Garem General Vlasov. Hitler's accomplice betrayed not only his homeland, but also loved ones

Garem General Vlasov. Hitler's accomplice betrayed not only his homeland, but also loved ones
Garem General Vlasov. Hitler's accomplice betrayed not only his homeland, but also loved ones

In the village of Lomakino, the Nizhny Novgorod region, Andrei Vlasov House Museum, Lieutenant-General of the Red Army, who later became the head of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) who fought as part of the Armed Forces of Nazi Germany.

Recently, the Nizhny Novgorod private entrepreneur bought a wooden house in which General Vlasov was born and grew, his long-relative, an 85-year-old pensioner. Under the terms of the transaction, she will stay in the same house until the end of life. In the future, there will be a museum.

Mystery Slave

You are sure, I ask the initiator of this action, - that General Vlasov deserves the museum?

- Someday the archives will open, the materials of the closed court will give publicity, and then we will learn the whole truth. But whatever the final look at the identity of General Vlasov, he is a prominent figure in the history of the Second World War, and people are interested in everything related to his life.

In the Soviet years, his name was synonymous with the concept of "traitor". One of the most successful colonents of the Red Army, hitting in the summer of 1942 in the environment, was in captivity.

Soon the Vlasov headed the Russian liberation army. In May 1945, Roa divisions were captured: Spetralov's squads were shot by Vlasov, and the Americans gave them to the USSR. According to the sentence of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR 11 Generals ROA, and in their number Vlasov were hanged in 1946

In former times, the "only right" point of view sounded, and other opinions did not even guess. Meanwhile, General Vlasov remained relatives and fellow countrymen, they were not so unambiguously condemned by him.

Version is popular among the Lomaquins: General Vlasov was not a traitor, but a deeply alleged intelligence. And this version has a definite logic.

It is known that Stalin highly appreciated Vlasov as a bold and smart commander. He personally handed the talented commanders Order of Lenin. From the knowledge of Stalin in 1938, the Vlasov (then another colonel) was sent to China by the Military Counselor of Generalissimus Chan Kaisi. Usually, Soviet intelligence officers who communicated abroad with residents of foreign special services, on return expected espionage and sending to the Gulag. With Vlasov, however, this did not happen: instead of repression, the next career takes off.

After General Vlasov came out of the surrounded Kiev and through the rear of the fascists made his way to his, the Supreme Commander instructed him to head the 20th Army. Having only 15 tanks, his fighters dropped the Germans from Solnechnogorsk and advanced a hundred kilometers to the west. Then Andrei Vlasov was called the Savior of Moscow.

In 1942, Stalin gives Vlasov a new appointment: to lead the 2nd shock army of the Volkhov Front, produced in the "Boiler" under the surrounded Leningrad. At the same time, the lieutenant-general received the status of the deputy commander of the front. Beria and Voroshilov brought him to a new place of service. For supporters of the version of "Vlasov - Stirlitz" is the argument in favor of the special powers of the "General Traitor".

Vlasov was in difficult relationships with the Nazi military leaders, repeatedly critically spoke about the policy of fascists (for example, he condemned the murder of civilians and the genocide of Jews), did not carry a German military uniform, preferring the "Stalinist" Franch. And at the time of the transmission of Americans, General Vlasov, the Soviet allies in his chest pocket lay the ticket of a member of the WCP (b) and the settlement book of the Red Army commander.

The connections of Vlasov are actually not opponents of the Red Army. They fought mainly on the Western Front with allies and ... with the Nazis, freeing Prague.

After the betrayal of Vlasov, his relatives was almost not touched by the repression of his relatives. Only the first wife and stepmother, the short time served in prison. All other relatives - and this is almost the whole of the village of Lomakino, who had three hundred courtyards in the war, they did not touched. He was not arrested and the Father, who, however, was so worried about the shame of the son, that he was silent and soon.

Hung not that?

Yes, and was there Vlasov, as reported in the press, executed?

The grand-niece of General Nina Stroi region handed over the words of the legendary pilot Alexander Tishkin, General for her and General Vlasov Relative. Andrei Andreevich was well known three times the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was present on executions and argued that under the name Vlasov hung a low-spirited peasant, although the general was distinguished by the Bogati figure - he was about two meters.

A 72-year-old resident of Lomakin Roman Konnov, a relative of the first wife Vlasov, recalls the story of the fellow villagers, Peter Ryabinin, who often went to his daughter to the Far East. Once in the 60s, the club was released on the club scene. "Andrew! - Without withstanding, Peter shouted. - I'm Lomakinsky! " The artist was embarrassed, turned pale and disappeared behind the scenes.

But such evidence, of course, is not enough to revise fate and role in the history of General Vlasov.

Opinions of experts "AIF"

Vladimir Belous, Zavorka Beginner of the modern domestic history of the Nizhny Novgorod State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor:

As the violator of the military oath and man who fought against the Red Army, Vlasov should have been shifted without trial. He was exactly a traitor.

Yuri Nikiforov, Senior Researcher, Department of History of Wars and Geopolitics Institute of Universal History, Candidate of Historical Sciences:

There is not a single major historian who would not consider General Vlasov by the traitor. No document is unknown, proving that Vlasov was a Soviet intelligence.

Andrei Vlasov is the Soviet general who passed towards the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. He gained fame after began to cooperate with the Third Reich, heading the so-called Russian liberation army (informal reduction of ROA).

After the end of the war, General Vlasov was accused of the Gosimin and sentenced to death. His name has become nominated and used as a symbol of betrayal and failing.

The Army Vlasova managed to push the enemy and significantly move forward. But since Promotion passed along the deaf forests, surrounded by the Germans, they could counteract the opponent at any time.

A month later, the pace of occurrence decreased significantly, and the order of taking Luban was not fulfilled. The general repeatedly said that he was lacking in humans, and also complained about the poor supply of soldiers.

Soon, as the Vlasov assumed, the fascists began active offensive. The German aircraft "Messerschmitti" attacked the 2nd shock army from the air, which ultimately turned out to be in the ring.

Exhausted by hunger and continuous bombings of German aviation, Russian soldiers did everything possible to get out of the boiler.

However, everything was to no avail. The fighting composition was less than the day, as, however, food reserves and ammunition.

During this period, about 20,000 Soviet soldiers remained surrounded. It should be noted that even German sources said that the Russian fighters did not give up, preferring to die on the battlefield.

As a result, almost the entire 2nd Army Vlasov died heroically, not knowing how the shame would cover her native general.


Those few witnesses who managed to somehow get out of the boiler, argued that after the surveyed operation, General Vlasov fell in spirit.

There were no emotions on his face, and when shelling began, he did not even try to hide in shelters.

Soon on the Council of Officers, in which the Colonel of Vinogradov and the generals of Afanasyev and Vlasov participated, it was decided to exit the surroundings in small groups. As time will show, only Afanasyev will be able to leave the German ring.

On July 11, General Vlasov, together with three comrades, got to the village of Tuchuzhi. Going into one of the houses, they asked meals, and the general himself called himself a teacher.

After they fed them, the owner suddenly instructed them and ordered to go to the barn, which closed them on the castle.

Then he called the police, all the time carefully guarding the barn with the "teacher" and his associates.

On July 12, a German patrol came to the challenge. When the doors of Saraj opened, General Vlasov in German said, who he really is. Wehrmacht's soldiers successfully identified the famous general photo posted in the newspaper.

The betrayal of General Vlasov

Soon he was taken to the headquarters, where they immediately began to interrogate. Andrei Vlasov gave detailed testimony, responding to all questions.

Meeting Vlasov with Himmler

A month later, being in Vinnitsa Military camp for prisoners of senior officers, Vlasov himself suggested cooperation in German leadership.

Deciding to move to the direction of the Nazis, he headed the "Committee for the Liberation of Peoples of Russia" (conmer) and "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA), which consisted of prisoners of Soviet soldiers.

Vlasov with soldiers Roa

It is interesting that some pseudoistorics are trying to compare General Vlasov, who betrayed the Soviet Union during the years, with Admiral Kolchak, who in 1917 fought on the side of the white movement against the red.

However, for any more or less knowledgeable person, it is obvious that such a comparison of at least blasphemmed.

"Why I began to fight the Bolshevism"

After the betrayal of the Vlasov, he wrote an open letter "Why I became on the way to fight the Bolshevism", and also signed leaflets calling for the overthrow of the Stalinist regime.

Subsequently, these leaflets were spread by the Nazi army from airplanes on the fronts, and also applied to the prisoners of war.

Below is a photo of Open Letter Vlasov:

What made him go for such a step? Many accused him of cowardice, but to learn the true reasons for the transition to the opponent's side are very difficult. According to the writer Ilya Ehrenburg, who personally knew Andrei Vlasov, the general chose such a way because of a little man.

He understood that he had returned from the environment, he would certainly be demolished for failing the surgery with colossal losses.

Moreover, he knew perfectly well that in wartime would not ceremony with the general who lost the whole army, and for some reason he had survived.

As a result, Vlasov decided to offer the cooperation of the Germans, because with such a situation, he could not only preserve his life, but also to remain the commander of the army, albeit under the banners.

Generals of Vlasov and Alliles at the meeting at Goebbels, February 1945

However, the traitor was deeply mistaken. His shameful change in no way led him to glory. Instead, he entered the story as the chief Soviet traitor of the Times of the Great Patriotic War.

Surname Vlasova became a nominal, and vlasov It is figuratively called those who betray the interests of the Motherland.

The death of Vlasov

In May 1945, during the fighting under Czechoslovakia, General Vlasov was captured by Soviet soldiers. In court, he recognized himself guilty, as he went on treason because of a bit mass.

Prison photo A.A. Vlasov from criminal case materials

As a sentence of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was deprived of military ranks, and on August 1, 1946 heated.

His body was cremated, and the dust dispelled on the "Florabe of unclaimed Prakhov", located near the Don Monastery. In this place decades, the remains of the destroyed "enemies of the people" poured.

Now you know about the history of the betrayal of General Vlasov All the most needed. If you like the biography of Vlasov - Share it on social networks and subscribe to the site. We are always interested with us!

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General Vlasov - a traitor of the homeland or a fighter with socialism? We will answer this question in this article, relying on the facts and historical documents.

I truth about you will paint such

what is worse than any lies.


In our turning point, it was possible to evaluate the recent tragic events of domestic history in a new way. Previously, they set out from the point of view of historical materialism, when the interests of the CPSU dominated then were put on the first place. Now a number of studies that flow into another extreme, evaluating historical processes in terms of endless liberalism appeared.

The attention of liberal researchers attracts the figure of Lieutenant General Andrei Andreevich Vlasov. It is argued that the Vlasov, changed the oath to fight for free Russia, against Russia socialist, and this idea is so attractive that it justified his struggle and can be considered a hero.

We will try to how much it is in our power, highlight this question, based on the facts and published documents.

"For the thirteenth day of intentional Mora's hunger, the Germans were driven by a wounded horse in the camp. And a huge crowd of captured to the unfortunate animal rushed, opening knives, razors, hurriedly in pockets something sharp, capable of cutting or tear moving meat. According to the resulting giant pile of people, two towers opened a machine-gun fire. Maybe the first time in the entire time of war so beautifully and economically spent the cartridges of fascists. No surprisingly glowing bullet brought points, going over the heads of the prisoners! And when the people ruined to the barracks, on the spot, where five minutes ago, they still walked on the three legs of Klyach, lay a soil of bloody, still warm bones and around them about a hundred people killed, crushed, wounded ... "

Soviet soldiers who have captured, turned out to be in monstrous conditions exceeding the limits of human forces. Among the many prisoners were such that did not stand these suffering and, having received the proposal to put on a German form and get the Rich German soldier's missing missiles, agreed to cooperate with the fascists. Some went to direct treason voluntarily, according to convictions, wanting to take revenge on the Bolsheviks for their atrocities during the civil war, collectivization, mass repressions. There were also those who changed their homeland from cowardice, justifying their low act with some kind of gloomy pretexts. Of course, a person is free to revise his beliefs, but a completely different deal, saving his life, change his beliefs.

The latter was the Lieutenant General of Vlasov. The army, which he commanded, fell into the environment, and he himself surrendered to captivity in July 1942. Once in captivity, General Vlasov changed its communist convictions to Nazi. However, for comparison, we can recall, for example, Lieutenant-General Karbyshev. He, as well as Vlasov, was captured, but, unlike him, he did not surrender, but was captured, because he was seriously injured in battle. For refusal to cooperate with the fascists, General Carbishev was tortured to death. We can remember Lieutenant General Denikin, who also received a proposal for cooperation. Perfectly recognizing that he lives at such a time when, according to the famous philosopher Ivan Ilina, "the Word became a matter, and it became death," he answered with a decisive refusal. And the question is why he does not want to serve the Germans, he answered with military brevity and hardness: "General Denikin served and serves only Russia. Foreign state did not serve and serve will not be. "

Of course, we are in perfectly different conditions, it is difficult to objectively judge about the distant and tragic times. But we can take a look at the events with the eyes of direct participants. We give a fragment from the memories of Vasily Ivanovich Kamarinin, recorded by his son:

"In captivity, the father was in Germany and about his camp life told this way: at first they had a good boss, caring. Before the caring thing, that every morning without a break came to Barak with convoy and soldiers and to speed up the rise, put the prisoners for long tables along the barrack and ordered the flush to the blood. Traces of this "caringness" remained on the body of the Father for life. When, after the war, we went with my father to the bath, I saw on his back and the stamps of the scars from the eliminated pieces of meat.

In another camp, the boss was "very good." He regretted them, did not beat anyone. Only once a week, on Sundays, built everyone on the platform and ordered to pay the first-seventh. Each seventh immediately shot. Father often had the sixth. From such a "good life" and also "good food" (and only the journey and slices of black, like coal bread), the father prepared to be filtered, because he began to walk with one blood.

Many of his comrades were not kept, and superimposed their hands. There was no, recalled father, not a single lift, so that someone, and then, and several were immediately hung on the hooks, which "benefactors" the Germans were specially driven into the walls of the Barakov. Everyone had the opportunity to hang himself, not bothering once again "caring" owners. But my father firmly knew that suicide was a mortal sin, and, betraying himself by the will of God, all endured to the end.

Many times when building representatives of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) to the Place proposed them to enter into her ranks, promising all the benefits, if only they went to kill their brothers. "Thank God! - As the father recalled, - almost no one ever faced. Despite the unbearable life, Juda had units. "

In 1940, Vlasov wrote in autobiography about their communist convictions.

"Autobiography on Combridge Vlasova Andrei Andreevich.

... in the period 1928-1929. He graduated from the tactical and rifle courses of improving the KOMSOSTAVA RKKA "Shot" in Moscow, in 1934-1935. He graduated from the 1st Code of the Naval Evening Academy of the Red Army in the Leningrad Branch.

In the Red Army I was awarded the medal "XX of the Red Army" No. 012543 and various personal personal gifts. For the government a business trip is presented to awarding the Order of the USSR.

In the old royal army and the White Army did not serve, in captivity and in the territory busy white, did not live.

In CPS (b), he joined in 1930, adopted by the divisional parthorization of the 9th Don Rifle Division. PartBile No. 0471565. Conducted agitmass work, repeatedly elected a member of the Party Bureau of School and Regiment. He was the editor of the school newspaper. Public work has always taken an active part. He was elected a member of the District Military Tribunal, a member of the Presidium of Osoaviahim district organizations and a friend.

Partswancy did not have. In other parties and oppositions, never anywhere did not participate. No oscillations had. Always stood firmly on the general line of the party and she always fought for it.

The bodies of the Soviet government on the court never attracted. Abroad was not.

Commander of the 99th Rifle Division

combridge Vlasov.

The first thing that attracts attention is the low vlasov vocational training. General, whose army fell into captivity. Cannot be called a skillful commander. There are also evidence of the Soviet commanders who had to fight under his beginning. In the excerpt below, we are talking about the events of the 1942 events at the beginning of the winter during the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Moscow.

"Head remembered me also because I had a clash with the commander of the 20th Army Vlasov. We had the information that large forces of the enemy focused in Sereda, and she was well prepared for long-term defense (especially in the eastern part of the river of Mule). A snow-covered terrain lay around her around her. In addition, our scouts found that the head of the opponent's infantry column was moving on the side of the station of the mountains. In case of a protracted battle, these reinforcements could have fallen on the right flank group. I reported to the headquarters of the army the situation and my decision: the resistance node by middle and continue to develop the offensive to Gzhatsk. Vlasova's answer was very quickly received: he ordered the attack of the enemy, defending his head, blow from the north along the highway and, capturing her, to keep part of the forces before the infantry approach, the main forces to continue the offensive.

Attack in the "forehead" of well organized defense, and even through an open area on the belt in the snow, was the case too risky. We would have to overcome the zone of dense barrier fire, carrying unjustified losses. Yes, and the situation has developed in such a way that it was necessary to return some of the strength to fulfill this order. I did not have a different exit, how to perform the task previously supplied parts. The offensive developed successfully. Just ended the fight for the Red Sloy with the forcing of Ruz. In the course of it, further tasks of parts and compounds were refined, and they, without lingering, continued to develop success. The 3rd Guards Cavalry Division moved by commodities from the North-West, the 20th Division - from the south-west. General Vlasov again called me to the radio and demanded to report how his order was performed. I confirmed my decision and tried to reasonably prove its expediency. The reaction, as expected, was very violent. Vlasov ordered on the basis to report to him that Head was taken by strike "in the forehead" from the north along the highway. I did not answer and put the phone. He immediately called himself, but I ordered the answer to answer that the commander of the corps had already left for the troops to organize an attack on Head "in the forehead" along the highway. This kind of military trick helped in relations with the Vlasov. After all, otherwise he could send someone from his deputies, and then the Cossacks would have to climb on the snowdrifts on a dense, well-organized enemy fire. " According to the plan of Pliyev, the village of Head was surrounded and taken without unnecessary losses.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that at that time of war, such tough methods of command applied not only by General Vlasov, but some other commander. This is remembered by General A.V. Gorbatov: "In that setting, it was natural that the division commander himself chose objects for private operations, self determines the detachment forces and time to attack using suddenness. In such cases, the enemy usually had a loss of two, three, and even four times large than we. Another thing when you will break everything from afar and order on January 17 - Maslov Pier, January 19 - a walled, January 24 - Arkhangelsk, etc., indicating the hour of attacks, determine the forces (besides, not appropriate or your task, nor yours opportunities). In these cases, the result was almost always one: we did not have success and carried the loss of two or three times large than the enemy.

Especially incomprehensible for me were persistent orders - despite the failure, it is re-occurring, moreover, from the same initial position, in the same direction for several days in a row, to occur, without taking into account that the enemy has already strengthened this site. Many, many times in such cases was poured my heart with blood ... But it was a whole stage of war, in which many of our commanders studied how to fight and, therefore, how to fight. The slowness with which this science was absorbed - no matter the bloody examples, there were the result of those common prewar conditions in which the commanders were thinking. "

Major domestic specialist in the field of military ethics, psychology and philosophy A.A. Kershnovsky, analyzing the behavior of the commander, which has fallen with its troops in a difficult position, the negative example leads to General Klyuev. During the First World War, the corps entrusted to him during the East Prussian operation came to the environment. General Klyuyev "surrendered, without giving himself a report that he did this most, in how the spirit of the enemy rises and our own one would decide on the delivery of such an important person as a corps commander. He knew that he commands the body, but never suspected that he was still he has the honor to command. The higher the official position, the one is more honored. And the commander of the housing - with the appearance of which they die, refuse their own "I" tens of thousands of people who can order to go to the death of forty thousands - should be aware of this honor especially and pay for it when it is necessary - paying without fluttering. ... Motherland is easier to transfer the death of honest battle or a squadron than their surveillance. "

What a strong negative impact of the betrayal of General Vlasov was on its former subordinates in the midst of the Stalingrad battle, one can be seen from the memories of Professor-Archpriest Gleb Calleda, while the ordinary fighter of the Red Army.

"Stalingrad battle ... a terrible tension of forces on both sides. The constant smell of corpses strongly acted on the psyche, penetrated into all the cracks. For one and a half months, the warehouses burned in the city, and the sky was closed with black clouds of smoke. The rivers of the fuel oil rivers flowed across the streets; Filled the carman of the commander of the 62nd army of General Chuikov.

When performing an order to knock out the Germans from the market of the market, we were granted the 99th Rifle Division, which the general of Vlasov commanded the war. This division was one of the best in the Red Army, held a turning back of the Commissar. Officers proudly told us: "We are Vlasovski!" The battles began on September 21, we were supported by a tank brigade, but for three days we had enough of only 800 meters, having a pre-war kit at the beginning of the battles: 800 bayonets in the battalion. Each night, the division received replenishment, and to the outcome of the third day in battalions there was an average of 200 bayonets, more people died than the initial composition of the battalion. The Germans fought the heroic, they literally have grabbed our tanks and broke the bottle of a combustible mixture about them. Our victims did not help: the right flank fell behind and not proppate these 800 meters, the Germans hit him, and in three hours we passed these watered meters, retreated ...

We were tormented by German aviation: 28 raids per day for ten and a hundred bombers. The first flare is still nothing, the second is worse, the third - the nerve begins, and then the nerves simply pass. Psychological impact The strongest: it seems, the plane flies right on you, the pilot includes Siren, fly shells, bombs ...

The next day was waiting for a new order. I walked along the steppe and picked up a leaflet, the benefit was one: leaflets were forbidden to read. I read: "Fighters and Commanders of the 99th Rifle Division." Turning, I watch the signature: "Former commander of the 99th Rifle Division, Lieutenant Lieutenant. In the leaflet it was written: I fought, got into the environment, then I realized that Military resistance was meaningless and gave an order to fold the weapon. Long days of thought led to the conclusion: the Red Army cannot win, for the army must have uniqueness, and all commanders are connected by hand and legs do not sense in military business and organ workers. But the Russian people have the strength to free themselves, there is a volunteer army, you must conclude an honorary peace with the Germans and cooperate with them. In conclusion, it was said: "Russia post-war must be without the Bolsheviks and without the Germans." Naturally, after such a leaflet, the commander of the 99th division was no longer proud that they were Vlasov's pupils. "

The second, what I want to pay attention to, studying the autobiography of Vlasov - this is what he joined the rows of WCP (b) in 1930 and "in other parties and oppositions has never received anywhere and has not participated. No oscillations had. Always stood firmly on the general line of the party and for her always fought. " For the fact that, indeed, the Vlasov "no oscillations did not have" and always fought for the general line of the party, testifies to its election to the members of the Military Tribunal of the Kiev Special Military District. The military tribunals were punitive organs, with the help of which was destroyed before the war, a significant part of the personnel officers and the commanders of the Red Army. In addition, condemning the higher chief, the member of the Military Tribunal provided himself with a quick career growth. According to Biographers Vlasova A. Kolesnik, in 1937-1938 the Vlasov "was a member of the Military Tribunal in the Leningrad and Kiev military districts. Introducing his activities in this role, it was not possible to detect a single acquittal sentence made on his initiative. " This is the third, which is about the autobiography of Vlasov.

Only a few weeks later, after passing, followed by Vlasov, the following document was published: "The officer corps of the Soviet army, especially the officers who have captured, who can freely exchange thoughts, face the question: how can the Government of Stalin may be overthrown and new Russia? All unites the desire to overthrow the Government of Stalin and change the state form. There is a question: to whom it is to join - to Germany, England or the United States? The main task is to overthrow the government - says that it should be jumped to Germany, which announced the struggle against the existing government and the purpose of the war.

I came to a firm conviction that the tasks facing the Russian people can be resolved in union and cooperation with the German people. The interests of the Russian people have always been combined with the interests of the German people, with the interests of all nations of Europe. In alliance and cooperation with Germany, he must build a new happy homeland within the framework of the family of equal and free nations of Europe.

We consider our duty to our people and in front of the Führer, who proclaimed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new Europe, bring the above to the attention of the Supreme Command and thereby contribute to the implementation of the mentioned idea.

Former commander of the 2nd Army Lieutenant Lieutenant

Former commander of the 41st Rifle Division Colonel Boyarsky. "

The document compiled in Vinnitsa on August 8, 1942, when Germany was in the zenith of his military successes, aims to throw a shadow on the entire officer's corps of the Red Army, which allegedly stands "before the question: how can the Government of Stalin be overthrown and new Russia has been created?" In addition, the document suggests that the Vlasov joined the stronger owner - the Führeru and began to be considered his duty to serve Hitler, leaving his former, as he called "the owner" himself. That's what he wrote his wife, Anna Mikhailovna Vlasova, February 14, 1942 during our counter-offering near Moscow: « You will not believe, dear Anya! What a joy in my life. I talked there with the biggest owner. Such an honor fell out for me for another first time in my life. You can't imagine how I worried and how I came out of him inspired. You, apparently, do not even believe that such a great person has enough time even for our personal affairs. So believe, he asked me where my wife and how he lives. He thought you were in Moscow. I said that far, therefore I will not stop in Moscow and I will stop, but I will go back to the front. It does not wait. Dear Anya, beat the fascists still and resend them to the west. "

On the same day, he sent a letter to his acquisition of his wife, the warror of Agness Pavlovna Pavlovna, who wrote practically the same as his wife: "I was called to myself the biggest and chief owner. Imagine, he talked with me for whole and a half hours. I myself imagine what my happiness fell. You will not believe, such a big man and is interested in our little family matters. I asked me: where is my wife and general about health. It only can make it, who leads us all from victory to victory. With him we will break the fascist gadine. "

In the same letter, he congratulated Agnesce Pavlovna, who, premented from him, left the existing army, with awarding the medal "for the courage": "Dear Alya! Now allow you to congratulate you with a high government award - a medal for courage. You now overtook you. Kuzina: He has a medal for military merit, and you immediately got the second: "for the courage". Sincerely happy, but not only me. I congratulated all our employees. " "The awarding medal" For the courage "is made for personal courage and courage, shown in battles with the enemies of the Socialist Fatherland; when protecting the state border of the USSR; In the performance of military debt in conditions associated with risk for life, "and not in the bed of the army commander.

In Stalin's time, people close to changed their homeland were announced by the "family members of the Motherland family", and the wife became fat - "wife of the Motherland." Vlasov called the name Anna Mikhailovna, when in May 1945 on Lubyanka filled the questionnaire arrested. It was arrested already in 1942, and she passed in the case as a "wife of the Motherland's wife." Paying for the betrayal of her husband, she spent 8 years in camps. It is known that recent years lived in the Balakhna of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Rehabilitated only in 1992. And the regimental wife, Agnes Pavlovna, did not avoid this bitter fate. In 1943, by decision of a special meeting, she received five years of camps. It is known that the link has left. Rehabilitated in 1989, died in 1997. The former member of the Military Tribunal could not help but be aware of what the people close to him.

In the so-called Smolensk Declaration, which is a declarative propaganda, said: "Stalin's allies - English and American capitalists betrayed the Russian people. In an effort to use Bolshevism to master the natural wealth of our Motherland, these plutocrats not only save their skin with the price of the life of millions of Russian people, but also concluded with Stalin secretly bible contracts.

At the same time, Germany leads war against the Russian people and his homeland, but only against Bolshevism. Germany does not encroach on the living space of the Russian people and its national political freedom .

National Socialist Germany Adolf Hitler puts his task to the organization of new Europe without the Bolsheviks and capitalists, in which every people will be ensured by an honorable place. December 27, 1942 SMOLENSK.

About what "honorable place" was preparing the Russian people in New Europe, said in the General Plan "Ost". The plan itself has not been preserved, but the additions are preserved to the plan, compiled by a kind of doctor, the head of the Department of Colonization of the First Main Political Administration of the Ministry of Rosenberg:

Top secret

It is not only about defeating the state with the center in Moscow. Achieving this historical purpose would never mean the final solution to the problem. The case is most likely to defeat Russians as a people, dismiss them. Only in the event that this problem is considered with biological, especially with a racial biological, point of view and, in accordance with this, German policies will be conducted in the eastern regions, it will be possible to eliminate the danger that the Russian people presents for us.

If the German leadership succeeds ... to prevent the influence of German blood into the Russian people through extramarital relationships, it is quite possible to preserve German domination in the area, provided that we can overcome such biological danger, as the monstrous ability of these people to reproduce ... There are many ways to undermine biological biological The forces of the people ... The purpose of the German policy towards the population in the Russian territory will be to bring the birth of Russian to a lower level than the Germans. The same applies, by the way, to the extremely prolific peoples of the Caucasus, and in the future - partially to Ukraine. While we are interested in increasing the number of Ukrainian population in opposition to Russian. But this should not lead to the place of Russians in time, Ukrainians occupied. In order to avoid unwanted population increases in the eastern regions, it is imperative to abandon the east of all the measures that we used to increase the birth rate in the Empire. In these areas, we must consciously pursue a policy on the reduction in the population. Means of propaganda, especially through the press, radio, cinema, leaflets, brief brochures, reports, etc., we must constantly inspire the population the idea that it is harmful to have many children. It is necessary to show which large means requires education of children and what could be purchased for these funds. It is necessary to talk about the big danger that a woman, burning children, etc. In addition, the widest propaganda of contraceptives must be deployed. It is necessary to establish a wide manufacture of such funds. Their distribution and abortion in no way be limited. It should be in every possible way to increase the abortarium network .., as well as promote voluntary sterilization, prevent the struggle to reduce mortality in babies, not allowing mothers to care for breasts and preventive measures against children's diseases. It is necessary to reduce to a minimum preparation of Russian doctors in such specialties, not to provide any support for kindergartens and other similar institutions. Along with the conduct of these health care events, no obstacles should be repaired. It should not be assisted from extramarital children. No money assistance should be provided with many families in the form of payments to wages .., allow for them any tax privileges.

For us, Germans, it is important to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that he is not able to prevent us from establishing German domination in Europe. This goal we can achieve the above ways ...

The given document, transmitting the very essence of the German fascism, is so eloquent that it does not require comments.

Here is what I said about Vlasov Rysfürer SS Henry Himmler at one of the important meetings to the party functionaries and representatives of state and military leadership:

"Now we have found Russian General Vlasov. Our brigadefyrer Fegelyn captured this Russian general. He was the commander of one shock army. Our brave FEGELYAN said to his people: "Let's try to handle it as if he is really a general!" And famously stood in front of him at the counter, Mr. General, Mr. General! .. "It's nice to listen to everyone. This is all over the world. And here it also worked. Still, this person, as was the Order of Lenin after the number of 770, he then gave him to Brigadefürera FEGELYIN. When the Führer awarded Fegeline with oak leaves, he gave this order to the Führer. The Führer ordered him to put him in a silver case and returned to Fepeline. So, with this general applied properly, terribly politely, terribly cute. This man gave us all its divisions, the whole plan of the offensive and in general everything that knew.

Price for this treason? On the third day we told this general about the following: "The fact that there is no way back, you, right, clearly. But you are a significant person, and we guarantee you that when the war is over, you will receive a lieutenant-general retirement, and in the near future - here is the Schnaps, Cigarettes and Baba. " That's how cheap you can buy such a general! Very cheap. You see, in such things you need to have a damn accurate calculation. Such a person goes to 20 thousand marks per year. Let it live 10 or 15 years old, it is 300 thousand brands. If only one battery leads two days a good fire, it also costs 300 thousand brands ... And this Russian pig Mr. Vlasov offers its services for this. Some old men wanted to give it a million army to this person. They wanted to give this unreliable type to give a weapon and equipment to move with this weapon against Russia, and maybe one day, which is very likely that good, and against us! "

In no, even the very barbaric and cruel, culture of the world, in which the honor and valor, will not meet the approval and promotion of the traitor who has changed the military oath.

The Great Suvorov spoke in his inherent rapid manner: "The soldier is cheerfulness, an officer - courage, general - courage." The general, who has captured, needs special courage. Obviously, Vlasov not only did not have enough consciousness that he " he has the honor to command", But the courage" pay without flouring. " As it turned out, a general who lacks courage, which because of his ambitions and incompetence does not regret the soldiers, you can buy cheaply. But for the soldiers who, because of the inept command, General Vlasov, were captured, the price was very high: suffering captive or death. As much as a high price, that is, the suffering and death of Soviet soldiers, his betrayal was paid. He gave the Germans to the Germans that he knew, but as the commander of the 2nd strike army and the Deputy Commander of the Volkhov Front, he had extensive information on the location of the forces and means of the Red Army and the plans of the Soviet Supreme Command. Of course, these data were used by German command when planning and holding a 1942 summer campaign.

According to the testimony of the protusiveness of Alexander Kiselev, the Vlasov settled in the suburbs of Berlin in a two-story stone house with a small garden, where he calmly, comfortably and safely lived on a general retirement. As for the "cigarettes, Schnaps" and women, the Vlasov did not refuse any of the other or from the other. He married Himmler's sanction once again, and his chosen was the widowed German aristocrat of Adelel Byleberg. In fact, Vlasov became a polygaman, because with the legitimate wife, which remained in Russia and because of his betrayal, it was per barbed wire, he continued to be legally married.

As for the wine, you can give memories of I.L. Novosiltseva, who was present in dinner, given by the Governor of Poland Frank in honor of Vlasov after signing the manifest in Prague. "Dinner was rich, wine, as they say, was poured by the river. Many were not resistant to the temptation, and their behavior caused the disapproval of Vlasov. He himself was a strict and did not allow any excesses. To test yourself, he called Novosiltsheva and asked him in his ear: "Igorek, how do I keep myself?" Apparently not only "many", but the Vlasov himself did not resist the "before the temptation", since he was required to be external control to learn how he keeps himself. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is, whose invitation he accepted, and whose wine he drank.

Hans Frank, one of the most sinister fascist criminals, was put by Hitler to fulfill the following task: "Men able to lead in Poland should be eliminated. Those who follow them ... must be destroyed in turn. " At a meeting of the governing lot in Krakow, Frank said such words: "As for the Jews, I want to tell you quite frankly that they need to be removed anyway ... Lord, I have to ask you to get rid of any kind of pity. Our duty is to destroy the Jews. " Frank, this executioner of the Polish and Jewish peoples, among other Nazi criminals, by the decision of the International Court of Justice in Nuremberg, was sentenced to the death penalty. The sentence was carried out on October 16, 1946 by the American professional executioner John Wood. Despite the fact that Vlasov could not fail to know about the atrocities of Frank, he did not refuse to dubious "honor," drinking at the table of the Nazi criminal destroying millions of people.

Obviously, Vlasov, the purpose of which to save his life was only a walking in the war of German fascism against the Russian people. In the documents signed by Vlasov, the idea of \u200b\u200bidentical to the one that the Bolsheviks proclaimed at one time: "to turn the war imperialist in a civil war in order to overthrow the existing government." As a result, the people were plunged into the bloody chaos of the Civil War, and the Soviet government reigned over a huge country for many years. As you know, Lenin and the Bolsheviks party headed by him acted in a pointer and with extensive financial support for the Kaiser Germany, which is in a state of war with Russia.

These ideas are not new, they sounded already in the XIX century. F. M. Dostoevsky's mouth of a character of his novel, Mechnyakov, whose name speaks for himself, formulated them like this: "There was a great invasion to Russia and people conquered us ... The smart nation would conquer a very stupid and joined me. They would even even be the other order-C. " It is surprising that the Lacteric point of Smerdhakova continues to attract supporters and in our time.

The fascist manual used the same methods as Kaiserovskoye, but it was not possible to repeat the result. The Russian people in the period of the Great Patriotic War did not get on the rod, which in 1917 the liberal circles of the Russian Empire were caught. Otherwise, if the fascist Germany won, and the general plan "Ost" would be implemented, then, indeed, "there would be quite the other orders of-s."

Once in the hands of Soviet justice, the Vlasov went on cooperation with the investigation, conscious that it would save him from the measures of physical impact, maybe he hoped to mitigate his fate. He opened the facts that could not be known to the court and a consequence, which, of course, could not cause the approval of his one-person:

« Defendant Vlasov.The defendant of the residents did not quite accurately told the court about his role in his connections with the SS. In particular, he showed a court that only in my instruction he contacted the representative of the SS. This is not quite so. The first one had a connection with the representatives of the SS, and it was thanks to his role that I was adopted by Himmler. Before that, Himmler never acted me.

Docted residents.I do not deny Vlasov's testimony, but I want to say that only after my trip to the area of \u200b\u200bLviv and establishing a connection with the representative of Himmler D'Alquen, with the latter, we managed to organize the meeting of Vlasov with Himmler. I was knowing that Gimmler called Vlasov by the passing pig and fool. On my share fell a role to prove d'Alcan that the Vlasov is not a pig and not a fool. So, in my active participation, the meeting was organized by Vlasov with Himmler. "

About your acts that can cause legal condemnation, Vlasov preferred to silence, but his former subordinates paid him to the same coin and issued what he did not want to discover:

« Presidency.The defendant of Maltsev, when the question arose about moving to the south of Germany, did you suggest someone from their subordinates to report on the eighteen arrested Vlasov and what installation did you give?

The defendant of Maltsev.Yes, I proposed Tukholnikov to report on the 18 arrested Vlasov and ask for his instructions, how to do with them. And for six people from among the arrested cases were completed, and I recommended insist on their executives. Vlasov shooting six people approved.

Defendant Vlasov.Yes, it was, but it was the only time I argued the death sentences, and that because I had reported to Maltsev about it. "

To approve the death sentences of their compatriots who are in captivity and, we can assume trying to have any resistance - this very eloquently characterizes Vlasov. Also characteristic of the holway attitude to new owners:

Presidency.And what did you encourage you to communicate with the Nedich and share with your minds?

Defendant Vlasov.I did it mainly on the recommendation of the German representative with me. In fact, Nedica, I have never seen. I sent congratulatory telegrams and addresses of Ribbentrop, Himmler, Guderian on behalf of the Russian people.

Presidency.You seem to be close to the franc czech franc, the tread of the Czech Republic and Moravia, and sent a different kind of congratulations to his address?

Defendant Vlasov.Yes, it took place. Frank at one time provided us with the territory and everything you need, and later he helped us to move to the south of Germany. "

In the final word, on the process of Vlasov, he said: "The crimes of the crimes are great, and I expect a harsh kara for them. The first sin - passing. But I am not only completely repented, though, late, but he tried on the trial and investigate, it's clear how to reveal the whole whip. I expect the cruel kara. " At the trial and investigation, as well as in German captivity, he gave everything that he knew, and "tried to reveal the whole gang as clearer," but the fate did not achieve and was sentenced to the highest and hanged with his accomplices.

German folk wisdom reads: "Money to lose is not to lose money, the health of losing is to lose something, the honor of losing is to lose a lot, the courage to lose is to lose everything, it would be better not to be born."

It is impossible to assume that only in the Soviet Union so severely acted with traitors. John Eymeri, the son of Leo Eymeri, the Secretary of State for India in the military office Winston Churchill, was captured and headed by a squad of English soldiers, ready to fight on the side of Germany. British sieves fought as part of the 11th Volunteer Tank-Grenadian Division "Norland". Eymerie was arrested at the end of the war in Milan. He was found guilty of treason and betrayed hanging.

And, nevertheless, despite these, very eloquent facts, there are voices that are trying to build Vlasov in the rank of the National Hero. American political scientist Y. Laien, in the book "Our Secret Allies" wrote: "For many, his name has become a banner. They are confident that someday the label of the traitor will be withdrawn from his memory, and he will take his place among the great heroes of the free Russian spirit. "

However, as they speak in the people, "the black dog is not doing well," even with the help of "secret allies". Make from Vlasov Hero is an attempt with clearly unfasteless means. Of course, not all the Americans thought so, or think. There were also decent people who adhere to a different point of view. The captain of the American army, to whom in May 1945, hit the Vlasov, told him: "Well, Mr. General, now everything is over for you! Unfortunately, you changed the owners in vain and put on a dark horse! "

In conclusion, we give the authoritative opinion of the Great American Writer, the Nobel Prize laureate, Ernest Hemingway, who fought against the fascism with a weapon in his hands: "When people are fighting for the liberation of their homeland from foreign invaders, .. then looking at their life, and the struggle, and Death, you begin to understand that there are things and worse than war. Cowardice worse, betrayal worse, egoism worse. " Prot. Alexander Kiselev. The appearance of General Vlasov. New York. Publisher "Way of Life", p. 62.

Ibid, p. 90.

E. Hemingway. Writer and war. June 1937. The 2nd Congress of American Writers T.3. M. 1968 Hood. Lit. p.613-615.

When they talk about the glorious affairs of the Soviet troops under the walls of Moscow in the winter of 1941-1942, then they immediately focus on the fact that at the beginning of the war, everything in the Red Army was not so. And then gradually the commanders and soldiers began to gain a mind. And when the Great Patriotic War was separated, then at lectures at the Military Academy began to tell that for the first time the military intelligence was properly organized in the bloody offensive battles on the Lama River in January 1942.

On the same River Lama in January 1942, the engineering support of offensive operations was correctly organized. And again, it was on the Lama River in January 1942 that the rear provision of troops during the offensive operations was correctly organized. The anti-air defense of the troops was also first organized on the Lame River in the same ill-fated January 1942.

Do you know where the planning of military operations and operational disguise were correctly organized? I can suggest - on the lame river. And when? In January 1942. If you do not believe, discover "Military Historical Journal" No. 1, p. 13, 1972.

But in all this information there is one strange nuance. Everywhere the Soviet troops on the Lama River are praised, but neither the number of divisions nor the army number is not called any names. Some incomprehensible Unnamed Military Parts are obtained.

But here is the testimony of Marshal Peredelsky's artillery: "The beginning of the organization of an artillery offensive in the form, as provided for by the directive, was found in the afternoon of the 20th Army on the Lama River in January 1942."

Finally, called the army. This is the 20th Army of the Western Front. And who commanded her? All names are in the Soviet military encyclopedia. Open 3 Tom, p. 104 and look.

In total during the war years, 11 Generals commanded the army. The first 5 had the title Lieutenant General: Remezov (June-July 1941), Kurochkin (July-August 1941), Lukin (August-September 1941), Ershakov (September-October 1941), Reuters (March-September 1942). And who commanded the army during the hardest battles for Moscow in the winter of 1941-42 from November to February?

But from the encyclopedia it turns out that during this period of the army nobody commanded? Truly, wonders were going on on the lame river. That turns out to be the essence of military success. Element the commander, and the troops will immediately become the best. But we all know that miracles do not happen in the world. The 20th Army had a commander at that time. Called it general Vlasov Andrei Andreevich (1901-1946).

It was under his leadership that the 20th Army was transferred to the Western Front and focused on the north of Moscow. In December 1941, as part of the troops of the right wing of the front, he took part in the Klin-Solnechnogorsk offensive operation. In collaboration from the 16th, 30th and 1st shock armies, defeated the 3rd and 4th tank groups of the enemy, throwing them in the western direction by 90-100 km, on the line of Lama River, Ruza. At the same time, a large number of settlements, including Volokolamsk, was released.

In January 1942, the 20th Army strikes the Volokolamsk-Shakhovskaya broke the defense of the enemy at the turn of the Lama River and, pursuing the retreating German troops, by the end of January I went to the northeast-east of Gzatch.

For battles on the Lame River Andrei Andreyevich received the next title, Lieutenant General and the Higher State Award of the Order of Lenin. Next to him were the army of Rokossovsky and Govanov. Both subsequently became Marshals of the Soviet Union. However, nor Rokossovsky nor said the example. They fought very well, but in the example they put Vlasov, because he fought perfectly. It was one of the most talented commanders of the Red Army. They even gone about him:

Rumbled guns bass
Thunder Military Busheviv
General Comrade Vlasov
The German was asked by Peps!

And then the fate has developed that this name ordered to forget and delete from all lists. They crossed out, and we, opening official military directories, perplex why this in the 20th Army did not have the commander in the hardest and bloody time for the country.

Brief biography of General Vlasov

To the Great Patriotic War

Andrei Andreevich was born on September 14, 1901 in the village of Lomakino on the drunk river. This is Nizhny Novgorod province. In the family he was the 13th, the youngest child. He studied in the spiritual seminary in Nizhny Novgorod. After the revolution, 1917 began to study at the agronomist. In 1919, he was called to the Red Army.

He graduated from 4 months old commander courses, fought on the southern front. Participated in hostilities against Wrangel. In 1920, he participated in the elimination of the rebel movement of Nestor Makhno. From 1922 he was at staff and command positions. In 1929 he graduated from the highest commander's courses. In 1930 he became a member of the WCP (b). In 1935 he became a listener of the Military Academy. Frunze.

Since 1937, the regiment commander. In 1938 he became an assistant commander of the 72nd Rifle Division. Since the autumn of 1938 at work in China as a military adviser. In 1939, he performed the duties of the main military adviser.

In January 1940, Andrei Andreevich assigned the rank of Major General. He was appointed commander of the 99th Rifle Division, stationed in the Kiev Military District. At the end of the same year, she was recognized as the best in the district. For this young general was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In January 1941, Andrei Andreevich was prescribed by the commander of the 4th mechanized corps of stationed under Lviv.

The first year of the Great Patriotic War

From June 22, 1941, Major General participated in the hostilities in Ukraine. Initially, commanded the 4th mechanized case, and then the 37th army. Participated in the battles for Kiev. He came out of the environment, making his way east in the composition of the scattered military connections. During the battle, he was injured and found himself in the hospital.

In November 1941, he was staged at the head of the 20th Army, which became part of the Western Front. In the battles for Moscow showed the greatest strategic and tactical skills. There is a considerable contribution to the defeat of the central grouping of German troops. At the end of January 1942, a military rank of Lieutenant is received. He became widely popular in the troops. He was called "Savior of Moscow".

Major General Vlasov during the day for Moscow

In early March 1942, Vlasov appointed the Deputy Commander to the Volkhov Front. In March, he was sent to the 2nd Army, where he replaced the patient General Klykov. He commanded this army, remaining deputy commander of the front.

The position of the army was very hard. She deeply wedged into the location of the German troops, coming to Leningrad. But there was no strength for further offensive operations. The army was necessary to urgently to divert, otherwise she could be surrounded.

But the command at first did not want to give an order about the retreat, and then when the Germans cut all the communications, it was already too late. Officers and soldiers found themselves in the German boiler. Accused in this commander of the Leningrad Front of Hozin, who did not fulfill the directive of the raising of the army from May 21, 1942. He was removed from office and transferred to the Western Front with a decrease.

Forces of the Volkhov Front, a narrow corridor was created, through which individual divisions of the 2nd army managed to go to his. But on June 25, the corridor was eliminated by the Germans. Andrei Andreyevich sent a plane, but he refused to throw the remnants of military units, as he believed that he was fully responsible for people.

The ammunition ended very soon, hunger began. The army ceased to exist. From the environment they tried to exit small groups. On July 11, 1942, the commander was arrested in one of the villages, where he went to ask for food. At first, Andrei Andreevich tried to give himself to the refugee, but the Germans quickly identified him, because portraits of the popular commander were printed in all Soviet newspapers.

In German captivity

The captive Russian general was sent to camp for prisoners of war near Vinnitsa. There was the highest commander composition of the Red Army. The war was delayed, so Germans offered to cooperate with everyone who fell into captivity and generals. There was such a proposal made by Andrei Andreevich.

He agreed to cooperate with the German government, but immediately made a response proposal. Its essence was to create the Russian Liberation Army (ROA). It was planned as an independent military connection associated with the German troops of the Allied Agreement. Roa had to fight not with the Russian people, but with the Stalin regime.

In principle, the idea was excellent. In the first 2 weeks of the Bottle of 1941, the entire personnel red army was captured. In German camps were 5 million professional military. If all this mass of people were thrown against the Soviet troops, the course of hostilities could radically change.

With comrades from ROA

But Hitler was not a far-sighted politician. He did not want to go on any compromises with the Russians. Moreover, he was pretty considering them as allies. Russia was supposed to become a German colony, and its population was preparing the fate of slaves. Therefore, the proposal of the captive commander was taken note, but there was no fundamental movement in this matter.

Only organizational issues were solved. In the spring of 1943, formed the headquarters of the army, because, what is the army without headquarters. His chief became Fedor Ivanovich Trukhin (1896-1946). He was a professional Military Red Army, he was captured on June 27, 1941. Then they scored the states, appointed commander of military units. And time went. Soviet troops defeated the Germans on the Kursk arc, and a steady offensive began on all fronts.

Only at the end of November 1944, military units from volunteers who wanted to fight with the Stalin regime began to be formed. Propaganda work in this issue was carried out, but not in some scales and not so as to attract millions of prisoners and millions of Russian emigrants to their side. Among these people, there was a fairly reasonable opinion that Hitler wants to enslave Russia, so the Union with him means betrayal. The Germans did not persuade anyone in this regard, since they did not have such directives from the senior leadership of Germany.

In total, the Personal Composition of ROA by April 1945 had only 130 thousand people. These were fully formed military units, but they were scattered along various parts of the front, and they fought as part of the German units, although nominally and submitted to their commander who was considered Andrei Andreyevich Vlasov. In essence, he was a general without an army and could not yet show his shiny military abilities.

In May 1945, the rapid collapse of the fascist regime began. Former gaulyakers began to feverishly look for new owners. All of them rushed to crumble in front of the Americans and the British. Members of Roa also began to surrender by Western Union forces, completely ignoring Soviet.

General Vlasov with his headquarters also went to the American occupying area to surrender to the commander of the 3rd US Army. He was in the Czechoslovak city of Plzen. But on the road, the squad was stopped by the fighters of the 1st Ukrainian Front. The traitor was identified, arrested and sent to the headquarters of the front, and from there I was transferred to Moscow.

On July 30, 1946, a closed court session began in the case of Vlasov. Not only Andrei Andreevich was judged, but also his closest associates. On July 31, a sentence was read. The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR chaired Ulrich sentenced all the defendants to the death penalty. The traitors were deprived of military ranks and awards, and their property was confiscated. On the night of July 31, on August 1, they were all hanged in the yard of the Butyrskaya prison. Vozmovov's corpses are cremated. Where Delhi Prah is unknown. But the employees of the punitive bodies in this issue there was a great experience. So find it is not possible.

In Soviet captivity

Why General Vlasov became a traitor?

Why did the famous military leader and the petal favorite become a traitor? He could shoot to not be captured. But apparently such a simple outcome of Andrei Andreevich did not suit. It was a smart and thinking person. Most likely, he hated the regime to which he served.

From other commanders of the Red Army, he was distinguished by heartiness and attention to subordinate, and they loved him and respected. What other Soviet general could boast of this? Is that Rokossovsky, and no one else comes to mind. So Andrei Andreevich was not like the commander of the Red Army. His youth passed in the full, prosperous and humane tsarist Russia. So it was with what to compare the existing mode.

But there was nowhere to go and had to conscientiously fulfill their duties. It was a real patriot of his debris. He honestly and conscientiously fought with the fascists, and when he was captured, he tried to bring the maximum benefit of a long-suffering homeland. As a result, the plan for the creation of the ROA. But the German command did not understand the whole depth and scale of conceived. But it was salvation for Hitler, and for his surroundings.

Nowadays, the attitude towards General Vlasov is ambiguous. Someone considers him a traitor and a traitor, and someone is a courageous man who challenged the Stalinist regime. And this mode considered the captive general is extremely dangerous. All his merits were erased from the memory of people, and the court passed in closed mode, although other traitors were judged by official.

Already this indirectly indicates that Andrei Andreevich was not a traitor of the Motherland. Could not Ulrich and his minions prove the guilt of the commander of Roa, so they were tried secretly and executed secretly. And the people to whom the old red commander right served, remained in ignorance.

Alexander Semashko

It was about how Andrei Vlasov. It was considered a talented and promising General of the Red Army. After the command (often successful) near the parts, on April 20, 1942, the commander of the 2nd shock army is appointed by the commander. This army, intended for the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad, was in a difficult position by the end of the spring. In June, the Germans closed the "corridor", binding part of the army with the main line of the front. Surrounded, about 20 thousand people left with the commander - General Vlasov.

Rescue General Afanasyev

And the Germans, and our, knowing that the command of the 2nd shock army remained surrounded, tried to find it to be discovered.

Staff Vlasova, meanwhile, tried to get out. Few surviving witnesses argued that in the general after the failured breakthrough there was a dorm. He looked indifferent, did not hide from the shelling. Command a detachment took head of Headquarters of the 2nd Shock Army Colonel Vinogradov.

A group, wandering on the rear, tried to go to his. She joined the clashes with the Germans, carried losses, gradually shrinking.

The key point occurred on the night of July 11th. The chief of the headquarters of Vinogradov proposed to be divided into groups of several people, and go to their own. He proceed head of Communication Army General-Major Afanasyev. He suggested everyone together to reach the River Oredige and Lake Black, where you can feed fishing, and where the partisans are detachments. The Afanasyev plan was rejected, but no one became to prevent him from moving to his route. 4 people left Afanasyev.

Literally after a day, the Afanasyev Group met with the partisans, which were contacted by the "Big Earth". The general arrived at the general, which took him to the rear.

Alexey Vasilyevich Afanasyev turned out to be the only representative of the top command of the 2nd shock army, which was able to get out of the environment. After the hospital, he returned to the system, and continued his service, finishing his career as the head of the communications of the artillery of the Soviet Army.

"Do not shoot, I am General Vlasov!"

Vlasov Group decreased to four people. He broke up with Vinogradov, who was sick, because of what the general gave him his sinel.

July 12, the Vlasov group was divided to go to two villages in search of food. With the general remained the cook of the Military Council of Army Maria Voronova.

They went to the village of Tukhuzh, introducing himself as refugees. Vlasov, called the school teacher, asked me to eat. They were fed, after which they suddenly instructed the weapons and locked in Saraj. The "hospitable owner" was a local elder, which caused the local residents from among the auxiliary police.

It is known that Vlasov had a gun with him, but he did not resist.

The elder did not recognize the general, but he considered the partisans who came.

In the morning, the German special group came to the village in the village, which the Starosta asked to take the captives. The Germans dismissed, because they went for ... General Vlasov.

On the eve, the German command received information that General Vlasov was killed in a skirmish with a German patrol. The corpse in the General Sheel, which was examined by the members of the group, arriving at the place, was identified as the body of the commander of the 2nd shock army. In fact, the colonel of grapes was killed.

On the way back, already passing Tukhuzh, the Germans remembered their promise, and returned for unknown.

When the door of the shed opened, the phrase was sounded from the darkness:

- Do not shoot, I am General Vlasov!

Two destinies: Andrei Vlasov vs Ivan Antyufeev

In the first interrogations, the general began to give detailed testimony, reporting on the state of the Soviet troops, and giving the characteristics to Soviet military leaders. And already a few weeks later, while in a special camp in Vinnitsa, Andrei Vlasov will suggest the Germans to the Germans in the fight against the Red Army and the Stalin regime.

What made him do it? Biography Vlasova testifies that from the Soviet building and from Stalin it is not what was not injured, but received everything that had. The story about the abandoned 2nd shock army, as was shown above - also myth.

For comparison, you can bring the fate of another general who survived the disaster of the meat boron.

Ivan Mikhailovich Antuel, the commander of the 327th Rifle Division, took part in the battle for Moscow, and then with his unit was transferred to the breakthrough of Leningrad's blockade. 327th Division has achieved the greatest success in the Lyuban operation. Just as the 316th rifle division was unofficially called Panfilovskaya, the 327th Infantry Division received the name "Antyufeevskaya".

The title of Major General Antyufeev received in the height of the battles under love, and did not even have time to change the shoulder straps of Colonel to the general, which played a role in his future fate. Comdive also stayed in the "boiler", and was wounded on July 5, when I was trying to escape.

Nazis, taking an officer captured, tried to incline him to cooperate, but received a refusal. At first, he was kept in the camp in the Baltic States, but then someone reported that Antyufeyev was actually general. He was immediately translated into a special camp.

When it became known that he is the commander of the best division of the rules of Vlasov, the Germans began to rub their hands. It seemed to be granted that Antyufeyev would go along the path of his boss. But even having met with a vast face to face, the general responded with refusal to offer to cooperate with the Germans.

Antyufeyev was presented to a fabricated interview in which he stated about readiness to work for Germany. He was explained - now for the Soviet leadership he is a undoubted traitor. But here the general answered "no".

In the concentration camp, General Antyufeev stayed until April 1945, when American troops were released. He returned to his homeland, was restored in the frames of the Soviet Army. In 1946, General Antyufeev was awarded the Order of Lenin. He resigned from the army in 1955 by illness.

But after all, the strange thing is the name of General Antyufeev, which preserved the faithfulness of the oath, is known only to lovers of military history, while everything knows about the general.

"His belief was not - was ambition"

So why did the Vlasov make the choice that did? Maybe, because in life most of all he loved fame and career growth. Suffering in captivity of the lifetime glory were not promised, not to mention comfort. And the Vlasov got up, as he thought on the side of strong.

Let us turn to the opinion of the person who knew Andrei Vlasov. Writer and journalist Ilya Erenburgi met with a general at the peak of his career, in the midst of a successful battle for him near Moscow. This is what I wrote about Vlasov Ehrenburg years later: "Of course, someone else's soul of dotmon; Yet I dare to set out my guesses. Vlasov is not brutged and not prince Kurbsky, it seems to me that everything was much easier. Vlasov wanted to fulfill the task assigned to him; He knew that Stalin congratulates him again, he would receive another order, raised, would hit everyone with his art to interrupt quotes from Marx Suvorov's additives. It turned out otherwise: the Germans were stronger, the army again fell into the environment. Vlasov, wanting to escape, changed clothes. Seeing the Germans, he was frightened: a simple soldier could finish off. Once in captivity, he began to think what to do. He knew the political admirement well, admired Stalin, but he had no belief - there was ambition. He understood his military career coincide. If the Soviet Union defees, it will deteriorate at best. So one thing remains: to accept the proposal of the Germans and do everything to defeat Germany. Then he will be the commander-in-chief or military minister of Russia of Russia under the patronage of the winning Hitler. Of course, the Vlasov never said to anyone, he stated on the radio that the Soviet system was long ago, he would like to "free Russia from the Bolsheviks," but he himself brought me a proverb: "With all Fedorca his excuses" ... Bad people There is everywhere, it does not depend on the political system, nor from education. "

General Vlasov was mistaken - betrayal did not led him again to the top. On August 1, 1946, in the courtyard of the Butyrsk prison, the title and awards Andrei Vlasov had been hanged for treason.