Pp. 276; Gladysheva e. IN . Iconic icon, Georgy and Mills, "Ioannes": Vopr. iconography // Artificiality. M., 1999. No. 2. P. 498-509; She is. Iconogr. The program of the Novgorod Icon "saved on the throne with the elected saints" // ibid. 2003. No. 1. P. 176-211; Jurich in. Visant. Frescoes: Middle Ages. Serbia, Dalmatia, Glory. Macedonia. M., 2000. P. 247, 514, 515; Lavrov a. FROM . Witchcraft and religion in Russia: 1700-1740. M., 2000. P. 430; Brewovarov n. IN . Frescoes c. Savior on a rough in a led. Novgorod: Iconogr. The painting program. St. Petersburg., 2002. P. 42, 121 (No. 130); Pskov icons. M., 2003. Cat. 19, 93.

E. V. Shevchenko

In those ancient times, when the wicked served idols and many people worshiped the creation and cause of their own hands, then the faith of many of the saints, then the faith of many of the saints, and among them promised the piety of the Saint Glorious Martyr Vlasia. This holy, removing from any malicious business, has lived his whole life and righteously, godly and disgusting. His fellow citizens - residents of Sevastia, who was in Cappadocya1, are pious people, wanted to have a bishop of them, and their desire was fulfilled. The new shepherd is zealously pass a herd of Christ at the time when frequent persecutions were raised to Church of Christ, and many, underpirement of sufferers, honored the crown of martyr. At that time, in the reign of dioclitiana2, it was pregnant with a good feat and the Holy Great Martyr Evstream, one of the fifty martyrs, along with his comrades3; He stood before the blood of Christ, and for that was concluded in the dungeon. Here I visited him at night the Holy Mistors, bribing the dweller dwellery with plenty of gold. Mills replaced the martyr of Christ, who so courageously transferred suffering. Evstrasti gave Vista his will, compiled before his death, making orders about his body and about the estate, as challenged in his life. The Holy Mills was hiding from the hands of the tormentors, which was then done by many other saints, without giving themselves to the torment without the special deign of God; Few Christians lived then in the city, and that was the secret fans of Christ; Most, from fear of flour, ran into the deserts, mountains and verteps; Some, not being able to bear the torment, worshiped at the time of idols. So and the Holy Mills not only in Dioclitiano reign, but also in the reign of Likinia4 (at the same time, the emperor he suffered) was hiding from the junior persecution in one desert mountain, which was called Argeos5; Here he dwells in the cave and laughed in silence and posting, rexpassed prayers to God. Wild animals came to him, and if they found the saint in a silent prayer with a sorry with God, they, as if reasonable creatures, were not interrupted by his whiff, but they stood before the cave, waiting for his holy, after having graduated from her prayer, and did not leave until the holy, coming out and putting their hands on them, would not bless them; If any beast felt sick, then came to the saint and through the laying of Holy Hand he was healing.
At this time, Inemon Agrikolai tried in every way to destroy perhaps a greater number of Christians, betraying them with different terrible flocks, he betrayed the sword, others ordered to burn on fire, third - to sink in the rivers, otherwise to reconcile the beasts. For the last goal, he ordered his cake to catch perhaps greater number of predatory animals. By fulfilling this command, the catchers came out on the fishing and, by the surplus of the mountains and the desert, they also came to Mount Argeos, where the holy bishop of commas was hidden; Going to the cave of the saint and seeing a lot of frozen animals in front of it, they said to each other: "Let's go and see what's going on there."
Approaching, they saw that the holy rules sits in her cave, as it were, in some kind of title, and his zealous prayers would fuss in God. Nothing says to the Holy Bishop, they returned home and told everything that they saw, Inenem Agrikolau; He ordered a large number of warriors to go along with the catches, grab the Christians who hiding there and bring them to him. Having come to that mountain and entering the cave, the sent warriors found there alone Saint Vrace, who raised the prayer to God and glorified his holy name.
"Get out of here," they said to Via, and go to the city with us: Inemon calls you.
Hearing it, Holy was delighted and said:
- Well, my children, let's go together; The Lord remembered me: He was three times on this night, saying: "Stand up and bring me a sacrifice, as it applies to you by the rank of bishop." So, on time, my children, you came here today, My Lord, Jesus Christ, will be with you. "
On the path of the pagans, seeing the meekness of the saint and listening to his teaching, as well as amazed by his wondering, appealed to the True God; For his prayers with many sores were sainted from the Lord healing, and not only people, but also animals; When they were brought to him or brought patients, he laid his hands on them, asked a prayer for them and let him go completely healthy. One woman had the only son; During the eating fish, the bone sat down in his throat, so he could not utter a word and was already in death; Mother, taking his half-term, carried him to the saint and laid his feet, bitterly crying and appealing: "Hermit my son, the slave of our Savior Jesus Christ, he only with me."
At the same time, she told Mistore, what happened to her son. The saint of God, putting his hand in the throat and erecting the eyes to the sky, began to pray to the Lord so much: "My Savior! You help everyone who calls you with faith: hear my prayer, and the bone sent in the throat of this hotel, we are notworthy in the throat His power and healed. And in the rest of the time, if it happens that with a man or with animals and will remember my name, saying: "God, help the prayers of the servant of your via", then you, Lord, fast to help, help the topics and give healing In the glory and honor of the holy behalf. "
Praying so, he healed his father and returned his mother, who in great joy unlikely fumbled praise to God. As a result of such wonders, the name of Mussee became famous not only in Sevastia, but even in Nikopol6. When the saint was still on the road, not far from Sevasta, then the following happened.
One poor widow had nothing but a piglet only; The wolf, having grabbed it. Poor woman became bitterly crying; Seeing that he was saint, she rushed to him and with tears began to tell him about his grief. Holy, smiling, told her: "Do not indulge the grief, a woman, do not cry: your pig will be returned to you alive and unharmed."
Having said it, the saint continued his way, and that wolf came to the poor widow, carrying her piglery in his teeth; He launched him in front of her without any damage and ran back to the desert; Widow took his piglet, rejoicing and praising God.
When the Holy Mills reached Sevastia, Inemon Agrikolai, having learned about it, immediately ordered him to conclude him to the dungeon. Another day, the rash on the trial, Agrikolai ordered to bring the saint of God to him; Seeing him, the game Deemon turned to him with such flattering words: "Rejoice, Mills, the beloved friend of our gods and our!"
This saint answered him: "Rejoice and you, holding the game, but do not call the gods of demons that will be betrayed by the eternal fire with those who worship them."
In anger, Inemon ordered a merciless beat the saint; After a long torture, the saint again said Imemon: "Mad seducer of human shower, do you really think with your torment to disappear from the true God? No, it is impossible, for I do I hope for Jesus Christ, who strengthens me; however, do you want."
Seeing the unshakable faith of the saint, the playback commanded again to take him into a dungeon.
Then the poor widow affected by the courageous suffering, which the Holy Mistors underwent for Christ, and his firm constancy in the Holy Faith, the swollen of his piglet, whom the wolf was unsubstituted, began his head and feet, put on the dish; She also added more seeds, earthly fruits and garden vegetables, as it was possible to her in her poverty; Hiding all this in the basket and burn a candle, she brought this saint basket in the dungeon; Solding to the legs of the martyr, she began to begging him so that he would take this food and would taste it. By rewarding praising God, Holy tasted brought food; Then, blessing the widow, he told her: "Woman, thus make my memory every year, then nothing of the necessary in your house will attend; if one who else becomes you and will perform my memory, he will receive in abundance of God and blessing The gentlemen will be on it at all time of his life. "
Piecely widow, having received such an instruction from the saint, returned to his house, the famous of God; And the gospel saying applies to it: "In general, the world will be said in memory of it and what she did" (MF.26: 13).
Meanwhile, the unholy tormentman, the secondary sunset on the trial, ordered to lead to the torture of St. Muscia.
"Mills," he said to the martyrs, "do you bring sacrifice to the gods?" Then you will stay alive. Or do you want to expose yourself painful death?
The saint answered this:
"The gods that did not create the sky and the Earth will disappear from the ground and from under the heavens" (Ier.10: 11), and the death you threaten, gives me eternal life.
Seeing such unshakfulness of the saint in faith, the Inemon commanded, exposing, hang it on the tree and severely stricken with iron tools. After a long torment, the Holy Martyr said Inekema:
- The wicked and performed bad people, do you really want to get me in the wounds when Jesus Christ helps me? I am not afraid of your visible flour, for looked at the future invisible benefits promised by a loving God.
After that, the tormentman ordered him from the tree and take him again into the dungeon. When St. Vurasia was held in conclusion, followed by seven pious and giba-fearing women, who, collecting a bonclosure to Earth from the body of St. Blood, was acknowledged by it. The servants accompanying the saint, seeing it, took them and led to the game, saying:
- And these women are the sequence of Christ. Then Inemon turned to women and said:
- Take care, bring victims to the gods, and get great honors from me.
Honest and Holy Wives answered him:
- If you, Inemon, I want us to bow to the gods of yours and bring them sacrifices, first of all we should be cleaned; So, let's go to the nearest lake and wake our faces in it and the whole body: they led us to bring there and your gods; I am swamming, we will bow on them on the shore of the lake.
Having reached, Inemon ordered to bring his idols; Having invested them in the bags and sealing Tin, Inemon gave them to women; Then he ordered the warriors so that they accompany women with idols to the shore of the lake and from there again would lead them back. Taking on their shoulders bags with idols, women suffered them to the lake; Having come there, where the lake was very deep, they began to ask the warriors to move away from them, as if striding to warm up with them, and wait a bit until they were perfect. When they moved away, each of the women threw an idol into Lake, which was carried, and the bad idols quickly plunged into water as tin. Seeing this, the warriors with anger grabbed them and, recalling to the game, told him about the drumming of idols. Inevel has changed in his face from a rage and buried on the warriors, like a lion: "Evil servants, why didn't you keep the gods, why didn't you prevent women to throw them in the depths of the lake?"
In response to this, the warriors said: "The bright play, these women deceived you and with the cunning intention took your gods; not knowing their cunning, we did not hold them."
Then the Holy Wives said Inedem: "True God does not know the human bowl, and your gods made from a soulless stone and wood, gold and silver, flattery were taken by us and sinking; unmostassed they were neither rid themselves from our hands, nor Save yourself from sumps: How can they save others and get rid of trouble? "
Running rage, Inemon ordered toggle oven, melt tin, bring iron ridges and tridents and seven hot hot boards made like clothing; All this he ordered to put on one side, and on the other put soft robes and various female decorations and said the Holy Wives: "Choose yourself one of two: or worship the gods and bring them victims, then save your life, you will go to those bright Clothes and precious ornaments; if you do not perform this, you will try all these flour cooked for you. "
One of those women who had two sons - a hotel, grabbed bright clothes and threw it into the oven, where she burned out; And the bets began to ask her mother, saying: "Our dear mother, do not leave us to die on Earth, but as you brought us with sweet your milk on Earth, so help us achieve and the kingdoms of heaven."
After that Inedev commanded to hang them naked and plan the body with iron ridges. Then the warriors saw that instead of blood from the ulcers, milk would expire, and their bodies became white as snow; The Angels of God, coming from heaven, strengthened the saints among the torment and comforted them like this: "Do not be afraid, but continue your feat, like a good agriculture, who, starting a harvest, ends it; fulfilling a thing, he gets gratitude and award from his Mr. and Returns with joy to his house. So you will hike to get an eternal blissful life from the Savior of our Jesus Christ. "
Then the Inedemon commanded to remove them from that tree and throw in a fiery oven. When they were thrown there, the fire immediately went out there, and they came out of the furnace without any harm. Then the play told them:
- Leave your magic and bring the victim to our gods.
Holy Wives unanimously answered him:
"There will be no goodness to you, the son of a devil, we will not leave the Lord of our Jesus Christ, we will not put a stone and a tree, idols, to you, deaf and insensitive, because we are called into the kingdom of heaven.
Hearing this, Inemon ordered to cut off to them with the sword of the head. When they were shown in place, where they were expected by the end, they asked warriors:
- Load a little while we pray to God.
Won your knees, they began to pray so much: "Thank you, the great and glorified God, glory to you, Christ who reigns and called us on the path of salvation, for who is so great as you, who inspired us to renounce the darkness and proceed to Your true light is yours! Molim you, Lord, take us to your first Feklen7, acceptance of the prayer for us from the Holy Father of Our and Shepherd Vlasia who has written us to the true path. "
Praying and rising from the ground, they stripped their hands to the sky and, erecting their eyes, they were unanimously rummaged to God: "Glory to you, Christ, God, having encouraged us to become in a four way Your name is Holy: We wish to be victims to you, and our soul on the heavenly satellite. "
Two mentioned excursions, starting their mother, told her:
- Mother, you are ready the crowns from the Lord in Heaven, and we are preparing our good passionerpus to the Holiness Bishop Muscie.
Then the executioner, starting, the compartment of the holy seven wives their honest heads; Such was the death of them.
After this game, ordered to lead from the dungeon of St. Vurassia, asked him:
- Do you bring now the victims of gods or not?
"The popyal blind man," answered the saint, "you don't see the true light: which of those who know the living God, will bring sacrifices or bow to the soulless idols?" You know, the overshadic and wicked person, which left the god of living and worship the insensitive stone; I'm not afraid of your threats, to flock me, as you want, - that's, I betray you for Christ my body my body, one God has power over my soul.
Then the playman said to Saint:
- If I order you throw you into the lake, can you then help you then your Christ, to whom you worship?
- Blind and unreasonable, - answered the saint, - you, honorable idols, consider yourself saved; And I, honorable Christ, really do not show you on the waters of my forces of my God?
Then the play ordered him to lead to the lake and quit deep; Holy, having come ashore, marked the water with a congestion, went on the water, like in a suh, and, reaching the middle of the lake, sat on the water, as on earth, and turned with such a speech to the warriors standing on the shore and servants:
- If you have gods, show their strength: go and you are water.
Then sixty-eight hands, calling the names of the gods of their own, joined the lake, wanting to go through the water, and everyone suddenly plunged into water, as if Tin, and died. The Angel of the Lord, sitting down from heaven to the saint, told him: "Fullable grace of grace of the bishop, go away from the water and the trick of the crown, prepared from God."
Sowing to the ground, the saint with a face that was shining, like a bright snow, came to the game and began to root him. Then Idemon issued a mortal decree for the durability of such a content: "Mills will not obey me, despises the king, hoolit of our gods, destroyed in water with his magic of sixty-eight hands - for all this, he must be lit with a sword together with two years."
Together with the rates of the rules were derived from the player. Come to the place of execution, he prayed for his sins, about the world, especially about those who will make his memory; And he prayed for those, so that there were no illness to do so that they were fulfilled by all the best and that they were prayers for their prayers. At that time, there was a bright cloud that painted him, which painted it, and from the cloud was heard by Glass of Christ: "All your petitions will be fulfilling, my love of my devotee."
Then the executioner is a mustache honest head, and behind him and the two aforementioned rates on one cliff outside the city wall in Sevastia; This happened on the eleventh day of the month of February8.
One piety of the woman named Elisa, taking the holy body of martyrs, with honor buried them in the same place; Saints were served from the tomb of saints.
Having learned about the suffer end of the saint of St. Christ, Viassia, the aforementioned woman, who had one piglery, honored the memory of the saint, collecting their neighbors and acquaintances, and God blessed her house with all satisfaction. Imitating her, other pious people also began annually to make the memory of St. Vurassia, bringing candles to church and Fimiami, gathering in the homes of their units and submitting alms and poorly. Since then, he began that pious custom, who and the Donne some still hold, namely, to make the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Vrace, following the example of the widow, who was the first to make such a memory, and there is a memoir to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Spirit Slavima and worshiping forever. Amen.
Tropar, voice 2:
Divine stagnation, color unfastened, vines of the Rogo Multi-Stand-up, Bogonosus Mussei: Faithfully the memory of your merry of your mercy, praying incessantly about all of us.
Other Kondak, voice 8:
The bias of the anointing, and the torment of the blood decorated with Slavnya Vseyiu, and Siayashi everywhere in the Vychnya snuffing, and we are looking at the temple of your encounter, and in it I am incessantly calling: everyone is observed.

At the time of Diocletian in the city of Sevastia, the doctor lived in the name of the name of Musuals ( in Armenian - Vlas). Since childhood, he was distinguished by piety. The townspeople knew him well and loved and therefore, when it was time, unanimously chose his bishop of his native city. However, adopt San in those times of brutal persecution on Christians was not so much honorable as dangerous. The Holy Mistus had to strengthen his passas, attend prisoners, to support martyrs. Many were hidden from pursuers in deserted and secluded places. The situation aggravated so much that Vladia also had to retire to Mount Argeos, where he lasted in a cave.

There in solitude he found peace and calm for a while. Once at the entrance to the cave, he saw a wolf, the beast in the side gaped a big wound, all the wool was a buoy of blood drunk. The wolf looked at the saint and fell without power at his feet. Holy Mills washed the wound and closed it with a bandage. Then he retired to prayer. The next day, he saw that the wolf rose to his feet and as if she was waiting for him. After removing the bandage, Saint Mills saw that the wound was delayed. The wolf put his head on his knees of saved his man, stood a little, and then it was fixed and ran away. After that, different beasts began to come to the shelter of St. Mistracy every day, and he treated everyone. They walked Krotko until the saint graduates and bless them; Sick animals, the saint healed, imposing hands on them. The asylum of Saint was opened by servants of the ruler of Agrikolay, arriving for the catch of animals to torment the Christian martyrs.

When the bishop saw the warriors who came after him, he was not surprised. On the night before, he heard the words of the Lord, who warned that the saint would have to defend the faith of his life. Therefore, he followed the warriors without unnecessary words.

On the way to the city, they caught up the wagon, the boy was lying in it, who desperately coughed and cried. "What happened?" - asked the bishop. The mother of the child replied that her son was fed fishing. Then the Holy Mills leaned over the boy, read the prayer and extracted the bone from his throat.

Also on the way to him came poor widow, whose wolf dragged the only piglery. Holy reassured her, saying that with her pig everything would be fine, ordered to go home. She returned home, and after a while the wolf in the teeth brought a living piglet back to the widow.

Agrikolai, having met Bishop with flattering words, called him a friend of the gods. Holy answered a greeting, but the pagan gods called demons. Then he was subjected to cruel beatings and took to the dungeon.

At this time, holy rules sat in the dungeon. He was beaten, but not broken. The ruler suggested that he move into the pagan faith and received a refusal. This was learned about everything in the city, people were amazed by the courage of their bishop. A woman who met him on the road, Crazy Porn and prepared a treat that passed the prisoner. Holy Mistors blessed her and said that from this day in her house there will always be abundance, and any person who remembers him, is also waiting for well-being.

Agrikolai ordered to tie a holy tree and strict his body with iron ridges for wool, but the rules remained faithful to Christ. Seeing the sufferings of the saint, seven pious wives followed the volatile, they collected the drops of his blood, they were wicked by them. They were grabbed and tried to get to bowed to idols. The wives pretended to agree to this, saying that he would make the cleansing in the waters of the lake. They took idols and drowned them in his deepest place, after which Christians became severely syrupted. The holy persistently tolerated the torment, strengthened by the grace of God, their bodies were transformed, became white, like snow, and instead of blood milk flowed from wounds. One of the women had two young sons who asked her mother to help them achieve the kingdom of heaven and instruct them to care to bishop Vlasia. Seven holy wives cut off heads.

After some time, the ruler of Sevastia again tried to lean the saint to paganism, and when the commas refused, it threatened to throw it into the Sevastia Lake, but the Holy replied that Christ would save him and appears his power. Crossing water, Mistors went to the lake and began to walk on the water. Sitting in the middle of the lake, he suggested servants of the ruler, calling his gods, to do the same. The pagans went to the lake and immediately drowned.

Agrikolai was in a rage because he lost the best servants, and ordered the beheads of St. Muscia, and with him two entrusted to his care to the young men, the sons of the martyr.

Before the execution of Saint prayed to God for the forgiveness of his and human sins, as well as to give assistance to everyone who would remember Mistra. At that moment, according to life, a bright cloud came down on it, from which the voice was heard: "Your fulfillment, my own devotee's beloved."

According to legend, the body of St. Muscar was buried with the honors of a pious woman named Elisa on the site of the saint execution. From the coffin of the saint, according to legend, the healings of believers took place. Saint Mills Sevastiysky Accepted a martyrdom of about 316 years.

On the day of the memory of Saint, pious people began to bring candles and incense into the church, distribute alms. This custom has been rooted in memory of the act of blissful widow, which brought Holy Misti food to the dungeon.

The relics of St.via

Sealed Daerachnicator with Svelasia Dressing Part

For a long time, the relics of the saint were in Sevastia. During the crusades, they were taken to Europe. In 732, they fell into the Italian city by Marate, the inhabitants of which are considered to be Holy Mistura with their patron. In other cities, Europe in different temples are stored particles of the relics of the saint, including in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin in London (Sourozhsky Diocese). Especially revered by the Holy Misti in Croatian Dubrovnik , here in honor of him the temple is built, where There is a chapter of the holy .

Church of St. Vlasia in Dubrovnik (Croatia)

According to legend, the saint in 971 was the inhabitants of the city and warned them about the attack of enemies.


According to legend, he has a special grace of God In the heal of the diseases of the throat, prevention of suppression . Also Vorsions are considered a patron of domestic and wild animals Since, according to life, he blessed and healed the beasts that came to him.

In Russia Vrabi was considered Patron of livestock who often on behalf of this ward was called "Rod Vestiyevsky," especially cows - often simply called Vlasiyevkov. In the old in the name of St. Vlasia, the patron saint of livestock, arranged the chapels and chapels. In Kievan Rus, the first temple dedicated to the Holy Mistore was laid by Prince Vladimir immediately after the baptism of Russia on Podol. It was a particularly honorable icon of the saint with a particle of his relics. In Novgorod, there was a temple, where the hosts brought a cow oil on the day of the memory of this ward and put it before this saint. According to the observance of eyewitnesses, on the ancient icons of St. Vorsi was depicted by a horse sitting on horseback, horses were presented around him, and the green fields were away. In the same ancient church in Novgorod on the icon of St. Mills was represented by a cliff, surrounded by cattle; There is also one of the city streets is called Vassevoi.

In Moscow, a stone was built on Arbat in the XVII century The temple of the martyr Vlasia in the old stable Sloboda.

Church of the Sacred Martyr Vlasi in the old stable Sloboda, Moscow, Gagarinsky per., 20 (m. Kropotkinskaya)

In Yaroslavl in 1714, the church was consecrated in the name of St. Vlasse Sevastia, later captured on the painting N. K. Roerich.

Yaroslavl, the church of Vassevsky arrival (from left to right): Tolgskaya (V. V.S.) Church, the Iversk chapel and the Trinity Church with the bell tower.
The beginning of the twentieth century

In "Tale of the Saints" St. Mistore is appointed special prayer from the Tsotsky case. Peasants on the day of memory of St. Vlassia served mulabal, asking him protection for livestock. In some, there was a custom to drive cows to the churches, where they sprinkled sv. Water, it was especially observed during diseases and case of livestock.

West Vlasia as a patron of livestock arose on the basis of the ancient ritual of the pagan deity of Veles (Volos), the "Skotsky God", which was considered the second to be the meaning of God in the pagan pantheon. Replacing the pagan deity of St. Musture was the most convenient that the lives of this saint testified to his patronage of animals. Moreover, in the Old Slavic language, the names of Veles (hair) and the rules were identical and often interchanged.

On this day, the peasants did not work on the cattle, did not bother the veins of the genus, did not go horses, they were holly and cherished the cattle, treated with baking ritual (special souse) - cows, horses, sheeps.

Tropear, voice 4:
And the apostle forbid, the Vicar of the Apostle former, the Vicers of the Apostle, the Act found, the Bogodukhnovna, in the vision of the sunrise: this is for the sake of the word of truth, and faith for the sake of suffered Esi even to the blood, the priests of Vseyi, the moths of Christ of God to be saved our souls.

Kondak, voice 2:
Divine stagnation, color unfastened, vines of Christ Rogo Multi-ahead, Bogonosus Vseiu, faithfully the memory of your merry of your mercy of yours, praying incessantly about all of us.