Karl Maksimovich Baer. short biography

Karl Maksimovich Baer. short biography
Karl Maksimovich Baer. short biography

Naturalist. Born in Estlandia. In 1810 he entered the medical faculty of the Derpt University, after which he defended his doctoral dissertation "On endemic diseases in Estlandia" (original in Latin) after that, K. M. Bair left to Austria, and then to Germany. Since 1817, he is the University of Kenigsberg's progressor, from 1819 - Professor of Zoology, and from 1826 - Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Anatomical Institute and Zoological Museum of the same university. In 1826, B. was elected a correspondent member, and in 1828 - the ordinary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1830-34 consisted of an honorary member of the Academy. In 1834, on his return to Russia, K. M. Baer was again elected by the ordinary academician from 1862. K. M. Bair - an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences with the right of presence at the meetings of the Academy and with the right to vote on them. Working in the University of Koenigsburg (1817-34), KM Baer led a practical course of comparative anatomy of invertebrates, reading courses of human anatomy, anthropology. Of the relative-anatomical studies of Baer of this period, work should be noted on the anatomy of sturgeon, dolphin, moose, camel and various invertebrates. K. M. Baer studied "Naturofilosophy" L. Omean and saw in it only "foggy uncertainty." The greatest fame received research by Bar issues of the embryonic development of animals. Interest in these works originated by K. M. Baer in 1818, when he received from his friend X. I. Pantier his dissertation "Materials to the history of chicken development in the egg." In 1827, Karl Maksimovich opened an egg of mammals and a person, fixing the wrong ideas that the egg is the whole gramale of the ovarian bubble. The work "On the origin of the eggs of mammals and a person" (1827) Baire published in the form of the message of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Baer is the founder of embryology. His classical work "On the history of animal development" (1828-37) is saturated with large actual material, comments to it and generalizations. K. M. Baer opened the spinal string (the primary domestic skeleton of vertebrates), traced the development of the fetal shells, described the formation of a brain from bubbles, as well as the development of the eye, heart and other organs. He showed the presence of an early stage of embryonic development in the form of blastuly. In addition to the detailed study of the development of chicken, the embryonic development of reptiles, amphibians, fish and mammals investigated. Comparative-embryological studies over the vertebral led to KM Baer to important theoretical generalizations. He found that in the process of embryonic development, the most general features appear, in particular, the type to which the studied animal belongs, then the signs of the class, detachment, family, kind, species, and, finally, individual signs of individuals are separated.

The facts open by Karl Maksimovich were of great importance in the fight against the formism - the teachings that dominated the 17-18th centuries., On the prevention of organisms in the genital cells of the parents. The recognition of the process of evolution for Bair was, as he himself was expressed, "the discharge of the mind." In the interpretation of the process of the evolution of the wildlife of BER, they tend to the idealistic theory of autogenesis: he considered some special "internal reasons" by the driving forces of evolution. Rejecting the theory of constancy of species, also objected to the evolutionary theory of Darwin, especially against the theory of natural selection.

After moving to Russia (1834), K. M. Baer participated in several expeditions: in 1837 he was on the new land, 1839 visited the islands of the Finnish Bay, in 1840 he traveled in Lapland. His expedition on the study and rationalization of fisheries on the Church of the Lake, in the Caspian and Azov seas had very important practical importance. The direct economic importance of these expeditions was expressed, in particular, in the proposal to eat Caspian herring, which was previously caught only to flip out fat. The scientific results of the Expedition of Baer were the capital geographical description of the Caspian Sea, a special series of publications in graphics of Russia and others. They were expressed (1857) the Regulation on the subjoys of the right banks of rivers in the northern hemisphere and left - in South ("Baer Law"). K. M. Baer is one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. He also developed questions of anthropology, was a supporter of the recognition of the species unity of the human race and the opponent of the polygenists.

Being a professor of the Medical and Surgical Academy (1841-52), pointed to a low scientific level of foreign doctors - teachers of the Academy, tirelessly told for the preparation of Russian specialists.

In 1862, K. M. Baer left the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and soon moved to Derpt (Tartu), where he died. In honor of Bair in the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of his scientific activity, a bronze medal was knocked out, and the Academy of Sciences was established by the premium. Baer (1864).

The name of Baer is named: Mountains Bair (Taimyr, Shore H. Lapteva), Bair Island (Taimyr Bay), Cape Bair (New Earth).

K. M. Bair - Academician, one of the most remarkable naturalists of the XIX century. And the versatility of Baer's interests and the fame of his work in various areas of knowledge were so great that once who arrived in London Baer asked: "You are Baer, \u200b\u200bbut who from Barres: zoologist, geographer or anthropologist?" Embarrassed Bar replied: "I'm just Baer ... and all taken together." Baer was a wonderful embryologist (the founder of modern embryology) [in 1826 he opened the mammalian and man egg. Next, BER first gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe germinal sheets and installed the first stages of bookmarks of the chord, brain, heart and other vertebrate organs (1828-1837)] and a biologist-evolutionist, the predecessor of Darwin [Darwin in a historical essay of evolutionary views in his book "Origin of species "He emphasized that the Evolutionary views of Baer are founded" mainly on the laws of geographical distribution "], oceanologist and the founder of the science of fisheries.

Baer is also known as a geographer and traveler who has made a lot to know the geography of Russia, a geomorphologist who studied the causes of asymmetry of river valleys and the origin of the Caspian Bugrov, called Barhovski, and finally a major historian of landmark. Baer was one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society.

As a traveler BER is especially famous for his expeditions to new land and the Caspian Sea.

Baer was the first scientist who visited the new land actually discovered for the science of her flora and fauna, the pioneer of its geological and geographical study. Along with valuable collections, brought from the New Earth, they deserve to be marked by the remarkable nature characteristics of the Nature of the New Earth created by B. They draw it as a comprehensive mentor-geographer who was able to identify the deep communications of the organic world with the environment.

During the Novoemel expedition, Baer collected the sea fauna in the throat of the White Sea and at the coasts of the New Earth, noted the wealth of the fauna of these areas and installed 70 different types of materials in the collected materials by creating the first faunistic list for the Barents Sea.

Three-year studies of the Caspian Sea and its fauna, primarily the fauna of fish, allowed Bara to compile "suggestions for the best device of Caspian fishing", which contained the presentation of the first rational foundations of fisheries, fishering activities from predatory catch and on the protection of their spawning.

One of the practically important contributions of Baer to the national economy was the recommendation of the use of Caspian herring as a food product.

Bare first gave a number of valuable generalizations to understand the phenomena of biological productivity in marine water bodies. In the course of research, Baer described the Red Bay and the island of Samlegen, significantly developed the then ideas about the geography of the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea.

His Caspian studies were greater in great fame, in which BEER, along with a wide hydrological review of the Caspian Sea, expressed him in geography of considerations about the reasons for the asymmetry of river valleys and the hypothesis about the origin of the "Barhogrov".

Baer was a birthway Estonian nobleman, born on February 17, 1792 in the genital estate of Pina of the Ierwan District of Estland province. In 1807, he was defined in the noble school in Revel, and at the end of it in 1810 he entered the University of Derpta for the Medical Faculty. In 1812, he was determined by the physician into the squad of the Russian army, which was standing under Riga. With the retreat of the Napoleon's army returned to Derpt and in 1814 he graduated from the course of the teachings, defending his doctoral dissertation in Latin: "On endemic diseases among Estonians". At the end of the University, Bar went to Vienna to replenish his education. Here, under the influence of the Derptovsky Comrade, Parrot was carried away by mountain excursions and natural science. Soon he leaves Vienna, goes on foot through Linz, Walzburg, Munich, Regensburg and Nurenburg to Würzburg. From the autumn of 1815, he began to engage in prof. Dollinger comparative anatomy of animals.

Already in the first of his articles and reports ("How life on Earth developed", 1822, "On the kinship of animals", 1825, etc.), BER expressed a number of deep evolutionary ideas, created a pedigree tree development of animals, wrote about "gradual improvement" of organisms ( Starting from microorganisms) as a result of "earth-surface changes." Later, in 1834, in the article "The Universal Law of Nature, manifested in every development," Bare directly argued that everything is developing in nature and is "in transient".

In 1816, Baer received an invitation from Königsberg University to take the place of the transcellane (Assistant Professor), from 1822 he became an ordinary professor, and from 1826 - Director of an Anatomical Institute. Baer developed widely developed scientific activities and, engaged in the embryology of birds, and then the history of the development of other vertebrates, he in 1826 made a brilliant discovery: for the first time I found an egg of mammals (first at the dog) and reported the Academy of Sciences. The following year, there was a continuation of this work, which was era in embryology.

In 1827, Baer received an offer to the Academy of Sciences to take the liberated place of the ordinary academician. Bair had a desire to return home. In 1829, he came to St. Petersburg, but he did not like the location of work, and in 1830 he returned to Königsberg. Four years later, he finally resolutely left Koenigsberg and moved with his family to St. Petersburg.

In the Academy of Science, he changed its former specialty and became interested in geography, anthropology and ethnography. For research in these industries, he has repeatedly drove on the immense expanses of Russia. The reasons for such changes were, on the one hand, the lack of a suitable situation at the Academy to continue its previous works, and on the other hand, the Council of Doctors to change the Königsbergian ten-year seating lifestyle to the more mobile to restore the shameless health.

In 1837, the Academy of Sciences organized an expedition to a new land at two small courts (Schuna "Krotov" and Freak "Saint Elisha"), the commander was appointed conductor of the corps of the Fleet navigator A. K. Tsivolka, and the head of the expedition K. M. Bair, And with him six people serving personnel. On June 19, 1857, the expedition was departed from Arkhangelsk.

By visiting the coast of the Kola Peninsula, the expedition on July 19 reached Mutokkin Bowl and studied both shores of the strait in geological, botanical and zoological relations. With great works overcoming ice in the Mastery ball, scientists at the carbasa reached the Kara Sea, but, caught in bad weather, almost died and, having experienced great deprivation, returned to their vessels. The purpose of the expedition is a description of the northeast coast of the New Earth - remained not achieved. But Baer visited a number of points on the West Bank of New Earth and reached in its description of significant success. Baer established the presence of 135 plant species on the new land (over the next 100 years, this amount was increased only in 13 species). A lot of valuable integrated observations on the climate and its influences on vegetation were carried out. Faunistic research of Bair and large collections collected by them were important. Bara Lehman satellite conducted valuable geological fees.

The expedition stayed on the new land six weeks, after which he went back and September 12, 1837 returned to Arkhangelsk. Baer was the first scientist who visited those places. He studied them in the geological, topographic, meteorological, botanical and zoological relations, clarified the mainland origin of the new land and inherent in the nature of the landscape. Bar's major error made hasty conclusion about unavailability for the sailing of the Kara Sea, and this view, by virtue of his authority, lasted in science over 30 years, was not yet refuted by the facts.

In 1839, Bair with his older son made swimming in the islands and ski of the eastern part of the Finnish Bay in order to study the traces of the glacier movement and the level of the Baltic Sea level.

Since 1839, Baer began to publish together with Acad. G. P. Gelmersen A special magazine in German at the Academy of Sciences entitled "Materials for the knowledge of the Russian Empire and neighboring countries of Asia."

In 1840, Bar, along with again, was in the north, visiting the shores of the White Sea and the Kola Peninsula.

In 1845, B. took part in the circle of our academics (V. Ya. Struve, P. Gelmesen, P. I. Keppen, A. F. Middondorf), a lot of promoting the establishment of the Russian geographical society, and then accepted the most active participation In the newly opened society (member of the Council, Chairman of the Ethnography Department, meteorological commission, compiler of instructions, etc.).

In 1851 and 1852. Making several trips to the shores of the Baltic Sea, to the Aland Islands and the Lake Paibus (moon) to study the reasons for reducing fish catches. The result of these trips were "research on the state of fisheries in Russia," the formation of Russian security legislation on fisheries.

In 1853, the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Public Protection, by Mutual Agreement, decided to send an academic expedition to the Volga and the Caspian Sea for a comprehensive scientific study of the sea and its fauna, on the basis of which the fishery rules could be drawn up. The reason for the expedition served the complaints of fish farmers to cloak fish. At the head of the expedition was placed BEER, other members were: Russian Naturalist N. Ya. Danilevsky and A. Schulz. We left on June 14, 1853 to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and from there with part of water, part of the Volga in Astrakhan on the shore; They were tracked to fish Vatagam, on the Mangyshlak Peninsula, to the fortification Novopetrovsk.

In 1854, they visited Sareptrov, Kamyshin, Astrakhan, Novopetrovsky, on the islands and at the mouth of the Ural River, went again to Astrakhan, then to the West Coast of the Caspian Sea, the Black Market at the mouth of Terek and Astrakhan Salt Lakes.

In 1855 they went on a steamer at the mouth of the chickens, then on a boat to Lankaran, from there in Baku; The oil sources were examined, went to Shemakh, climbed up Kura, to Lake Sevan and Tiflis.

In 1856, the spring arrived in Astrakhan, here Bair fell ill with fever, but at a month he he herself herself and went to the Manych Valley, from which summer was swimming in the Caspian Sea on a steamer with the Astrakhan governor; In the autumn went again to the black market. In 1857, Bare returned to Petersburg, providing continuing research by N. Ya. Danilevsky and D. Schultsu.

The result of the work was a number of articles printed in the "Bulletins" of the Academy of Sciences in German and French with the addition of the author called "Scientific Notes on the Caspian Sea and its surroundings" (this is Kaspische Studien), where the hypothesis of catastrophic decrease in the level with Education on the space of sandy bugs freed from the water, which then received the name "Barhogrov". In addition to the presentation of the results of the study of shores, beds, temperatures, salinity, water, etc., in the same "notes" BER provides an explanation of the causes of asymmetry of the banks of Russian meridional current rivers - this is a well-known so-called "Baer Law". This law got too narrow wording at Bair (only the meridional current rivers concerned), although in reality the river of any direction is subordinated to him. Obviously, Bair did not know the works of French physicists of Coriolis (1835) and Babe (1849). In addition, the phenomenon of the asymmetry of river shores is very difficult and, as is established now by science, it cannot be explained for one reason.

In 1861, Bair again on the expedition, this time on the study of the Azov Sea. The authorities of the Novorossiysk Territory seemed that the sea was clogged by ballast ejected by the courts, and catastrophically merged. As a result, it was proposed to apply for the reversion of swimming in the sea to large courts. Russian Geographical Society and Academy of Sciences Communicated the expedition to study this issue. At the head of the expedition was delivered by Baer, \u200b\u200bwho invited Naturalist to help himself, G. I. Radda. Together, they went through Moscow, Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav [Dnepropetrovsk] and on the Dnieper in Nikolaev, then Odessa, Sevastopol, Balaklava, Inkerman, Kerch, Taganrog, on Rostov's sleeves to Rostov and Novocherkasska. From here Rada one drove to Manch, and then both to Berdyansk, Mariupol [Zhdanov], Yeisk, Genichesk; They were visited by the northern, western, partially southern shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and the rotten sea. As a result of observations in such many points, BER came to the conclusion that the shores of the Azov Sea, especially the Taganrog bay, are subject to sanding, mainly at the shore, which is not at all threatening navigating now, neither in the future. Subsequent thorough expedition 1864-1865. N. Ya. Danilevsky completely confirmed the conclusion of Bair.

In addition to the expedition research work, BER was also interested in the landmark history and published a number of works on this subject ("Biography I. F. Kruzenshtern", "On the merits of Peter the Great for the spread of geographical knowledge", "Bering and Chirikov", etc.).

Until the end of the life, Baer remained a convinced evolutionist, or, as they said, a transformer. In the report on Novoguinsky tribes on April 8, 1859, that is, in the year of the "origin of species" of Darwin, he continued to develop evolutionary ideas and spoke of the changes in the organic world "in a consistent manner, which Paleontology indicates."

Shortly before the death of 80-year-old Bar expressed critical comments against Darwin's teachings, believing that the struggle for existence and natural selection is insufficient for the permanent emergence of new forms of organisms, and continuing to see in their variability mainly the result of the environmental impact in their variability. At the same time, B. did not deny the values \u200b\u200bof Darwinism, and not without reason he attributed to his "Preparation of Darwin exercises."

In 1867, Baer moved to a residence in the quiet city of Derpt, where he died on November 16, 1876. There is a monument to him.

The name of Baer was awarded to the caulation on the North Island of the New Earth and the island in the Taimyr Gulf, and as a term included in the name "Barhogrov" in the Caspiani.


  1. Biographical dictionary of figures of natural science and technology. T. 1. - Moscow: State. Scientific publishing house "Big Soviet Encyclopedia", 1958. - 548 p.
  2. Bondar M. S. Karl Maksimovich Bair as a geographic / M. S. Bondar, Yu. K. Efremov // Domestic physico-geographers and travelers. - Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishment Min-Wa of the Enlightenment of the RSFSR, 1959. - P. 214-221.

B. Carl Maksimovich is one of the most multilateral and outstanding natural scientists, the founder of embryology. However, it is known not only as an embryologist, but also as an outstanding ichthyologist, a geographer traveler, anthropologist and ethnographer. One of the founders of the Russian geographical society. Bair was born 17 (29) February 1792 in Estonia, not far from Tallinn. The secondary education received in the Revelsky Noble school. Since 1810, he studied medicine in Derpte (now Tartu) and comparative anatomy in Vyurzburg.

After graduating from the Faculty of Medical Faculty of Derptovsky University, Bair worked in Austria and Germany, since 1819 he is a professor of the University of Königsberg. Here Bare worked first by the prostrator at the department of anatomy and human physiology, and then by Professor and director of an anatomical theater at the local university. During this period, Bair was engaged in the zoology of invertebrates, embryology and comparative anatomy. Especially intense, he led embryology research. In 1819 he was appointed a member of the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg, but soon Bar returned to the previous work in Königsberg, where in 1826 he received the Anatomy Department. In the same year, Bare returned to Petersburg again, where he took the position of professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In 1837, Baer headed the scientific expedition to the new land on the schooner "Krotov". The main task of this expedition, in contrast to all previous ones for new land, was to study its geological structure, familiarization with the fauna and Flora. The expedition received excellent scientific results, becoming an important step in the study of the Arctic. Collections were collected up to 90 species of plants and up to 70 types of invertebrates. Geological studies made it possible to conclude that the new land was formed in the Silurian and Devonian era. In 1838, BER published the results of his research. He developed projects of new expeditions to the Arctic, indicating the importance of studying its climate, the need for geophysical observations. Baer Along with F. P. Litke (see) and F. P. Wrangelem (see) was one of the founders of the IRGO. In 1861, he received the Highest Award of the IRGO - Greater Konstantinov Medal. Bair's works had not only purely scientific, but also an applied value. In particular, this concerns his work on the study and rationalization of fisheries on the Church of the Lake, in the Azov and Caspian seas.

Baru was first managed to detect an egg in a person. He came to the conclusion about the germinal plasma and about the similarity of the first stages of the development of germs in all multicellular animals, including a person, which later gave him the opportunity to create the foundations of the new scientific industry - comparative embryology. He opened an egg in mammals, described the stage of Blastuly, studied the embryogenesis of chicken, set the similarity of the embryos of higher and lower animals, the theory of consistent appearance in the embryogenesis of type, class, detachment in embryogenesis, etc. They describe the development of the main vertebral bodies. Baer opened a way to develop the most characteristic body of these animals - spinal column. Comparing the embryos of vertebrate animals of various classes (fish, amphibian, mammals), he found that they are all in the early stages of development similar to each other. BEER is rightfully considered one of the founders of physical anthropology. It expresses evidence-based ideas about the monophyletic origin of man and its races, about the impact on the physical type of environmental conditions. B. The first in Russia was used by the Craniology method for studying the origin of human ethno-territorial groups. Special works are devoted to the deformation of skulls, cranisions of the medieval Slavic population. The program of craniological studies presented by KM B. in 1861 was based on modern techniques.

In 1828, Baru was awarded the title of ordinary professor. At this time, he was already famous as one of the most prominent scientists-biologists in Europe. Bair was also interested in the environment - science on the relationship between the organism and the environment.

Bair's scientific activity was closely related to practice: he made a lot in the field of fishing and fish farming. In particular, K. M. Baer explored the fisheries on the Church of the Lake, the Baltic (1851-1852) and the Caspian seas. Especially important to the expedition to the Caspian Sea (1853-1856) are especially important. Here he explored the local fauna, studied the state of fisheries on the Volga and Caspian. He found out the geological past of the Caspian Sea, its hydrochemical and temperature modes and a number of other issues.

In 1862, the Academy of Sciences chose Bair with his honorable member, and in 1864 the fifty-year-old anniversary of his scientific activity solemnly celebrated. Karl Maksimovich Bair died on November 16, 1876

Karl Maksimovich B. (Karl Ernst) (1792-1876) - naturalist, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian geographical society, foreign corresponding member (1826), academician (1828-30 and 1834-62; Honorary Member since 1862) St. Petersburg An. Born in Estlandia. Worked in Austria and Germany; In 1829-30 and from 1834 - in Russia. Opened an egg in mammals, described the staging of Blastuly; He studied embryogenesis of chicken.

Karl Baer established the similarity of the embryos of higher and lower animals, the consistent appearance in the embryogenesis of the type, class, detachment, etc.; described the development of all the main vertebrates. He explored a new land, the Caspian Sea. K. Ber - Editor of the Editions of the Russian Geography . I explained the pattern of the rear of the banks of the rivers (Baer's law: rivers flowing in the direction of Meridian, in the northern hemisphere, put the right bank in the northern hemisphere, in the south - left. It is explained by the influence of the daily rotation of the Earth on the movement of water particles in the river.).



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Karl Ernst Background Bair Teaching Biology Kuzyaev A.M. Nizhny Novgorod

Karl Ernst von Bair (February 171792 - November 28, 1876) Karl Ernst von Baer, \u200b\u200bor, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich B., one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy, academician Petersburg Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Entomological Society, one of the founders Russian geographical society. Ichthyologist, geographer, anthropologist and ethnographer.

Bair was born on February 28, 1792 in the father's estate of PIN, Estland province (Tarta, Estonia); Bearea's father, Magnus Background Ber, belonged to the Estland nobility. HOME teachers were engaged in Carl. In August 1807, the boy entered the noble school in Rive. In 1810 - 1814 he studied at the Derpt University of Medicine and in 1812 - 1813 had the opportunity to do it almost in a large military climbing in Riga. In 1814, BER stood the exam on the degree of doctor of medicine.

For improvement in the sciences, Karl Bar went to Germany, where, under the direction of Delling, he was engaged in comparative anatomy in Würzburg; I got acquainted with Neuz von Esenbeck, who had a great influence on his mental direction. Since 1817, BER consists of a Burdach prostile in Königsberg. In 181 9, he was appointed extraordinary, and soon after the ordinary professor of zoology. In 1826, he was appointed an ordinary professor of anatomy and director of an anatomical institution. In the same year, Ber opened an egg mammalian egg. In 1828, the first volume of the famous "animal development history" appeared in print. In 1829, an academician and professor of zoology in St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was invited. Johann Dellingher carried Background Esenbek

In the summer of 1837, he traveled to the Nanova Earth, where there was not a single naturalist. In 1839, Bair made a trip to study the Isles of the Finnish Bay. In 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840 began to publish, together with Gel Messen, a special journal at the Academy, called "Materials for Knowledge of the Russian Empire".

Since 1841, Baer was appointed to a specially-founded department of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical and Surgery Academy by the ordinary professor. Incidentally works in conjunction with the surgeon N.I. Pirogov. In 1851, Baer presented the Academy of Sciences a great article "On Man", intended for the "Russian fauna" Yu.I. Simashko and translated into Russian. K. Bar N.I. Pirogov

Since 1851, Baer travel construction is begins in Russia with practical purposes and worn, in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, to the area of \u200b\u200bapplied zoology (on the Church of Ozerko, the Baltic Sea, on the Volga and the Caspian Sea). In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to Petersburg and is fond of anthropology. He brought into operation and enriched the collection of human skulls in the Anatomical Museum of the Academy of Sciences. In 1862, he resigned, while elected an honorary member of the Academy. On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place in the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. After the anniversary, BER counted his Petersburg career with an irrevocably completed and made a conclusion to move to Derpt. At the beginning of the summer of 1867, he moved to a close university town.

Baer's laws The most common features of any large group of animals appear in the embryo earlier than less general features; After the formation of the most common features, less general and so before the emergence of special features inherent in this group; The embryo of any type of animal as it becomes becoming less and less like embryos of other species and does not pass through the late stages of their development; The germ of a highly organized species may have similarity with an embryo more primitive species, but never looks like an adult form of this species.

The law of the germinal similarity of Karl Ernst von Baer showed that the development of all organisms begins with an egg. At the same time, the following patterns are observed, common to all vertebrates: in the early stages of development, the striking similarity is detected in the structure of animal germs related to different classes (at the same time the embryo of the highest form is not like an adult animal form, but on its embryo); In the embryos of each large group of animals, general features are formed earlier than special; In the process of embryonic development, there is a discrepancy from more common to special.

On November 16 (November 28), 1876, Bar died quietly, as like as she fell asleep. In November 1886, a monument to Baru was installed in Tartu. Monuments are also established at the entrance to the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the library of the Academy of Sciences (Ban) in St. Petersburg. In 1864, the premium was approved. Baer. K. Baer on Estonian banknote in 2 krons of Karl von Bär depicted on a banknote dignity in two Estonian crowns.

Who is Karl Maksimovich Bar, his contribution to the biology, what is this scientist known?

Bair Carl Maksimovich Nebornar Karl Ernst Background Bair. Years of life 1792-1876. The future naturalist was born in the family of the Baltic Germans in the Estland province now Estonia.

He entered the story as the founder of embryology. He was engaged in comparative analysis of the patterns of intrauterine development of germs belonging to different biological species. In his scientific works, they were formulated by the foundations of the formation of the embryo, which were later named after His honor "the so-called Baer laws".

Karl Ber - brief biography

Karl's parents belonged to the famous noble family. The family was considered a wealthy for those times. With the future scientists from ornamental years, home teachers were engaged, teaching him mathematics, geography and foreign languages. Obviously, in early childhood, Karl was an enthusiastic student and filled with genuine interests of many scientific disciplines, which favorably distinguished him from peers.

Since 1810, Carl has studied medicine in Derpete and Vyurzburg. He was ditched to study, compiled medical disciplines with honors. Already after just 4 years after the end of the medical school, the scientist is set to work by the prostrator (pathologist) in the University of Königsberg, where a young specialist is fond of comparative anatomy.

The spectrum of the interests of Karl Baer does not closes the study of the human anatomy, although this is what is part of his responsibilities as an anatomical theater employee. The scientist carries the zoology of invertebrates and embryology, which in those days has not yet been isolated into independent biological discipline.

In 1826, Carl Bare heads the Anatomy Department in Königsbergskogo University. In the same year, he receives a scientific degree of a member of the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg, and after all the year becomes a professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In 1834, Bare moves to Russia, after which the lifestyle of scientist is largely changing. It is fascinated by a giant almost non-study expanse of an immense country, the nature that in those days was practically not studied.

At this time, Bar becomes a geographer and traveler, researcher of the richest living world of Russia. So in 1837, the scientist headed the scientific expedition to the new land. In the course of this natural extensive activity, a group of scientists was opened about 90 new unknown plants and about 70 species of invertebrate animals.

Under his leadership, a lot of scientific expeditions were carried out. The scientist studied the animal and plant world of the Finnish Bay, Kola Peninsula, Transcaucasia, Volga region, Black Sea, Azov, Caspian and so on.

The results of this expedition had not only scientific, but also practical importance. Thanks to its discoveries, the foundations of the formation of fisheries were laid as the field of human applied activities.

The practical activity of BER has finished in 1864, officially declare this in the walls of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In the same year, the scientist moves to his historic homeland in Derpt, where 12 years old dies in a dream. In the last years of life, he completely moved away from scientific activity and devoted all his time to his friends and relatives.

The contribution of Baer to the development of science

Bare first discovered an egg in a person. Studying the peculiarities of the development of germs belonging to different types of multicellular animals, he saw certain similarities that are present in the early stages of development and disappear over time.

According to Bair's teachings, the embryo is first forming the features characteristic of the type, then the class, then the detachment, the genus and, finally, appearance. In the early stages of its development, embryos belonging to different types and even squads possess a mass of similar features.

In addition, BER identified the main stages of the development of the embryo of multicellular animals: the timing and features of the formation and growth of the nervous tube, as well as the spinal column, in addition, studied the features of the structure of other vital organs.

Baer one of the first suggested that all the racial differences of a person are formed solely under the influence of the environmental features. To study the peculiarities of the development of ethno-territorial groups of a person, a scientist first used craniology methods (study of the characteristics of the skull structure).

Karl Bar has always been a supporter of the species unity of man and criticized any ideas and attempts to prove the superiority of one race to another. For its tough position in relation to the species unity, the views of the scientist were not criticized from other more reactive colleagues.

Having said that Bair was submitted to biology, it was impossible not to note his contribution as a scientist and geography. The so-called Baer law says that the rivers currently on the meridian, the West Bank will always be sharper, due to the constant arms of the flow. Karl Ber is one of the founders of the Russian geographical society.

The name of this great naturalist called the Cape on the new land, in addition, a whole ridge of hills in the Caspian lowland, as well as one of the islands in the Taimyr Gulf.


Karl Maksimovich Baer, \u200b\u200bwhose biography, not everything can tell a person about it, approached nature as a whole. He studied invisible forces forcing each organism to develop, while not disturbing the principles of harmony, the unity and integrity of the universe.

The famous naturalist naturalist, the founder of scientific embryology, geographer traveler, researcher of the productive forces of Russia Karl Maksimovich Bair was born on February 28, 1792 in the small town of Pipa of the Iervinsky district of the Estonian province (now the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic).

His parents, nobles, were immigrants from the Meshchansky environment. Early childhood K. M. Bair held in the estate of his childless uncle, where he was granted to himself. Up to 8 years, he was not familiar with the alphabet. When he was eight years old, his father took him into his family, where he caught up with his sisters to read, writing and arithmetic for three weeks. By 10 years, under the leadership of Goverr, he mastered the planimetry and learned to draw up topographic maps; 12 years he knew how to use the determinant of plants and acquired solid skills in the art of herbarization.

In 1807, his father was diverted to his noble school in Revel (Tallinn), where he had taken immediately to the highest class after the test. Perfectly spent in teaching, the young man was fond of excursions, the preparation of herbaries and collections.

In 1810, K. M. Bair entered the medical faculty of Derptsky (Yuryevsky) university, preparing for a doctor's career. Stay at the university was interrupted in 1812 by the invasion of Napoleon to Russia. K. M. Bair went to the Russian army as a doctor, but soon fell ill with a typhoid. When Napoleon's army was expelled from the limits of Russia, K. M. Bair returned to Derpte to continue the teaching.

Derptic University K. M. Bair finished in 1814 and defended the thesis "On epidemic diseases in Estlandia". However, not believing himself sufficiently prepared for the responsible and high role of the doctor, he went to improve abroad, to Vienna. But those medical shines, for which a young doctor came to Vienna, could not satisfy him to any extent. The most famous of them - therapist Guildbrandt - became famous, by the way, because he did not prescribe any medications with his patients, since he experienced the "method of expectant treatment".

Disappointed in medicine, K. M. Bair decided to end the medical profession. It awakens the passion of naturalist, and he intends to become a zoologist, comparative anatom. Having collected the belonging, K. M. Bair went to Würzburg to the famous comparative anneas - Professor Dellinger. At the first date, Dellinger in response to the desire expressed by B. The desire to improve in Zootomy (Anatomy of Animals) said: "In this semester, I do not read it ... But why do you lecture for you? Bring some animal here, then another, anatomy it and Explore its structure. " K. M. Baer bought leeches at the pharmacy and began his zootomic workshop. He quickly learned the technique of research and the content of the creature of a comparative anatomy, - this kind of "philosophy of zoology".

By winter, 1816, K. M. Baer remained completely without funds. The happy case has helped him: he received from the Derptic professor Burdach offer to take the place of the Posal Assistant Anatomy at the Department of Physiology in Königsberg, where Burdah moved by this time. K. M. Baire grabbed his proposal and went to the proposed place on foot.

As Deputy Professor K. M. Baer began to read an independent course with perfectly supplied demonstrations and immediately won fame; Burdah himself has repeatedly visited his lectures. Soon K. M. Baer organized an excellent anatomical office, and then a large zoological museum. Glory him grew. He became a celebrity, and the University of Königsberg elected him by the ordinary professor and director of an Anatomical Institute. K. M. Baer showed exceptional creative fecundity. He read a number of courses and conducted a number of studies on animal anatomy. He not only repeated many of the works of Pantier (later academician of the Russian Academy) on the development of chicken, but also transferred to the study of individual mammal development. These classical studies were crowned in 1826 by a brilliant discovery, "completed the centuries-old work of natural scientists" (Acad.Vernadsky): he opened an egg of mammals and publicly demonstrated it in 1828 at the congress of naturalists and doctors in Berlin. In order to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of this discovery, it suffices to say that the scientific embryology of mammals, and, consequently, a person was completely impossible until the initial start - an egg, from which the germ of the higher animal develops . In this opening - the immortal merit of K. M. Baer in the history of natural sciences. Memoir about this discovery, he wrote in Latin in accordance with the spirit of time in Latin and dedicated to the Russian Academy of Sciences in gratitude to the election of him in 1827 by a correspondent member. Many years later, on the occasion of the 50-year anniversary of the scientific activity of K. M. Baer, \u200b\u200bthe Russian Academy of Sciences presented him with a large medal with a bas-relief image of his head and the inscription around her: "Starting from the egg, he showed a person to man."

In Königsberg, K. M. Bair received recognition of the entire scientist, here he got a family, but he pulls him into his native land.

He conducts correspondence with Derptom and wine where the departments offer him. He dreams of a big journey along the north of Russia and in his letter to the first Russian round-the-world navigator, the famous Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenstene asks him to give him "the opportunity to quit an anchor in his fatherland."

Soon he received a proposal from the Russian Academy of Sciences to come to work in St. Petersburg, but the fullest unpleasuit of academic institutions of that time did not allow him to immediately accept this proposal, and he temporarily returns to Konigsberg, where he behaves, in his also expression, the life of "Cancer-hermit" , plunging entirely in science. Stressful perennial classes strongly undermined his health. The Prussian Ministry of Folk Enlightenment came for him literally for each occasion. Minister von Altenstein officially reincrepelled by his scientific research is expensive, since K. M. Baer spent on its immortal studies on the history of chicken development ... 2 000 eggs. Conflicts with "Power by the Prejection" grew. K. M. Baer requested Petersburg on the possibility of his arrival at work at the Academy of Sciences and in response to this in 1834 is elected by its member. In the same year, he leaves Konigsberg with his family. As he himself wrote, "having decided to exchange Prussia to Russia, was only animate only with the desire to benefit his homeland."

What did Bar do in embryology? Despite the fact that in the XVII and XVIII centuries, such largest researchers, such as Gayway, Malpigi, Swamertam, Spallezeni, and others, the actual basis of these studies were extremely insignificant, and theoretical generalizations constructed on it. And messy. It was believed that in the genital cells there is a ready-made embryo with completely developed parts of the body - a kind of microscopic miniature of an adult organism - and that the germinal development is nothing more than a simple increase, an increase in this congenived miniature to an adult state; There is no conversion at the same time, only an increase in the existing one occurs. From here, another step towards the "investment" theory was made; If neoplasses do not occur, and everything is prepared, then not only an adult body contains the embryo, but these embryos contain in themselves, in turn, ready-made embryos of future generations. Such views especially defended the most influential authority of that time Albrecht Galler, and his supporters "calculated" even that in the ovary of our common "the ancestry of Eve" there was to be about 300,000 million such nested one in other congenived embryos.

However, not all embryologists of that time agreed that the body was acknowledged in the egg, but saw him in his surveillance. She walked a long argument about what sex element - eggs or a god grows the embryo. The so-called Ovists (OVO - Egg) believed that the egg is the embryo, and the ledge only performs the role of a push with fertilization; Animalculists (Animalculus - Animal, Animal), on the contrary, believed that the germ was enclosed in the surveillance, and the egg delivers the germ only nutrient material. Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences K. Wolf and X. Panter for the first time in his works sought to show that the development of the individual is not an increase in the preceded elements, but is a development in the true sense of the word, that is, the consistent formation of various parts of the embryo from a simpler homogeneous mass genital cells. But only K. M. Baer presented an exhaustive evidence of these ideas and this finally buried the old scholastic ideas in this area and created a truly scientific embryology. His "Animal Development History", in response to the outstanding associate of Darwin - Thomas Huxley, represents "an essay that contains the deepest philosophy of zoology and even biology in general," and the famous zoologist Albert Kelllier argued that this book is "the best of everything that this book is" There are in the embryological literature of all times and peoples. " K. M. Baer not only clearly and clearly realized that the history of the development of an animal is the process of a neoplasm, the process of consistent formation of various parts of the body from a simpler homogeneous mass of sex cells, but it fully traced this process on a specific material and outlined its basic patterns . All valuable, which was made by embryologists to K. M. Bair, concerned the development of individual details, private. It was not the embryology of the body as a whole, it was the embryology of individual, not all signs of the body, and that were not always traced completely.

Exploring the day around the day, and often an hour for an hour, the development of chickens, K. M. Bar step by step traced the picture of his development. He observed the formation of blastomers - primary embryonic cells in the educational part of the eggs of the egg, their consistent multiplication by crushing and the formation of Blastuly - a single bubble stage in the development of any animal embryo. He significantly deepened and clarified the observations of the pantier about the formation of two germinal leaflets, outdoor and internal; These germs and are the primary tissues, of which all organs of an adult individual are differentiated in the future development process. K. M. Baer traced both the formation of the primary nervous tube, and the formation of the front end of this tube, by expanding it, the brain bubble (future brain), followed by the emphasis of the eye bubbles (future eyes). K. M. Baer traced in detail the development of the heart, which at the beginning of a small expansion of the vascular tube initially, and then turning into a four-chamber formation. He described the occurrence of the primary spinal string - the bases of the axial skeleton of all vertebrate animals, as well as the development of the vertebrae, Röbebe and other bones. He traced the development of the intestinal canal, liver, spleen, muscles, oily-free shells and other parties to the body's development. The germs process for the first time appeared to the amazed distortions of naturalists in all its simplicity and magnitude. Such is the actual side of the content of the "history of animal development" K. M. Bair.

Comparing the development of a number of vertebrates, K. M. Baer noted that the younger embryos of various animals, the more they detect the similarity among themselves. Especially this similarity is amazing on one of the earliest stages - a single-layer embryonic bubble - Blastula. From here, K. M. Baer concluded that the development proceeds so that a simple embryo structure, differentiating, first detects signs of the type to which an adult person belongs, then signs of class, later detachment, family, kind, species and species and Lastly, individual features of individuals. Development is the differentiation process from the total to a specific one.

K. M. Baer, \u200b\u200bimagining the development as a process of genuinely historical, set the question about the unity of the animal world and its origin from the "one common source form", "from which all animals developed, and not only in the ideal sense, but also historically." And if K. M. Baer could not give a satisfactory solution to such a coupling problem, one should not forget that he formulated it back in 1828, i.e., long before the publication of the cell theory (Shleden and Schwann - 1839), Darwin's teachings (1859) and the main biogenetic law (Muller - 1864, Geckel - 1874).

Another fundamental generalization of K. M. Baer is its ideas about the essence and nature of the type and the process of variable species, which at the time played a large role in the preparation of rational interpretation of these basic issues of animal science.

The concept of type as the highest systematic unit was introduced by the founder of comparative anatomy of J. Kuvier and married the building of an artificial animal system, erected by Linnem. Regardless of Cuvier, K. M. Bair came to the same representation. But while Kuwier built his theory of four types (radiant, segic, mollusks and vertebrates) exclusively on accounting of purely morphological signs - the mutual arrangement of parts in the body, the so-called "plans of the structure" and, in particular, the nervous system - K. M. Baer in its constructions proceeded from these development history. The history of development makes it possible to accurately identify the type to which this animal belongs, since already in the earliest stages of development primarily, signs of type are detected. K. M. Baer said that "Embryology is a real light when clarifying the true attitude of animals and plant forms." K. M. Baer came, along with Cuvier, the founder of the theory of types.

But even more K. M. Bair from Kuvier distinguishes his view of the variability of species. Kuvier was one of the "last Mogican" "metaphysical period" in biology, being a pillar of the dogma of the constancy of species. K. M. Baer kept other views. He believed that species could change that they arose consistently and developed gradually throughout the history of the Earth. Just as Later, Darwin, K. M. Baer went to his judgments from the fact that the concept of species cannot be accurately determined, since views in time are transformed and changed, in proof of what it leads a lot of data from various biology areas. It is on the dogma of the constancy of the species founded Kuvier his faith in their creation. K. M. Baer resolutely noted the "Miracle of Creation", as he "cannot and should not believe in a miracle. The admission of the miracle abolishes the laws of nature, meanwhile, as the purpose of the naturalist is just that in" miracles "to disclose laws Nature. " What a contrast in views on the indigenous question of biology between these two greatest scientists of the beginning of the XIX century!

True, the transformists of K. M. Baer were inconsistent and harsh. He believed that the organisms of the former geological eras were developed by a faster pace, and modern forms of each type were gradually gaining "greater stability" and "inviolability." Based on such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "attenuation" and "conservation" of the evolutionary process, K. M. Baer took the wrong position of the "limited" evolution, recognizing its manifestation against the lower systematic units and denying against the highest. These views of K. M. Baer, \u200b\u200bstated by him in the article "The Universal Law of Nature, manifested in every development", released in 1834, were still progressive for that time. They were expressed exactly 25 years before the appearance of the book of Darwin, when almost all naturalists believed that Kuvye in his famous dispute with St.-Ilher in 1830, the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution was completely "nicknamed".

Despite the fact that after the publication of Darwin "The origin of the species" (1859), K. M. Baer made an opponent of natural selection, opposing the idealistic principle as a determining factor of evolution - a special purposeful beginning (article "On the teachings of Darwin" - 1876), all It should be recognized that its role in the preparation of the perception of Darwin's teachings on the development of the organic world was very significant.

The founder of the scientific socialism of Friedrich Engels so regarded the biological views of K. M. Bara and their importance in the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution: "It is characteristic that almost simultaneously with the attack of Cant for the doctrine of Eternity of the Solar System K. F. Wolf produced in 1759 the first attack on The theory of consistency of species, proclaiming the doctrine of evolution. But the fact that he had only ingenious anticipation took a certain form by the window, Lamarka, Bair and was a victoriously held in science exactly a hundred years later, in 1859, Darwin "(" Dialectics Nature ", 1941, p. 13).

With the move to St. Petersburg, the young academician has dramatically changed both its scientific interests and lifestyle. In a new place, it will be attracted and mounted the boundless expanses of Russia. Huge, but little Russia studied that time required a comprehensive study. Before the biologist, K. M. Bair becomes a geographic traveler and researcher of the country's natural wealth. He saw the meaning of geographical knowledge in the study of the productive forces of nature for the purpose of their more rational and effective exploitation for the benefit of the economic person.

In all his life, K. M. Baer made many travels within Russia and abroad. His first journey to the new land taken by him in 1837, went on only four months. Circumstances were extremely unfavorable for travel. Capricious winds detained swimming. The sailing schooner "Krotov", provided at the disposal of K. M. Bair, was extremely small and not at all adapted for expedition purposes. Topographic surveys and meteorological observations of the expedition K. M. Baer gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relief and climate of the new land. It was found that the elevation of the new land in geological relations is the continuation of the Ural Range. Especially a lot of expedition in the field of the knowledge of the fauna and the flora of the new land. K. M. Baer was the first naturalist who visited these islands. He collected the most valuable collections of animals and plants inhabiting there.

In the following years, K. M. Bar made dozens of travels and expeditions not only "in the deceit and weighs" of Russia, but also abroad. This is not a complete list of the most important of these travels. In 1839, together with his son, he made an expedition to the islands of the Gulf of Finland, and in 1840 in Lapland. In 1845, he jested the Mediterranean Sea to study the sea fauna of invertebrates. Over the interval of 1851-1857. An expeditions have taken a number of expeditions to Lake and Baltic, in the Volga Delta and the Caspian to study the state of fisheries in these areas. In 1858, K. M. Bar again went abroad to the congress of naturalists and doctors. In subsequent years (1859 and 1861), he again travels to the continent of Europe IV England.

In the interval between these two overseas travel, it was in 1860 on the Narov River and the Church of the Lake with the aim of experiments on salmon transplant. In 1861, he traveled to the Azov Sea to clarify the reasons for the progressive cringe, and he refuted the version that was inflamed in the mercantilic purposes of the coaming company that it was damaged by the ballast emitted from the incoming ships. Passion for traveling by K. M. Baer was unwanky, and the "habit of changeing places" accompanied him to the deepest years, and, being an eighty-year-old elder, he dreamed of a big expedition to the Black Sea.

The most productive and most rich in their consequences was his big expedition to Caspian, which lasted with small breaks of 4 years (1853-1856).

Painty fishing by private industrialists in the mouth of the Volga and the Caspian region - the main area of \u200b\u200bthe fish products of Russia, which gave 1/5 of the entire fishing of the country, led to a catastrophic fall of fish catch and threatened the loss of this major fishing base. A large expedition was organized for the study of fish wealth of the Caspian, headed by a sixty-year-old K. M. Baer, \u200b\u200bwith enthusiasm that responded to this large national economic case. To fulfill the task, K. M. Baer decided to pre-conduct a detailed study of the hydrological and hydrobiological features of the Caspian, which were completely not studied. By exercising it, K. M. Baer Izbordil Caspian in several directions from Astrakhan to the shores of Persia. He found that the reason for the fall of the catch is not at all in the discovery of nature, but in the plug-in and corebone interests of private fish farms, predatory methods of fishing fish and the irrational primitive methods of its processing, which he called the "mad bruise of the gifts of nature." K. M. Bair came to the conclusion that the cause of all disasters is the misunderstanding of the fact that the existing ways of Lov did not give the fish the opportunity to multiply, as they caught it to spawning (Irmetania) and these were fishery to the inevitable fall. K. M. Bair made the requirement to introduce state control over the protection of fish stocks and their recovery, just as it is done in rational forestry.

Practical conclusions based on the works of this expedition, K. M. Baer outlined in his well-known "proposals for the best device of Caspian fishing", in which he developed a number of rules for the "profitable use of fisheries products." In particular, it belongs to the initiative of the workpiece of the Caspian Reshenka (Chernnestina), which has only passed to the fatty of the fat until now. Rubbermen, being in captivity of old habits, resisted by all the forces of this innovation, but K. M. Bair his own briefly made a mustol of Rainhek and, at the first tasting, convinced the Male believers in its exceptional benignness. This new Caspian herring came to the change of the "Dutch" herring, the import of which ceased to us from behind the Crimean campaign. Taking the preparation of Caspian herring, K. M. Baer for millions of rubles increased the national wealth of the country.

From the geographical discoveries of K. M. Bair, it is necessary to note his famous law - "Baer Law", according to which all rivers of the Northern Hemisphere move their channels towards her right shore, which, because of this, constantly blursts and becomes cool, while the left bank remains gentle , excluding the places of steep turns; In the southern hemisphere, relationships will be reverse. This phenomenon of asymmetry of the banks of the rivers K. M. Baer in contrary to the daily rotation of the Earth around his axis, fascinating and rejecting the movement of water in the rivers to the right bank.

K. M. Baer was one of the initiators and founders of the Russian geographic society, which still exists and in which he was chosen by the first vice president. He organized the publication of the Special Periodic Authority "Materials to Knowledge of the Russian Empire" with the Academy of Sciences, which played an exceptional role not only in the development of the descriptive geography of our Motherland, but also in the knowledge of its natural resources. He was also the organizer of the Russian entomological society and his first president.

K. M. Baer also engaged a lot of anthropology and ethnography. How highly he regarded these sciences - it can be seen from the following words, which he pronounced on his lectures on anthropology: "How can you continue to demand from the educated person to know in a row of all seven kings of Rome, the existence of which is certainly problematic, and not considered shame if he is not It has the concepts of the structure of his own body ... I do not know the task of a more worthy free and thoughtful person, as a study of yourself. "

Like everything that his amazing mind told, K. M. Bair understood the anthropology is widely and comprehensively, - as knowledge of everything related to the physical nature of man, its origin and the development of human tribes. K. M. Baer himself worked a lot in the field of physical anthropology and, in particular, in the field of craniology - the teachings about the skull, and the unified measurement system and craniological terminology proposed by them allows them to be considered "Linnese Craniology". He laid the beginning of the Craniological Museum of the Academy of Sciences, which is one of the richest collections of this kind in the world. Of all the other of his anthropological works, we will only dwell on its studies dedicated to Papuas and Alfurists, who, in turn, inspired our outstanding researcher and Miklukho-Maclay traveler to study these peoples in New Guinea. K. M. Baer was an enemy of the term "Race", considering him in relation to the man of "non-resident" and genting human dignity. He was a consistent monogenist, that is, a supporter of the unity of the origin of the human race. He considered mankind one by his origin and equal in nature. The doctrine of the unequalities of human races and their unequal adaratences to culture, he resolutely rejected. He believed that "the polygenists led to the conclusion about the multiplicity of human types of motivating of another order - the desire to believe that the Negro must differ from the Europeans ... Maybe even the desire to put it in the position of the person, deprivable influence, rights and claims inherent in the European ". As an outstanding anthropologist-monogenist K. M. Bair successfully contributed to strengthening Darwin's teachings.

K. M. Baer was a convinced humanist and a democrat. He matched for a common cultural approach of the wide masses. He lectured on comparative anatomy at the Medical and Surgery Academy (now the Military Medical Academy named after Kirov) and organized with it for the purposes of rational training of doctors Anatomical Institute. As a leader, he is attributed to our famous compatriot, an outstanding surgeon and a brilliant anatoma - N. I. Pirogov. K. M. Baer was an excellent popularizer of science and, in particular, anthropology and zoology. He wrote a number of brilliant popular articles for the general public.

K. M. Baer was an extremely cheerful person, very loved by communion with people and kept this line until the death of death. Despite the universal worship and admiration for its giving, he was extremely modest and many of his discoveries, such as the discovery of mammalian eggs, attributed only acute vision during his youth. The external honors did not care. He was a convinced enemy of titles and never called himself a "secret advisor." During his long life, he had to attend many anniversaries and celebrations organized in honor of him, but he was always displeased with them and felt a victim. "It's much better when you get scolded, then at least you can object, and with praise it is impossible and you have to endure everything that they do", "said K. M. Bair. But he loved to organize the festivities and anniversaries to others.

A caring attitude towards other people's needs, assistance in misfortune, participation in the restoration of the priority of a forgotten scientist, the restoration of a good name is unfairly affected person, up to help from personal funds, were the usual phenomenon in the life of this big person. So, he took under his defense N. I. Pirogov from the attacks of the press and personal means helped Hungarian scientist to complete their scientific works. K. M. Baer was a big enemy of the bureaucracy. It was always outraged by the Barquish condescending and sickly-nassed, a contemptuous attitude towards "Proshirudin". He always used the case to pay the merits of a simple people in the scientific research of his country. In one of his letters to Admiral Kruzenshtern, he wrote: "Sleeps almost always swallow the path of scientific research. All Siberia is open with her shores in this way. The government has always assigned to himself that the people opened. Thus, Kamchatka and Kuril Islands are attached. Thus later They were inspected by the government ... An enterprising people from the simpleness for the first time opened the entire chain of the Bering Sea islands and the whole Russian coast of North-West America. Mobblers from the simpleness for the first time passed a sea strait between Asia and America, they were the first to find Lyakhov Islands and many years visited the deserts of New Siberia Before the Europe knew something about their existence ... Everywhere since the time of Bering, scientific navigation only followed their footsteps ... ".

K. M. Baer loved the flowers and children about which he said that their voices was more beautiful for me than the music of the spheres. " In his personal life, he was distinguished by high scattered, with many anecdical cases in his life. However, in his scientific classes, he was distinguished by exceptional care and demands.

He was a big connoisseur history and literature and wrote even a few articles on mythology.

In 1852, K. M. Baer, \u200b\u200bin connection with the old age, resigned and moved to Derpt.

In 1864, the Academy of Sciences, celebrating the fifty-year-old anniversary of his scientific activity, presented him with a large medal and established Barov Prize for outstanding merits in the field of natural sciences. The first laureates of this premium were young Russian Embiratiologists A. O. Kovalevsky and I. I. Mesnikov - the brilliant creators of comparative evolutionary embryology.

Until the last day, K. M. Baer was interested in science, although his eyes were so weakened that he was forced to resort to the help of the reader and scribe. Karl Maksimovich Bar died on November 28, 1876, quietly, precisely. Exactly 10 years old, November 28, 1886, citizens of the city in which he was born, studied, lived and died the great scientist, erected a monument to the work of Academician of Pokpecin, a copy of which is located in the former building of the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad.

K. M. Baer was one of the largest zoologists in the world. He marked his activity began a new era in the science of animals and left the indelible trace in the history of natural sciences.

The main works of K. M. Baer: De Ovi Mamalium et Hominis Genesi, 1827; Animal development history (EntwicklungsGeschichte der Tiere), 1828 (t. I), 1837 (t. II); Speech and minor articles (Reden und Kleinere Aufsätze), St. Petersburg, 1864, TT. I, II and III; Scientific notes about the Caspian Sea and its surroundings, "Notes of the Russian Geographical Society", 1856, t. IX; Reporting essays on the expedition to new land (Tableaux des Contrèes Visitès), St. Petersburg, 1837; Selected works (a number of chapters from the "Animal Development History" and "Universal Law of Nature, manifested in every development"), L., 1924; Autobiography (Nachrichten Über Leben Und Schriften Dr. K. V. Baer Mitgeteilt Von Ihm Selbst), SPb., 1865.

About K. M. Bare: Ovsyannikov F. V., Essay activities K. M. Bair and the importance of his work, "Notes of the Academy of Sciences", St. Petersburg, 1879; Pavlovsky E. N.,K. Bair as Academician and Professor, "Our Spark", 1925, No. 77-78; First Collection of Memory Baer (Articles V. I. Vernadsky, M.M.Solovyova and E. L. Radlova), L., 1927; Solovyov M. M.,Karl Ber, "Nature", 1926, No. 11-12; His Baer on the new earth, L, 1934; His academician Carl Maksimovich B., "Nature", 1940, No. 10; His, Barei on Caspiani, M.-L., 1941; Xolodkovsky N. A.,Karl Bare His life and scientific activities, GIZ, 1923; Rayakov B. E.,The last days of Baer. Proceedings of the Institute of History of Natural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vol. II, 1948

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